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You may ignore these lines as they are because a certain website is stupid and has made some stupid new changes.


                                           Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 26

Wow. Just wow.

I stare at the massive landmass of ice for several seconds from my spot on a cliff wrapped up in my cloak.

It’s honestly quite beautiful. Or at least, it would be. If not for the large number of monsters roaming around it.

Also, no one ever told me about the undead that I’d have to fight on the way here.

I let out a sigh.

Whatever. I made it without too much trouble, and I still have The Calling of Wrath off of cooldown to use at any moment. Which makes for a great out or a life saver in case I need one.

I continue staring out over the glacier for a few more minutes before looking down and then jumping straight into the frozen tundra below.

This continent really is too cold. And now it’s somehow even colder at its southern tip?

I’m just thankful that I don’t feel the cold as much anymore after becoming Wrath.

I begin walking through the tundra, occasionally killing off the monsters that come to attack me along the way.

It is quite interesting to see the southernmost landmass in all of Midgard though. Very interesting.

Even if it’s basically just a block of ice. Which makes me wonder if that’s technically a landmass or not?

Regardless of the technicalities of what this glacier is or is not, I continue killing my way across the tundra until I finally begin coming across Tier 2 monsters. Not that they’re much more trouble than the Tier 1s that is. Just that they take a bit more effort to kill.

This continues on until I reach the tunnel into the glacier that the prince mentioned. But instead of entering the tunnel, I decide to go the more effective – not to mention safe – route of climbing the side of the glacier to the top. All while keeping my aura thickly coated around my surroundings to make sure nothing flies up to me to attack and knock me off, of course.

Fortunately I make it all the way up the glacier around ten minutes later, my arms feeling like sticks in the process of all that climbing. Because apparently I can still feel climbing exhaustion even while at Tier 3.

I wait a few minutes to get feeling back in my arms before getting up and walking down the almost entirely flat glacier top for who knows how long. And despite all of the walking, I only once in a while run into any monsters. And these monsters are all Tier 3, but at the lower levels of Tier 3, making them not too much of a challenge.

After killing several of these, I glance at my status before smiling. Then I level myself up to level 28.

Just two more levels and I will unlock the next Tier Breach Mission!

And maybe just a single transformation rampage through the glacier might help boost me to level 29?

I think about it for a moment as I continue walking across the top of the glacier before shaking my head.

No, I doubt I’ll get that much from it. And I need to save The Calling of Wrath for emergencies while I’m here.

Although if I don’t end up using it by the time I finish here, then…

I grin as I walk, beginning to whistle out of sheer boredom at some point along the… glacier? Along the ice.

Eventually I finally manage to find the center of the glacier after who knows how long a walk, and what a sight it is to behold. At least a dozen Tier 4 wyverns, each the size of a decent house just curled up next to drip locations beneath the massive World Tree Vein, of which is shifting appearances just like the other one was. Meanwhile the other vein openings are all being fought over by various Tier 3 monsters.

I think this might just be the very first time I’ve ever laid eyes on a Tier 4 creature. Not including the invaders whose level is restricted.

Now then. How should I go about planning this?

The monsters are just as the prince described, most of them – excluding the wyverns – being yetis or ice wraiths. But I also notice a few other monsters. Such as an undead lich that has me raising a brow as I watch it casually slurp up the ichor dripping from one of the veins without any other creature getting anywhere near the death-like aura it’s giving off.

A single glance at its id tells me why though.

Guess the second Tier 4 creature I’ve seen is now a lich? I wonder why it’s even here?

It even has a name, which tells me that it’s sapient. A thought that honestly terrifies me.

Also, I didn’t actually realize a lich could even drink the ichor in the first place.

As if summoned by my thoughts, the lich suddenly turns its head and stares directly at me, making a chill run down my spine. He – or I’m assuming it’s a he considering his name – tilts his head slightly, then a chuckle resonates in my head, and he turns back to the vein again.

I frown.

What… was that?

I stare at the lich for several seconds before shivering and turning my focus back to the other creatures.

Artorius val Ruth. I’ll remember that name.

Maybe the king will know something about him when I get back.

For now, I watch all of the other monsters as they fight over the vein. But none of them notice me. Not even the wyverns seem to notice me. That or they just don’t care about me.

I wouldn’t be surprised if those prideful creatures just ignored my existence entirely as long as I wasn’t trying to steal what belongs to it.


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