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You may ignore these lines as they are because a certain website is stupid and has made some stupid new changes.


                                     Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 3

Several seconds pass in silence and I can clearly tell that the man is struggling on whether he should accept or not, his eyes constantly flickering between the Dark Forest visible quite a ways away from us and my crimson eyes.

Guess he doesn’t like the idea of working with someone inhuman?

Regardless of the reason, he eventually sighs and answers, “I am willing to negotiate. Unfortunately, we do not have any sword users, as you should very well know that swords are only a viable weapon for magicians. And even then, only when the magician has a sword capable of taking in mana.”

I frown at that before letting out my own sigh. “Yeah, I suspected as such. Guess I’ll just practice without a sparring partner then, even if it won’t be anywhere near as efficient.”

A few seconds pass in silence, and during that time I can’t help but glance at the soldiers near the gate and manning the walls who are all aiming their guns at me. Which really is rather stupid, considering that they’ve seen what their guns can do to me. Basically nothing.

I glance at my clothes and armor, which are riddled with holes in the weaker protected areas.

Well, nothing besides ruining my gear.

Such a pain.

Why do I even wear armor anyways? It kind of feels like a moot point and a waste of resources to get the armor.

Then again, not like I can actually get my armored repaired nowadays anyways. Considering the very limited number of magicians around and the clear competitive nature between them.

“How about this,” the magician starts while waving his hand downwards, making the soldiers on the wall and the gate lower their guns. “If you tell me everything you learned while inside of the Dark Forest, you assist us in defending our city if needed at your own discretion, and you help bring us a small amount of fruit or some meat – let’s say a couple baskets of fruit or five or so animals’ worth of meat – every week, then I will personally assist you in creating Tier III spells. We will also allow you limited access to the city under armed guard for you to conduct trade with the citizens if you please.”

I purse my lips as I watch him reach his arm out and say, “What say you? Is that a beneficial trade?”

My gaze alternates between his hand, his face, and the soldiers standing stiffly on the wall for a few seconds before I focus on him again and answer, “Throw in a few hints towards Tier IV spells while you’re at it and we have a deal.”

He looks surprised for a second, only to break out into a grin the next as he quickly says, “It’s a deal.”

We clasp palms and shake on it, making the tension leave the bodies of the soldiers on the wall. Meanwhile I notice a slight frown form on the man’s face at the coldness of my palm before he shakes his head and our hands separate.

“Now, I’m informed that you have fire magic?” he asks, sending a questioning glance towards my eyes, probably wondering how a ‘vampire’ is using fire magic and not plain miasma or something.

I nod my head, “That’s right. And for your information, I’m not a vampire. What was done to me was done by a death affinity Class S magician against my will, and not by miasma.”

My words make his mouth drop wide open as his eyes widen in shock.

I glance towards the wall before looking at him again and asking, “Is here a good place to speak about the Dark Forest? Or should we go somewhere more private?”

His mouth closes shut rather quickly, following which he nods his head and says, “Follow me.” Then walks into the city.

Guess I’m allowed in.

I follow after the guy, simply passing through the frightened soldiers into what I’m guessing is the barracks of the city. And even then, we continue walking all the way to some sort of office at the back of the building where he sits down on a comfortable looking sofa while indicating the one across from him.

After a brief hesitation, I sit down on the sofa.

“Before we begin, I’d like to get introductions fully out of the way,” he says, pausing as someone opens the door, walks in, drops off two cups of tea, and leaves again. “My name is Xavier Lacrosse, the one in charge of the military power of this city. Also the one in charge of keeping the order in it and defending it from the neighboring cities.”

My eyebrow raises in incredulity, and he quickly catches it and explains, “Yes, I know. The mayor doesn’t have any real power beyond organizing the city, which he does a decent job on. He’s just terrible when it comes to defenses, security, understanding who not to piss off, and in general, negotiations.”

“Those sound like important qualities for a mayor to have,” I point out, reaching for the tea and grabbing a drink, seemingly surprising him for a second. Likely at the fact that I can in fact drink the tea without a problem.

“Indeed they are, but not when he’s only ruling and guiding the city, and not actually defending it or politicking it himself,” Xavier says, his face returning to a neutral expression as he sips his own tea.

I guess he has a point there. But he could’ve at least gotten a more competent stand-in.

Unless there just wasn’t one? Which while it wouldn’t be impossible, it would definitely be unlikely.

Either way, their city’s situation is of no concern to me. I just need my information.

On that note, I begin by asking, “Before I talk, tell me what you know of the Dark Forest. Because I get the feeling you don’t have the whole story.”

Not if what the soldiers back at my first interaction with them were to be believed.

Xavier narrows his eyes for a second before eventually beginning to describe to me a story about the forest.


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