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I find it more than a little amusing to see the horror on Satan’s face at my answer, the man obviously not having expected me to actually accept the offer. But then again, I guess that’s normal considering I’m a Class IV against a Class V.

They seem to be underestimating just how much stronger I’ve gotten though.

All of my legendary skills have significantly climbed in level, even if none of the purchased ones are anywhere near max level unlike the inherent and achievement-locked ones. And what matters the most in battle aren’t levels or even Classes.

It’s skills.

Just that no one, not even the Demon King, ever had powerful enough skills to challenge Class V at Class IV.

But no one ever had Apex Predator and an entire lineup of thirteen legendary skills at levels as high as I have. Nor did they have a freehand skill like Blood Manipulation, or an Elemental Shifting skill like Blood Transformation.

“You have…” Tar mutters, reminding me that our bond reaffirmed as his conflicting sounding voice echoes in my head.

Don’t worry Tar, I’m not being reckless. I know exactly what I’m doing.

Just to sate some of his worry, I open my status for him to see. And he immediately freezes and gapes at it when he does.

Also, I unlocked another mythic skill, but this one isn’t a Title-Bearing one.

Tar stays frozen for a while as Satan snaps out of his stupor and exclaims, “Are you serious?! I won’t be assisting you, even if you die!”

I nod my head in response with a smile, answering rather simply, “I know.”

Satan grits his teeth with a look of panic on his face, but he doesn’t say anything else. Probably because he knows he can’t really say anything else.

I’m betting he made this challenge thinking I wouldn’t accept it since I could actually die from it, leaving me stuck to watch as he finishes off the Knights and captures humanity as a whole. But now he probably thinks I’m gonna end up dying here because of a challenge he made.

Sorry but also not sorry.

I glance at Amelia before looking at Tar. Then I focus on the sounds of the remaining screams I hear all around the continent despite the fighting having halted upon Satan’s challenge.

He deserves more than just being afraid of accidentally leading his own Princess to her death.

Several awkward seconds pass as Tar begins clinging onto my neck, having landed on my shoulder. But no one says anything during that time. Not even Tar. He just clings onto me like his life depended on it.

Poor guy.

I stroke his fur, making him tense up for a second before relaxing.

Eventually Satan starts speaking again, albeit through gritted teeth and with what sounds like more than a little difficulty, “What level Noble do you wish to fight.”

It didn’t take me long to do the math, and I’ll have an easier time against a demon at level 1086 than I would a demon at level 1001 simply due to Apex Predator giving me a +100% stat boost against the level 1086 rather than the +50% boost against a level 1001.

So with that in mind, I answer with a rather sinister smile, “Give me a demon at least at level 1086.”

“Scarlet!!!” I hear Amelia shout along with Black. Even Purple raises her voice, which is more than a little surprising.

Meanwhile Satan gets a dead look in his eyes.

Serves him right.

He doesn’t even try to convince me otherwise this time as he snaps his fingers, following which several seconds pass in silence. Then a blazing black and red fireball appears over the horizon and quickly arrives, revealing a Noble demon I really wasn’t expecting. Almost as if he’s trying to make things easier for me.

|Atropa gel’Drana – Nightshade – Level 1089|

The demon that he reveals is a few levels higher than I stated but still close enough that I don’t care. It’s probably because there wasn’t a demon exactly at level 1086 within the army or something, so there’s no use mentioning it. But the demon in question is actually a summoner demon.

I smirk.

He’s trying to help me out now just to save both his life and my own. Since if it’s a summoner, then I can build up Blood Thirst stacks. Stacks that are far more powerful now than they were before thanks to the level being twice the level it was before.

With those stacks along with the +100% boost from Apex Predator I could actually match the Class V in stats, albeit only barely.

“No! I won’t let this happen!” I hear Amelia shout, only for some sort of muzzle made out of hellfire to appear around her mouth. One that she repeatedly nullifies only for him to reapply it without trouble.

I don’t stop him from doing it either, since it won’t be very fun to fight while she’s constantly trying to shout at me despite being too weak right now to do anything.

“Don’t die,” Tar mutters, sounding afraid but somehow still certain that I’ll win. Because I know he’d be literally tearing at me with tooth and nail until he dragged me away if he thought I’d lose.

Don’t worry, I’m not gonna lose this fight.

“Are both fighters ready?” Satan states, only for the nightshade Noble to immediately shake his head and look like he wants to leave. But just seconds later, without Satan even saying anything, his eyes start flashing with a bright red light, the black ghostly creature that looks almost like a black shadow having its Sin of Pride challenged.

Makes sense. My Sin of Pride would likely go crazy at the mere idea of running from someone at a lower Class than me, even if I knew rationally that I’d die if I didn’t.

Eventually the shadowy creature lets out a roar, its mouth opening to reveal sharp, black teeth, and Satan declares, “Then this will be a fight to the death between the Princess of the Demons and the Baroness Atropa gel’Drana!” He then drops his arm, shouting, “Begin!”

Without a hint of hesitation, the two of us rush straight at each other.

And the real most difficult battle of my life – not that mockery of a battle against the lunatic – begins in earnest.

A battle that will decide the fate of humanity.


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For those of you who can't view the image:

Name: Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron

Human/Blood Lycan Hybrid

Magic: Blood


The Apex Predator

Age: 21

Level: 986

SP: 135


Physical: 2,994

Mental: 2,993

Magical: 2,993

Physical/Level: 2

Mental/Level: 1

Magical/Level: 2

Free Points: 0

Mana: 13,884,975.95/ 13,884,975.95

Free Points/Level: 5

Active Skills:

Pain Diffusion

Skill Level: 30


Null Magic Field

Skill Level: 27


Blood of Ruin

Skill Level: 25


Blood Nullification

Skill Level: 19


Rain of Blood

Skill Level: 17


Blood Transformation

Skill Level: 10


Metallicized Blood

Skill Level: 30


Blood Empowerment

Skill Level: 26


Blood Swarm

Skill Level: 15


Beast Transformation

Skill Level Static


Metallicized Blood Claws

Skill Level: 30


Life Absorption

Skill Level: 30


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Pull

Skill Level: 30


Blood Chains

Skill Level: 30


Blood Diffusion

Skill Level: 30


Gradual Corruption   Nullification

Skill Level: 30


Blood Plague

Skill Level: 30


Crimson Overdrive

Skill Level: 30


Blood Shadow

Skill Level: 20


Blood Retribution

Skill Level: 20


Blood Armor

Skill Level: 10


Blood Manifestation

Skill Level: 10


Blood Sacrifice

Skill Level: 10


Blood Boil

Skill Level: 10


Blood Bank

Skill Level: 10


Passive Skills:

Blood Regeneration

Skill Level: 30


Blood Manipulation

Skill Level: 10


Blood Aura

Skill Level: Static


Blood Absorption

Skill Level: Static


Sanguine Effect

Skill Level: Static


Life Sense

Skill Level: 30


Apex Predator

Skill Level: Static


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 30


Bloody Thorns

Skill Level: 30




Thanks for the chapter!

Joker Nijima

Thanks for the chapter!


I 'HOPE' its a good fight. TYFTC

Tanner Hinze

The general of an opposing faction challenged the princess of pride to a duel, During the time she had the least control of herself, knowing full well this princess is unreasonably unpredictably strong, and he still had the nerve to act surprised when she accepted. I get the feeling that’s not the last time he’ll be surprised tonight.


Not sure what you mean about 'the least control of herself'. She has more control of herself right now that she has ever had before thanks to fighting off the Sin of Pride for so long.

Tanner Hinze

Unless I read it completely wrong, the demon moon makes the sins hold stronger?


You did read it wrong. It said that following a Sin makes them stronger. It never said that the Sin itself was stronger or weaker.