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People who follow my twitter might remember my Peggy and Polly sketches and doodles. I've kinda wanted to make comics about them for awhile - less try-hard comics that are more doodly. And yesterday I said "fuck it" and sat down to just start it.

It's kind of a personal story where I fictionalize my own childhood and give it to characters who aren't me to like, work through stuff but also just get that shit off my chest. If that makes sense. I also think it'll be funny in later pages. I shared a script before that'll probably get drawn, too. But I thought this would be a better intro to the sisters.

ANYWAY, this is the bandaid being ripped off. I do not know if or when I'll continue or finish these pages but, progress is progress.



Yorick Fossil

The pacing on these is really amazing. The subject matter is obviously serious but the flow makes all the moments really land without getting bogged down. I know you said you're making these for personal reasons but they are also really beautiful. (And really capture that feeling of being a kid with an immature unpredictable parent) thank you for sharing these.