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From now on I'm no longer using pdf documents since they can't be stolen and reposted on pirate scraper sites. So, just like what I'm doing for Crimson Eternal, click here to find the glossary on a google doc.

PS: Yes, I know they can copy the link. But I can just delete the document when I go to post things to Amazon, making it so that people on those pirating sites who were using that link don't have anywhere to go to from it. And yes, I also know this was copy pasted from the Reaper's Resurgence glossary I just posted. :P

This part isn't copy pasted though.

I have finals over the next few days, so I may end up missing chapters. Like today's.

Additionally, I also have to finish The Rise of the Winter Wolf book 5 ASAP since the deadline to finish that is quickly approaching. So I'll be prioritizing that story over my others. But don't worry, I'm just about done with book 5 of it. So that won't last long. Probably just a few more chapters and it'll be done and I can send the rest of it off to my proofreader.

This current skills list actually has Princess's Decree updated btw >.>


For those of you who are reading this on a website that is not Patreon, please stop. You're reading a pirated version. Instead, if you would be so kind, please click on the table of contents link below and go to my Patreon instead. Or even read it off of Royal Road, which is free.

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Thanks for the skill list and still such a shame people keep pirating your stories