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The gif above has a part where the pic is getting rotated, so be aware not to get some headaches.

As I've said before, originally the pic had a tilted angle but then I continued working on it with a "fixed"(?) look and decided to keep it. Here's the sfm pic I used as a reference, and also for the first version of this project:

Maybe in 3D, it wouldda been better to have that tilted angle.. hm..

At one point in my working progress, I was making the lineart thicker and took screenshots to compare which version should I use. Originally I went with thin lines, and wanted to keep it, but some thicker lines here and there made the pic look better, especially when using for the outlines and I thought it made Venom look better. Here's the original look with only thin lines:

Here's the version with thicker lines:

Here's a version where only the outlines are thicker:

And I almost went with this, the only difference is that I kept Gwen's arms having thin lines at the final pic.. or more like I made those thicker lines transparent:

And just for the end of this post lemme show ya a site that kinda helped me with references. It has a bunch of poses for both male and female body and they are all showing how the muscles are built up/look like there (they are skinless). Might be useful later: link 



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