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All across the Universe

Nearly every last screen across Grim’s universe shows The Winter Wolf in his new form as he sends a massive wave of lunar ice of eternity outwards, flooding the abyss of darkness with pale blue light. Light that quickly begins to freeze everything in sight, even the darkness itself. Meanwhile the vast majority of the viewers watching let out cheers of excitement, regardless of whether or not they were fans of The Winter Wolf before now.

The ice and light quickly begins to fill the entire abyss around them, making ice cover everything in sight. But the devourer repeatedly smashes apart the ice that gets near him, only for more to appear again. Then it smashes the ice more, repeating the process over and over again.

To the surprise of nearly everyone watching the livestream, The Winter Wolf begins moving through the ice, his body having turned into lunar ice itself, allowing him to pass through the ice in the form of light. And when he reaches the devourer, he rushes forwards out of the ice and quickly turns back into his physical form before slamming his fist into the scales on its body. Only to transform back into lunar ice, rush back into the ice right when the devourer tries attacking him, and move around to a different location to attack, repeating the process.

The sight of a non-devourer taking a devourer on without being overwhelmed raises the cheers of the viewers. Because until now, there has never been a non-devourer that has been able to fight with a devourer, with the lone exception of Tiamat.

Within a spaceship floating above Aegis, the chaos dragon in question finishes burning the last of the technocrat officers within the ship as she watches the livestream, not paying the technocrats much mind despite killing them.

For the first time in what Tiamat thinks must be a decade, the corners of her lips quirk upwards.

Because she had never expected to meet someone other than The Reaper who could compare to her in strength. So her previous lack of interest in The Winter Wolf is no longer present. Instead she shows more than a little interest as she continues watching The Winter Wolf batter away at the devourer, slowly cracking its scales while only occasionally getting hit back in response.

No matter how many times he gets hit though, he always recovers near instantly, proving the healing powers of lunar ice to be stronger than his old ice’s healing capabilities.

Tiamat continues watching the screen even as she flies straight out of the ship through a wall before going to one of the other two newly arrived ships and breaks into it through its hull. Even as she begins walking around the hallways of the ship, casually tearing apart the technocrats with blades of random elements and occasionally grabbing a technocrat who tries to attack her by the throat before snapping their necks and tossing them away. Still without taking her gaze off of the screen.

“Perhaps…” she mutters while walking, only to go quiet when the devourer within the ice suddenly begins glowing with a pale black light, no doubt using a berserk skill as he smashes all of the ice with a massive shockwave, sending The Winter Wolf backwards. Then the devourer and The Winter Wolf both stop moving with several dozen meters between them, just staring.

Between the two, The Winter Wolf appears to be in better shape as the devourer is covered in chipped and cracked scales across its entire body. But Tiamat knows otherwise. She can see the exhaustion beginning to build up in his body, along with a lack of stamina. A lack that he only keeps maintained through drinking another stamina potion.

After a few seconds, the devourer states, “Have you ever wondered why I am trying to kill you?”

The Winter Wolf pauses as he was raising another stamina potion to his mouth. Then he lowers it slightly and answers, “Most likely because you were told you’d be set free if you killed me.”

“Not a bad guess,” the devourer states, his voice echoing throughout every livestream across the universe. “I was told that I’d be allowed to devour a chunk of the void realm and set free.”

Tiamat feels more than a little surprised by that revelation.

The void realm is The Reaper’s body after all. He actually told the devourer that the man would be able to eat part of his own body in exchange for winning.

Showing just how far The Reaper is willing to go for his entertainment.

“Now you know why I can’t lose,” the devourer states, his massive eyes narrowing slightly even as his thick black blood leaks between the cracked scales. “What about you? Why can’t you lose? I can tell you’re fighting for something. Tell me what it is.”

The Winter Wolf frowns and asks, “Why do you care?”

“Because you’re a pseudo progenitor and worthy of my interest,” the devourer answers without any hesitation, making the viewers all understand just what type of person he is.

Yet, they all also understand that he has the power to act that way.

A few seconds pass in silence before The Winter Wolf finally answers, “I just want to live and get out of this dungeon to help out my family.”

The devourer and even Tiamat frown at that, both able to tell that he’s not being honest. Or at least not completely honest.

“And?” the devourer prompts as The Winter Wolf downs a stamina potion, leaving the only sound on the livestream being his gulping it down.

After he finishes it, the bottle vanishes, turning into ice before fading away. Then he focuses on the devourer and says, “You’re certainly taking a large interest in this, aren’t you?” He wipes his face and shakes his head lightly. “It’s not really what I expected of you.”

The devourer begins moving slowly again, his eyes narrowing as his head raises. “I felt like getting to know the newest unique being in the universe before I finish this battle.”

Tiamat stops walking through the spaceship while focusing entirely on the livestream.

The Winter Wolf narrows his eyes with a pale blue light beginning to shine faintly from beneath his skin, his eyes shining brighter and brighter with each second.

“You really do have absolute confidence in yourself, don’t you?” The Winter Wolf says, the bright light growing brighter and brighter. “Fine then.” He spreads both of his clawed hands out to his sides as he starts floating upwards, closer to the image of the blue moon that is slowly starting to flicker. Almost like it was becoming a real moon instead of just an image. “Let’s see what really happens, shall we?”

“Awaken,” The Winter Wolf declares, his voice resonating throughout the entire universe through the livestream, making the lunar ice element all around the universe tremble with excitement as the blue moon finally fully materializes itself. Then he grins and adds, “I’ll be bringing her back and you’re just a single step on my long road to that end.”

Tiamat grins at the screen without saying a word, meanwhile the devourer’s eyes widen as he looks at the blue moon.

With real fear in his gaze.


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Jalil Hayes

He really done playing with him now


Completely forgot he was trying to bring someone back to life.