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A pleasant feeling fills my body as I level up three times at once. But the feeling doesn’t last long, and soon enough I’m left staring at the menu again in surprise.

Sapphire – no longer bound by the rules of the special room – jumps out of my shadow and immediately enters her humanoid form again before grabbing my arm, which is holding the knowledge crystal. She’s practically giddy, with her eyes locked on the crystal in pure curiosity as she says, “Use it! Hurry up!!! Uuuse it!!!”

I blink in surprise before shrugging and… wait, how do I use it?

As if in response to my thoughts, the crystal suddenly dissolves and the remaining light and energy from it enters my skin, just like a skill orb would. Then I feel a flood of knowledge enter my mind, following which I gain a much better understanding of what this knowledge can be used for.

“Holy shit…” I mutter my gaze staring straight ahead. “This… could be very useful.”

“What does the knowledge do? How did it feel? How did it work?” Sapphire immediately begins to bombard me with questions, showing her youthfulness off in her obvious lack of patience. But right when I’m about to answer her questions, she asks another one that gives me pause and makes me stare at her in bewilderment. “Did it taste good?!”

Did it… what?

She seems to realize what she’d just asked before looking around, seemingly at the livestream with a slight flush to her face.

The corner of my mouth twitches at that, wanting to smile, but I hold it back so as to not embarrass her further.

“To answer your second and third question, the process felt just like getting a skill used to feel like,” I state before closing my eyes and adding, “but to answer your first question…”

Without saying anything out loud about it, I simply generate voided eternal ice element and have it float in front of me as I open my eyes again. Sapphire focuses on the element then frowns as she notices nothing different about it.

That is, until I attempt to use my new knowledge to nullify the eternal ice part of it, only to fail miserably and frown as the element literally just expands then diffuses throughout the room, leaving my control.

Sapphire and I stare at where it was for a few seconds before she asks, “Sooo… was it supposed to do that? Because that didn’t look very cool.”

I turn to give her a look, only to shake my head as I realize it’s not gonna do anything.

“No,” I answer her. “It wasn’t supposed to do that.”

So as to not simply tell the millions of people who are probably stalking us through livestreams right now how my new power works – even if I can’t seem to use it right now – I use our bond to say, ‘The knowledge told me how to theoretically nullify the elements under my control. Meaning I should be able to nullify the ice element in my voided eternal ice, leaving it as pure void element that I can control.’

Sapphire’s eyes widen in surprise and – if I’m not mistaken – a little bit of hidden glee.

‘That’s amazing! But you should probably work on it,’ she responds while giving me a cute thumbs up as if telling me some sort of sage advice that I hadn’t already thought about.

I raise an eyebrow before retorting, ‘Sure. Whatever you say.’

She’s definitely getting more and more expressive. And rebellious.

Is that a good thing? Or not?

I know she’s probably still just maturing, but it’s not really something I’m used to.

That aside, this new knowledge should actually help me quite a bit. Unlike the crappy skills that would just vanish the moment I got them in the Administrator Dungeon.

If I can actually use the void element, not only would it give my magical attacks more variance by adding another element, but I might also be able to try manipulating the System somehow. Because, after all, it was made using the void element. So maybe I can mess with it a bit with the void element?

Now, I know there are probably void creatures who have tried doing it before. Well, most likely. Maybe? Actually, in hindsight, that might not be true.

The Reaper is a progenitor after all, and I have noticed that the void creatures seem to be obsessively loyal and fearful of him. From what I’ve been able to see that is.

The memory of Grim standing in front of me in the void flashes in my mind for a moment.

He’s hard to get a read on, to be honest. Sometimes he feels like a godlike being who is detached from us ‘mortals’, while other times he kind of feels like someone playing with a bunch of chess pieces for his own entertainment. The System for example.

While yes, a large reason for his making it was for that Voided Karma bullshit, he also didn’t have to make it as he did. What with the Administrator Dungeon, the livestreams, and the competitive way that it’s set up in general. It’s like it’s designed for entertainment in some way.

Actually, now that I think about it…

I frown before glancing at Sapphire and then walking to the exit of the room.

…isn’t he quite a bit different from Titania? Since she seems to govern her people rather strictly, even spawning some sort of race that can’t lie. Meanwhile he doesn’t really do much of anything to stop his void creatures, who I’ve heard do sometimes go on a rampage if they’re able to escape the void. Not to mention the entertainment he clearly gets from the System.

After reaching the door, I open it and enter the hallway before quickly burning all of the zombies in the hallway with icy voided flames – which feels good after not having been able to use my element for over an hour.

Oh. Right. I almost forgot about Diane.

I activate my portable System Store before turning to Sapphire and saying, “Let’s go see Diane.”

Maybe she can answer more of my questions about the progenitors.


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Jalil Hayes

Keep it coming I'm holy invested in Wolf's progress