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Both of the classes listed below are epic by the way. Once again Patreon doesn't allow colored text.



During the silence I take the time to identify the people on the level directly beneath me.

{Varsac Varal – Species: Giant – Class: Archal Dreamer – Level 129}

{Harold Sinclair – Class: Elemental Warlock – Level 118}

Neither of them look too pleased to see me at first, but then they both look resigned. As if they’re trying to figure out the benefits of me being here along with how to use this.

Which goes to show their intelligence at least. Not much they can do against me after all.

The giant is standing at about three meters in height right in front of an equally large seat, but otherwise looks human if you don’t count his size. He has long black hair and irises so dark they almost look black and he’s wearing a rather large set of brown and gray armor that exposes his forearms and calves.

On the other hand, Harold Sinclair has the same silver hair and eyes as his daughter and son and is wearing some sort of silver armor with half a cape that matches his eyes and hair.

I look around a bit before finding a certain hellfrost dragon on the second level of the room, and he nods his head at me immediately, completely ignoring everyone around him sending the man terrified looks. And the sight almost makes me snort in amusement.

The silence fills the room for a few more seconds before Varsac clears his throat and raises his voice for everyone in the room to hear, “Many of you have already received my delegates by now, so I ask for your answer!”

Looks like he’s getting right down to business, but before any of his supporters can say anything, Harold raises his own voice, “There is no need, Varsac. We both know that I won’t let you claim that seat so give it up.”

Silence fills the hall as tension builds up between the two former kings, only for it to be broken by the sound of one of the people on the second level shouting, “I support His Majesty Varsac for the position of Dimensional Leader!” And not long after that, more shouts begin to arise from the Authority holders, each declaring their own support for him. But mixed amongst them are also people declaring their own candidacy for the position.

I rest my cheek against my hand, my elbow on the throne in my boredom.

Politics was never my thing.

Out of nowhere, a shout echoes out over the other voices, bringing my gaze back to Varsac as he says, “How about we get the opinion of our Block’s illustrious Reaper!!”

I raise a brow at that, still sitting in a bored posture. But his shout works and silences everyone, making thousands of gazes turn towards me from all of the Authority holders and their advisers.

Seriously? He’s dragging me into this?

“What do you think about this election, Reaper?” Varsac repeats, his eyes locked onto mine.

Yep. He’s dragging me into this.

I frown amidst the silence, not caring much about the stares of everyone in the room before I glance at the very bottom layer where Alara and the others are. And I know for a fact Alara won’t be getting elected even if I openly asked people to. Because fear only works to a certain degree and isn’t really something I should rely on. Yet.

Brute force is always a nice fix to a problem when you can use it.

“I’m staying out of this,” I declare, my voice echoing throughout the room. “Know this, however.” I nod my head in the direction of Alara and the others. “Alara Blake and the Retreat are under my protection. If anyone chooses to threaten them, then I won’t be merciful.”

Whispers immediately break out amongst the Authority holders and their advisors with more than a few looks being sent towards Alara after my announcement of her name and the name of the base she made shortly before we got here. Although more of them seem to end up landing on my sister than her for obvious reasons. But then, out of nowhere, a bunch of the whispers begin to cut off as if everyone started going silent.

I frown at that before noticing an icon that wasn’t there before on the corner of my interface.

A mute button.

Guess the booths are soundproof if you want them to be.

On that note, I glance down at Ethan again, finding him to be in a rather similar position as me, showing just how little interest he has in this. In fact, he looks like he just wants to leave. Or walk up and talk to me, judging by the look he’s sending me.

I smirk slightly at that before focusing on Varsac again as the man bows his head slightly and says, “We will keep that in mind, Lady Reaper.” He then turns back to the others and the debate rages on once more.

But most of it is a formality at this point. Varsac came prepared, gathering supporters prior to the Council meeting, and while Harold did do the same, he only has a fourth of the followers. Probably because he’s not as well known.

I’m still rather surprised the two of them managed to get to Authority Level 3 though.

Considering that they should’ve only been given a maximum of Level 1 Authority from the Tutorial Leaderboards, and the Shards only give one level as well, they have to have found a different way to gain Authority aside from those two to reach Level 3. A way I’m likely gonna have to figure out on my own considering their response.

Anyways, I have Authority Level 4, so I have ten votes for the council. So I’ll just dump those all on Alara.

I almost yawn as I continue watching them all argue throughout the remaining time of the hour. And once the countdown timer reaches zero, silence fills the room and another notification appears before us all.

Without hesitation, I cast my votes for Alara.

Not that it’ll matter in the end.


Before you say anything, everyone in the room doesn't automatically know who Alara is. They looked at her because Lexi was looking in that direction and they just followed her gaze to then find her sister before identifying Alara.


For those of you who are reading this on a website that is not Patreon, please stop. You're reading a pirated version. Instead, if you would be so kind, please click on the table of contents link below and go to my Patreon instead. Or even read it off of Royal Road, which is free.

Discord Invite

Table of Contents

For those of you who can't view the image:

The given hour has come to a close. Please cast your votes by telling   the System the name of the user you wish to vote for, how many votes you wish   to cast on them, and visualizing an image in your mind or thinking about a   memory of the user to confirm their unique identity.



Alara is gonna bairly won or something isn't she?


No. Why would she? She literally has no support other than Lexi who didn't threaten anyone into voting for her since she doesn't care and wouldn't do that anyways.

Kristeen Livesay

It’s more a show of support than anything. She might get Ethan’s votes as well but again that’s just a show of support when it’s impossible for her to win.


Thanks for the chapter!

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.