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You may ignore these lines as they are because a certain website is stupid and has made some stupid new changes.


                                         Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 3

It ends up taking about half an hour of awkwardly waiting with the soldiers pointing their guns at me for the soldier to come back with an old man. The man is wearing a business suit and has a thick white mustache and grey hair. He also doesn’t look very happy as I quickly find him glaring at me as soon as he leaves the gate.

“Vampire, what are you doing here?” the mayor shouts, stopping over a dozen meters away from me, with the soldiers and gate guards all backing up to surround him.

I raise an eyebrow as I respond, “I already answered that. “I’d like to see if you have any knowledge on Tier III spells here, and to find a good sparring partner for my sword practice.”

The mayor doesn’t seem to like my answer as he scoffs and practically spits out, “Why the hell would we have either of those things? Now buzz off vampire before I decide to stop being hospitable.”

My brows furrow at the clear rudeness that the man is displaying before letting out a sigh and walking forward.

His eyes widen as he sees me walking towards them instead of running like he expected, and he then begins to panic as he shouts, “Soldiers! Shoot it!”

About half of the soldiers start firing, but I ignore the bullets to continue walking forward as the pain doesn’t really register much anymore with me. Not pain of that level at least.

“Ya see, I know you likely have a magician hiding somewhere in this city, otherwise the other cities magicians would never leave you alone,” I talk as I walk, somehow frightening the men even more by the fact that I’m casually speaking while being peppered with holes. “So if it’s not too much trouble for you, I would very much like to mee this magician.”

They wouldn’t have to hide as a non-magician city if they were strong enough to really threaten me, but they also wouldn’t be able to defend the city against the other magicians if they were too weak to know about Tier III spells. Meaning this place is probably the perfect place to go to if I want to learn about them.

More and more of the soldiers begin firing as I step close and closer until I physically shove a couple of the soldiers out of the way, the others stopping their fire due to me being too close for them to safely fire without hitting a friendly. Then I stop moving once I get within a meter of the mayor, my eyes no doubt flashing with a crimson light.

“Now, am I going to have to go inside to find them myself, or you going to find them?” I ask rather politely, as I don’t really want to make an enemy of these idiots.

The mayor begins to shiver and I even smell a rather nasty scent coming from him before a loud shout echoes across the clearing from the gate.

“That’s enough!”

When I look past the mayor, I find a man who is giving off a faint presence of mana from his body, making me grin as I simply push past the ‘mayor’ – who I’m really starting to question if he is actually the mayor or not – to head in his direction.

The man looks to be in his mid to late thirties with a clean shaven face, short black hair, and a rifle hanging on his back. And he honestly looks more pissed off at the ‘mayor’ than me, considering that he’s glaring at the man and practically ignoring me for the moment.

“Why was I not informed earlier of our guest?!” he shouts, making the ‘mayor’ literally drop to the ground. The magician then turns to the soldiers and shouts, “All of you, bring him back to the city hall. I’ll deal with him later!”

A couple of the soldiers appear confused for a second, but the others quickly respond to the orders by grabbing the mayor and ‘escorting’ him back into the city, leaving me and the magician alone.

The man looks to be wearing an outdated uniform of the Republic’s military, with a lot of the outer layer seemingly worn off and very little of the initial symbols of the Republic if any remaining on it.

After watching the soldiers escort the man away for a second, he turns his gaze back to me and asks, “You were looking for me?”

I nod my head, pleased that the one I wanted to speak with is finally here. “Yes, I am. Would you be able to help me?”

He narrows his eyes for a second before crossing his arms and saying, “That depends. What do you offer in return?”

I look around the city walls for a few seconds and then glance back at the forest.

“Well, for one,” I start, turning to face him, “you aren’t able to handle the miasma that well, if what your men were saying is true. So I can hunt game for you and bring a small portion of it to you. I could help you out in the case of a battle with another city led by a magician, with the added mention that if I believe it to be suicide I can decline. And I can give you news on the outside world and that of the Dark Forest.”

Throughout most of that, the magician’s face remains rather passive. But at the mention of the Dark Forest, his eyes widen and he quickly asks, “You can enter it?” Only for his brows to furrow and his eyes to glance at my own eyes. “Never mind. That much should be obvious.”

Interesting. Looks like they really want more information about the Dark Forest.

I can certainly leverage this for some benefits.

“In exchange for all of that, I would like two things from you.” I state, pressing my advantage. “First, knowledge on creating Tier III spells as a fire magic user, or just knowledge in general if you don’t have that. And second, daily training sessions with a sword user on my own level or higher. If you can’t get one of these, then I will be changing the terms on my side of the deal.”


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