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                            A Cliff Located Hundreds of Meters Away
                                     Year 2849 | Month 2 | Day 1

Frost immediately collapses to the ground in exhaustion along with the several other magicians around them, the only one amongst them able to continue standing being the teleportation magician in charge of the Interconnection. And out of the corner of his eye, he sees that very magician moving around to mess with the devices around them, turning them all on to show a zoomed out video feed of the cave from far outside of the massive tornado.

After a few seconds, Frost manages to regain enough strength to at least move himself into a position on the ground that lets him clearly watch the video. And the other magicians all do the same, each having signed a binding magical contract agreeing to a temporary non-aggression pact during this assault so that they wouldn’t just take advantage of the others’ weakness to kill them.

And what they all see has them both in awe and relaxing ever so slightly. Because the screen shows a massive tornado – one that they can actually see from here even without the screen – focused on a single spot so much that it isn’t even damaging the rest of the surroundings anymore. Not after it focused in on the Undying Magician at least.

What has them all relaxing though isn’t the sight of the enormous tornado filled with various different dangerous elements. It’s the sight of the Undying Magician being attacked by so many different spells amidst the tornado from so many different elements that his entire body is beginning to disintegrate, not even getting the chance to heal from it.

“We did it…” Frost mutters with his exhaustion clear in his tone. And all of the other magicians nod their heads while showing relief on their faces.

None of them say anything else as they simply watch the tornado continue to tear the magician apart until there is absolutely nothing left of him. And even then, the Tier IV spell, which at this point is bordering on the level of a Tier VIII spell instead continues to grow, slowly starting to expand to turn the forest around the cave into a wasteland.

Frost’s eyes narrow for a moment as he realizes that the refugees are perfectly safe from the spell thanks to being underground in the cave. But he shakes his head a second later.

No need to kill them. Better to just let them stay there and serve as a reminder to the other cities and rogue magicians after we loot the Undying Magician’s equipment.

On that thought though, Frost can’t help but glance at the others.

But who will be getting what? We never did agree on that.

“I vote we leave the Undying Magician’s belongings untouched for two days’ time while we all recover and then decide on what to do with it then,” Archon suddenly speaks, making Frost realize that he wasn’t the only person thinking about that particular subject. And soon enough, everyone agrees. Even the teleportation affinity magician, who is still almost peak condition.

Probably agreed because he doesn’t want all of our cities to attack his. Especially since his affinity isn’t directly combat related, even if he can use it in combat.

Without any hesitation, everyone begins to negotiate amongst themselves, trying to get the best benefits from this assault. And throughout this, no one pays anymore attention to the screen. No one but Frost, whose eyes are practically glued to it as he continues watching just to make sure the Undying Magician is actually dead.

The number of times my men have thought him to be dead only to realize just how wrong they were have been too great to count. I will not let my guard down like they did.

Seconds pass, then minutes, and eventually the others finally notice his absence from their conversation.

“He’s dead, Frost,” Archon says, enough time having passed by now for the magician to climb to his feet and move over to Frost, who is also now standing again. But Frost just frowns and says, “I sure hope so.”

Archon just shakes his head and focuses on the screen himself, finding the massive tornado of ice, wind, and lightning still raging on, although with less strength than before. Time then continues to pass until Archon asks, “So how long is this spell supposed to run anyways?”

Frost’s frown grows deeper as he answers, “I set it to last for ten minutes because of his supposed weakness to prolonged damage. But the worst of it should already be over.”

The other magician nods his head at that, and they continue staring until the tornado finally begins to die down, leaving nothing behind but a sword and a magical storage device that managed to survive the spell somehow.

After several seconds of silence, the other magicians having turned to focus on the screen as well, each of them climbing to their feet as well, Frost’s frown finally begins to face.

It looks like he really is dead then. That’s good.

“This is what happens when a magician with a unique constitution or magic gets too arrogant,” Archon says, and Frost can’t help but nod his head at that.

He certainly makes a good example of what not to follow.

“Still…” Archon mutters, a frown of his own appearing. “I wish I could’ve studied him to find how he messed with his aging process.”

Frost and all of the other magicians nod in agreement with that, some of them voicing theirs along with the nod.

Everyone continues staring at the screen for a few more seconds before half of the magicians begin to return to their negotiating. And right when Frost is about to join them, he freezes.

“What the…” he mutters, catching the others’ attention as he sees a small orb of blue and purple mana suddenly appear where the Undying Magician was previously standing. But when they all turn their focus back to the screen, the orb begins to stretch out before forming what looks like a blue and purple skeleton made purely out of mana.

All of the gathered magicians’ eyes widen in shock and fear as they all then watch the mana slowly turn into an actual skeleton, following which flesh and blood begin to form around it, slowly filling the shape of a human body.

“No… it can’t be!” Frost shouts, but despite his disbelief, the Undying Magician fully reforms without a shred of his previous armor or clothes standing in the middle of the clearing now covered in ice, burn marks, and various cut up trees with a look of pure anger on his face.


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Thanks for the chapter! I NEED more!