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My battle with the giant flaming bag of bones lasts for a lot longer than I originally expected. Mostly because the skeleton is immune to my ice thanks to its flames, and the flames themselves actually hurt.

But despite that, the flames can only deal real damage to me after a long exposure time. And throughout our battle, I never give the skeleton time to actually hurt me with its flames. Meanwhile it’s physical strength being far higher than mine doesn’t matter considering its rather slow speed.

In the end the battle comes down to a stamina bout. One where I have to quickly rush in and punch the thing before backing away to avoid extended exposure to the flames over and over again.

The only reason it actually works is because of how slow the skeleton is. And the fact that the skeleton kinda turned its army of healing nutrients called skeletons into barbecued bone.

I grunt as I flap my wings one last time, sending me straight into the skull of the flaming skeleton breaking inside through the already severely cracked bone. The rest of the skull then crumbles apart and I get several level-up notifications before I stretch a little and begin slowly floating down towards the ground. After leaving the remains of the skull, that is.

When I start walking over to the loot box though, I feel the little pocket of my coat buzzing as I receive a call from Diane – a feature that apparently wasn’t important enough to the System to mention.

The feature’s come in handy since finding out about what SP really is, since we want to avoid the others using SP if they can. So being able to talk without using SP is rather important for the others.

It’s fine for me though since I am not affected by Voided Karma.

I tap on the crest on the right chest of the coat as I walk towards the boss’s loot box. And almost immediately Diane’s voice echoes out of it, “Wolf, would you mind using that new item of yours and coming to Aegis with your projection for a meeting? There’s someone I think you should meet.”

That has me frowning.

Someone I should meet?

“Who is it?” I ask as I reach out and touch the boss’s chest, only for me to raise a brow when a large bone appears above it. One that has a rather… bizarre item description.

Flaming Bone of the Titan | Item | Tier 7
This item can absorb a large amount of flame before exploding.
It can also be used as a chew toy for hound-type skeletons.

A… chew toy?

“I think it would be better for you to see them instead of me just telling you,” Diane says, but I just keep staring at the chew toy. Until she says, “I can see you ya know. Please answer.”

“If you think I need to meet him, then fine,” I answer before finally putting the chew toy in my spatial storage. Because an item like that might actually come in rather useful one of these days. An item that can absorb flame, even if it seems to be just a one time use thing. And I’ll have to toss it before it goes boom.

Anyways, I begin walking away from the exit as I summon my portable system store and say, “You better be ready to pick me up.”

Considering that this conversation doesn’t have the privacy that a System Call would have since it’s not linked to my headphones, everyone watching the livestream can hear. Meaning they’ll know that I’ll be heading to Aegis in my projection.

“Don’t worry, we have things handled,” she says, making my frown that had just faded return with a vengeance.

I don’t like the sound of that.

A few seconds pass in silence as I hesitate before she says, “Come on! Hurry up!”

Don’t like the sound of that either. But I place the pad on the ground and step on it anyways, thinking of the forest outside of Aegis. The same one that I sent Sapphire to.

At least this lets me test out the item’s projection, since I haven’t had a need to use the projection feature until now.

The devise begins to flash for several seconds before I find my vision splitting somehow. As if most of my perception is leaving my body except for a small bit of instincts that make me aware of everything around my physical body even if I’m not there.

An odd feeling to say the least.

Not as odd as the sight that I see when I arrive on Aegis in my projection though.

I blink as I find a few dozen werewolves in their hunter forms all kneeling around me with several dozen more holding off thousands of people and blocking them from approaching.

Uh… the hell is this?

I quickly raise the soundproofing on my headphones at the rather loud roar the… I’ll just say zealous fans are making at my arrival. But soon enough I find dome of darkness appearing around me and the werewolves around me before it engulfs us and I find myself soon reappearing somewhere else. Probably to the dissatisfaction of those fans, but I don’t really care about that.

She wanted me here, she can deal with it.

The room I find myself in now looks like a rather fancy office with a few crystals of ice used as decorations in it. And I’m not the only one here as Diane is here too, along with a young looking man with a pale complexion and sickly glowing green eyes and green hair.

A man I recognize from my research into other harbingers in our universe.

Unexpected. Very unexpected.

Didn’t think the person Diane wanted me to meet would be Pestilence.

I do wonder what the strongest assassin in the universe wants with me though.

Probably won’t take long to find out.


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Typos (2) & a Suggestion Typo 1: The devise begins to flash … … should be: The *device* begins to flash … Typo 2: But soon enough I find dome of darkness … … appears to be missing an article: But soon enough I find *a* dome of darkness … Suggestion: In that sentence, you can omit a prepositional phrase: […] dome of darkness appearing around me and the werewolves around me before it engulfs … […] dome of darkness appearing around me and the werewolves *** before it engulfs … … I think it's safe to presume the reader remembers that the werewolves are formed up in a circle around Wolf's projection. Not to mention that it feels really cumbersome to have that prepositional phrase repeated (especially since I think it's not absolutely necessary).