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As soon as I pull on that strange sensation I’ve felt brewing inside of me for the past ten minutes of the battle, I feel myself speaking without meaning to.

“Awaken,” my own voice resonates out from me. Then I decide to finish what I was saying to the devourer, “I’ll be bringing her back and you’re just a single step on my long road to that end.”

And the blue moon that is now floating above our heads fills me with a vigor I’ve never known before. One so powerful that I feel like I’m a god.

So this is what a domain feels like…

Everything around us begins to freeze as the black abyss instead turns into a frozen abyss filled with a beautiful pale blue light. Filled to the brim with my beautiful element.

The devourer lets out a loud roar. One tinged with real fear. Something I haven’t seen or heard from it since I first saw the thing.

And the sight of that fear has the corner of my lips quirking upwards slightly.

Then I calmly state, “Devour him.”

In a single instant, the beautiful ice and pale blue light freezes before rushing towards the devourer, covering his entire body and freezing him alive before hints of a very strange but still beautiful – to me at least – black light shines from the very center of the ice. A black light still tinted with pale blue.

One that gives the sense of emptiness and an all-devouring maw.

The devourer attempts to break out of the ice, and he manages to shatter it a few times with only small parts of his body freezing solid during the process. But eventually my ice manages to stop him entirely.

I look at the System menu that appeared in the corner of my mind as soon as I spoke the first word with my domain. A menu that I had simply ignored since I knew exactly what it said just from instinct.


Elemental Domain

Frigid Moon of Endless Ice

The elemental domain belonging to the pseudo progenitor of the Lunar Ice element, The Winter Wolf.

Under the hungry light of the Frigid Moon, the Lunar Ice of Eternity grows darker, feeding on all those who trespass on the Wolf’s domain without permission.

Those devoured by the ice forged by the lunar light shall be used to empower the Wolf.

And those who enter with the Wolf’s blessing shall find solace within the icy light of the Frigid Moon.

As a pseudo progenitor you may only use your domain for five minutes every month.
You shall also suffer backlash from the use of a domain as a pseudo progenitor.


My domain. And the reason I’m only a pseudo progenitor.

Other progenitors all are made entirely of their domain. It’s their own body and is always active.

I don’t have the power to back my domain, and I haven’t fully manifested it. Only partially manifested it.

These instincts are rather nice. Especially considering that no one’s taught me anything about this new change.

There’s still a lot I don’t know about though.

Like how exactly I can fully manifest my domain and become a full progenitor.

Doesn’t matter right now though. Not as I look at the slowly freezing devourer whose gaze is finally looking at me with respect. Then the frozen parts of their body slowly turn from pale blue ice to pale blue and black ice before fading away with a blackish-blue energy moving from the ice to the pale blue moon. Only for the energy to then move towards me, entering my body and giving me a welcome notification after several seconds pass.

The void aspect of my element.

A part of it that only I’m able to use since there was so little of it.

The ability to devour other beings and absorb their life force, just like the devourers.

Just too bad that I can only use it with my domain.

I watch indifferently as the devourer slowly fades away, all of its body turning into blackish-blue ice and vanishing. All while one notification after another appears, my level continuously rising every few seconds. Most likely due to all of the life force the devourer had absorbed from this floor.

The devourer finally finishes fading away, leaving me at level 3142 just seconds before my domain de-manifests itself, returning to just an image of a pale blue moon instead of a real one.

I stare at where the devourer was only to finally let out a breath, feeling my strength completely leaving me as I lose any ability to float in the air, the backlash from using my domain as just a pseudo progenitor being quite a bit worse than I was expecting.

Despite feeling no strength in my body, I can’t help but notice the pale blue light running through the lines on my body slowly fading to a black shade instead. And aside from that, I also feel my control over my own element decrease to around the same if not slightly lower than my old control over my old element.

Damn, this doesn’t feel good.

If it weren’t for the fact that I’m floating in the middle of an abyss with nothing but lunar ice element, chunks of ice, a large door, and a large chest, I’d probably collapse onto the ground, unable to move.

Oh, wait, door?

I blink, trying hard to turn my eyes back towards the door that I had seen. Which proves hard since I’m unable to move even a single muscle right now and am currently just kinda floating in the abyss.

Oh, right. Event boss chest.


Forgot that was a thing.

A clicking sound echoes in my head before I feel my bond with Sapphire reopening again.


It only takes a single second for Sapphire to appear from my shadow, traveling through our bond to return to the dungeon.

And she… really doesn’t look happy.

At least I can’t talk right now.


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You are now level 3002!


Jalil Hayes

Time to face Sapphire this won't be pretty