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“You have to admit, that was pretty amusing,” Tar says as I tear through the low level demons on the way to the core of the Fracture I’m in, the tanuki still sounding amused by how the Demonic Assault started the moment Scott started speaking to open the Class I Solo Primaries. Right after we had all finished gathering in the black stone field of the stadium before millions of people. Just the moment he opened his mouth and started speaking, everyone was instantly kicked out of the magical reality due to the Demonic Assault.

The timing was rather unfortunate for the poor guy.

I don’t particularly mind the timing though, since it gives me the chance to maybe reach the cap level of Class I. Since I can just reach the border between level 100 and level 101 and choose to delay my ascension to Class II till after the Primary tournament.

Something I didn’t realize was possible till Tar mentioned it.

I let out a sigh as I slaughter the zombies around another group of people before opening my terminal and directing them through the map of the large gaming arcade we’re in located on my terminal to where Michael is for healing of their infected. Then I continue straight towards the core because that is more important right now than directly escorting them. After all, if I get rid of the core, the other demons will be killed and any infected humans that have been infected for less than an hour will be cured.

A rather convenient method to cure people.

It’s unfortunate that it’s not possible for anyone to cure an infected zombie if it’s been over an hour since they were infected though.

I continue running straight through the halls until I find a large open room with dozens of broken arcade machines scattered around it and four knights located closer to the center of the room, along with a captain near them.

First time I’ve gotten to a core before anyone else since that first time. Probably because it was at the start of the first Primary tournament.

Without an ounce of hesitation, I rush through the room while using blood boil and life drain on every demon that gets near me, along with blood manifestation to create blood weapons all around me that I use to cut apart the demons. And throughout the process, my stacks of blood thirst continue growing more and more until I arrive at the captain who turns to me with a frightened look on his face. One that doesn’t last long before his eyes narrow and the salamander tries to blow fire from its mouth directly at me. Fire that I block by raising my shifted arm in front of my face, letting it go through some of the blood in my blood claws.

Such a weak and inferior demon…

I blink at the thought only to shake my head and push on, eventually taking the demon captain down after trading several blows with it. Then I move on to the core, which is surrounded by four knights. Knights that are all thirty or so levels beneath me, making them easy targets.

After dealing with them, I grab and crush the core, ending the Fracture and making the red tint in the air vanish without a trace along with all of the many demon corpses around me.

“Whew,” I mutter while wiping some sweat from my brow, only to remember my clean skill and use it before letting my System messages flow. And fortunately the System just straight up speeds through all of my kills, with only the actual levels and achievements being mentioned at a regular pace.

Because that would be way too many kills for me to want to read.

{Congrats, you have leveled up to level 100. Two Free Points have been awarded to you and your stats have been updated.}

{Congrats, you have leveled up to- Level up canceled due to you being at the cap of Class I. Please ascend to Class II. To do so you must find and absorb a Class I catalyst.}

{Twenty five Skill Points are awarded for reaching the max level for Class I.}

{One Skill Point is awarded for killing a demon.}

[Skill ‘Blood Claws’ has leveled up to level 15.]

[Skill ‘Life Drain’ has leveled up to level 15.]

{Congrats, you have reached the peak of Class I and have absorbed a Class I catalyst. Do you wish to ascend to Class II now or later?}

“No,” I answer out loud.

{Simply tell the System whenever you are ready to climb further up the path of ascension.}

Oh, right. I almost forgot that the system calls the Class-based system it uses the ‘Path of Ascension.’

Anyways, it looks like I leveled both blood claws and life drain as well. Which is a very nice plus for this trip.

I quickly open my status to see what it looks like at level 100.


I focus on the descriptions for Blood Claws and Life Drain now that they’re at level 15.

{Blood Claws - Allows the user to coat their hands and feet with claws of blood. The blood used in the skill is either created through the user’s mana, drained from the body of whatever the user has their claws in, or drawn from the user’s body if they are out of mana.}

{Life Drain - Allows the user to drain the life energy of nearby creatures into themselves and others, healing them in the process. Costs mana to use. Life energy drained can be directed to a particular area of the user’s body to speed up healing there.}

My eyes widen at seeing the differences in both skills.

Heck yeah! I can finally use blood claws on my feet! That was really bothering me that I was limited to using it with my hands!

And the whole ‘directing life energy to a certain area on my body’ thing is basically just giving me a healing power. Especially since I can use it on others too.

So now I’m not just limited to absorbing the life energy and having it go throughout my whole body and slowly healing everything. Can just skip that and heal a certain area instead.

These are some very nice upgrades to have right before starting the Primary tournament!

I can’t help the smile that covers my face as I happily hum Cynthia’s lullaby while heading back to go meet up with the others again.


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For those of you who can't view the image:

Name: Scarlet Asger

Human/Blood Lycan Hybrid

Magic: Blood

Age: 19

Level: 100

SP: 3


Physical: 243

Mental: 242

Magical: 241

Physical/Level: 2

Mental/Level: 1

Magical/Level: 2

Free Points: 0

Mana: 26012/29161

Free Points/Level: 2

Active Skills:

Pain Diffusion

Skill Level: 4


Blood Claws

Skill Level: 15


Blood Siphon

Skill Level: 14


Life Drain

Skill Level: 15


Partial Shift

Skill Level: Static


Blood Diffusion

Skill Level: 10


Blood Shadow

Skill Level: 6


Blood Retribution

Skill Level: 5


Blood Armor

Skill Level: 6


Blood Manifestation

Skill Level: 7


Blood Sacrifice

Skill Level: 10


Blood Boil

Skill Level: 10


Blood Bank

Skill Level: 5



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static



Skill Level: Static


Passive Skills:

Blood Regeneration

Skill Level: 9


Blood Thirst

Skill Level: 7


Predator V

Skill Level: Static




I wonder if certain guardians have their own theme song. Wouldn't surprise me. That lullaby would be scarlet's lol.

Thomas Stewart

She likes the lullaby in her real life, but if you get to pick your own entrance theme, you pick something badass like Heather Alexander's "March of Cambreadth". (You really can't go wrong with a tune where "How Many of Them Can We Make Die!" is the refrain.) Picking a lullaby gets you goth nicknames from the Hot Topic crowd. ;)


Why is the SP only 3 when she got 26 SP for reaching max level of class I and killing the captain?


Might want to be careful about this line: " system it uses the ‘Path of Ascension.’ ". It sounds very much like the title of C_Mantis' series. (Edit due to website not allowing newlines on phone)


Also missing the two free points for leveling up. Did she absorb the core again or did it just dissolve?


I've fixed the SP, but she isn't missing free points. She already allocated those. And the core dissolved. It was mentioned before that they can only absorb one, and they can't collect cores because they will just vanish if the one who destroys it already has on absorbed.


Not the first time I've used that line in this book or another book. But just in case, I changed it to Passage instead of Path.

Kristeen Livesay

Join me tail cult an hope our prayers will be answered in the coming class up!


While it would probably be sketchy I wonder if there's any provision against classing up during the tournament. She could do a mid battle anime power-up in the final.


It was already mentioned in the tournament that she'd be disqualified if she did that.


Dang, will just have to wait for another opportunity for "this isn't even my final form"


Lol that’d be funny, but it’s probably more likely that she’ll have to take a nap or something so that the changes can take place