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And we're very nearly finishing up book 2 of The Undying Magician :)


                                              Year 2849 | Month 2 | Day 1
Right when the attack hit

For the first time in who knows how long that I’ve gotten an injury from something that wasn’t my own messing around with my time and space mana, I feel enough pain that I can’t help but scream. And it only gets worse as everything completely blacks out. All of my senses, everything. Just gone.

Eventually I can’t even feel anything. Everything just goes dark, with the only thing to accompany being my thoughts with a strange phantom pain that stretches on for what seems like eternity.

The only thing I can feel right now is anger. Anger at myself for deciding to use this as an experiment. Anger at them for constantly bothering me with no other reason than their petty thievery and jealousy of power. And anger directed towards magicians in general.

At this whole fucking world.

The phantom pain continues on for who knows how long. It just feels like something is both tearing me apart and repairing me at equal speeds. And the longer it lasts, the longer I wonder if it will ever end.

But it does end. And it does so abruptly, first by letting me feel real pain from all over my body that has me screaming again. Or trying to scream, as I can clearly feel my mouth opening, but no words come out. And I can’t hear anything either, or smell, or anything.

This only lasts for a couple seconds though as soon enough my senses all return to me and I find myself standing on wobbling legs in the middle of a clearing straight out of some sort of frozen hellish battlefield. Without any clothes on.

I scowl in the direction where I can detect a faint scent of the magicians. Their little base camp that I knew about a while ago but didn’t attack to save their soldiers from slaughter when I could just kill them now.

A decision I deeply regret.

Even if this experience taught me something, assuming that what I’m guessing happened really happened.

It truly is impossible to kill me.

I’m pretty sure I was completely erased by that attack, and that was where that endless void of darkness was. But despite that, I’m still standing here who knows how long later without a scratch. Or clothes.

On that note, I look around for anything that may have survived the spell before finding my magical storage device along with my sword still safe.


I grab the storage device before pulling out some regular clothes that I had purchased from one of the nearby cities and putting them on. Then I look through to make sure everything else is safe. And fortunately it all is, including my rifle.

Now then.

I stand up straight while drawing my sword and turning a glare in the direction of the magicians again.

Time to see how they like being erased.


                                                The Magicians Base Camp
                                             Year 2849 | Month 2 | Day 1

The moment the magicians see the Undying Magician – who has truly earned his title by now – turn his hate-filled gaze towards them, they all immediately break up and begin stumbling away. But Frost just stands in place, not moving an inch as he stares at the screen showing the boy sprint through the forest straight towards him.

No point in running. None of us even have the strength left after our mana expenditure to do that anyways.

Out of the corner of his eye, Frost notices a purple spell circle activating, following which the teleportation magician – a man known as Felix Strider – vanishes without a word despite the pleading a couple of the other magicians were doing in order to have him bring them with him.

Lucky bastard…

Frost ignores the magicians as he stares straight ahead, the Undying Magician eventually arriving at their base camp before the others can even get a hundred meters away. But he just ignores them and heads straight for Frost, stopping right in front of him.

Guess he’s gonna take the others out after me.

The young man glares at Frost with a look of pure hatred. But right as he raises his hand and makes a spell circle of fire mana, Frost can’t help but ask, “How?”

The Undying Magician pauses for a second before answering, “You don’t deserve an answer,” and sending a burst of fire out to envelop Frost, setting him ablaze.

Frost then proceeds to silently burn, not making a sound despite the pain until he is nothing but ash, not having a single ounce of mana left after the spell to defend himself despite being a higher Class.



After dealing with the first of the nine magicians – their little ringleader – I quickly move around to deal with the others, each of the magicians who so recently were acting high and mighty and probably celebrating having ‘killed’ me, just like all their subordinates did whenever they thought the rogue magicians had done me in, are now acting rather pitifully. One of them even groveled at my feet.

I didn’t give him the time of day though. Just cut his head off and moved on to the eighth magician, who is the man known as Archon. And this guy I find simply sitting at the edge of a cliff, not even bothering to run anymore.


“You understand that your actions here today will attract the attention of the Class B magicians,” Archon plain states, not even making it sound like a question. Just a statement. “They will come for you. Especially since Strider escaped.”

Strider. Right. That must’ve been the teleportation affinity magician.

Makes sense he would get away. But I can deal with him another time.

Not like he had any effect on their spell anyways, since he was just their getaway after using it.

I walk up to Archon before putting my sword to his neck and asking, “Tell me everything you know about the Class B magicians,” not really expecting him to bother answering. But to my surprise, he does. And he does so rather thoroughly, giving me every last tiny detail I might ever need.

When I ask why though, all he says is that it’s for his own vengeance against the Class B magicians for ‘locking us all up for so long,’ whatever that means.

Before I can ask about that, Archon actually flings himself onto my blade, making it go straight through his throat before he falls face forwards off of both the blade and the cliff.


I sigh before turning around and beginning to make my way back to their base camp.

Maybe I can find some clues about where that teleportation magician is going. Or at least what city they lead, since I’ve never met him before.


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not directly related to this story, but how can i hide it from my feed? i cannot start reading it, as the starting chapters aren't available on my tier, so there is no use in me getting updates on it (it just clutters my feed :( )

Hjörtur Þorgeirsson

I'm loving the frequent updates on this story latent. It's my favourite


This story's first book is on Amazon Kindle Unlimited, meaning it's not on Patreon. As for hiding it from your feed, I don't think that's possible. Patreon is rather garbage at most things, so I would be shocked if they had a feature like that.


thanks for the info. yeah, i was searching for a way but couldnt find anything, hence me asking. the patreon interface is rather atrocious, as is their help & support.