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Hi! This is just a minor update about what I've been up to. I'm on my 4th manga rewrite already - I'm gonna be rewriting one of the first manga in the publisher's new Girl's Love imprint, which is pretty neat. But again, its work that is hard to share. 

I've just finished a script rewrite for my own Miracle Paladin Remix comic for Slipshine (yes I renamed it), and will be finally sitting down to pencil those pages and sharing them here.

I did test pages for coloring another GN, so here's hoping that goes somewhere.

Also thanks to the rewrite freelance work and some other side jobs, I don't have to hustle so hard for side jobs, so I can focus more energy back on LMN and Starry Knight pages. The next Love Me Nice chapter is fully scripted, I just gotta put the time aside to pencil. Probably once I finish this Slipshine comic.

IN OTHER NEWS... after restructuring my Patreon's tiers, I have to go back to all my old posts and retag them. I did a little bit of post editing, but I really gotta sit down and re-tag EVERYTHING. My goal is to do that by Friday.

So apologies if you've wanted to read my old posts and couldn't, I'm gonna work on fixing that this week.


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