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So, I realized that due to my Twitter being setup to delete any tweet older than 3 months old, a LOT of my doodles and sketches just disapear. While I'm okay reposting them later, they don't really have a place in my portfiolio, and that seems like such a bummer for people who liked those comics/doodles and wanna see them again.

With that in mind I'm gonna start archiving these older doodles on the Patreon, so they're always *somewhere* if people really want them after my twitter gets a purge.

From here on out, each month I'm gonna archive the previous month's worth of public doodles/etc here, because while they're initially public, they eventually go POOF.

Here's the first collection, a bunch of Home-Bound/Porrima and the Loom on the Horizon (now getting a PatLotH tag, I'll go back in time to retag stuff soon) stuff that isn't on my Twitter feed anymore.



Yorick Fossil

I love how they look more like the animals they are in the zoomed out panel in the first comic. It's so expressive and cute and still really clear who's who.