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Our little trek through the haunted mansion ends up taking nearly an hour before I eventually find the key. But not until after several run-ins with both poltergeists and wendigos.

Fortunately, the wendigos don’t amount to much since they always get scared off by the stinky orb in my pocket.

The poltergeists on the other hand end up taking some more effort on my part to deal with. Or, to be more specific, it takes me running away since I have absolutely no way to hurt them without my ice.

I frown down at the key in my hand that was found in a dresser drawer within this very bedroom I’m standing in. Then I shake my head and walk over to the door.

Such an annoying room.

How one single room – one that doesn’t even give me any EXP – could take an entire hour to complete is beyond me. It’s just ridiculous.

I sigh while grabbing the doorknob and slowly opening it, just to find some strange creature on the other side.


The moment my eyes make contact with its body, it starts glitching out as if it were some bug in a video game before teleporting from place to place, slowly inching closer to me while making freaky shrieking sounds.

So I close the door in its face.


Looks like I found the watcher.

Despite the door being closed, the creature continues making shrieking sounds, following which it literally slams into the door if the noise on the other side of it is anything to go by. Then I feel the door creaking inwards a bit, the sounds of slamming echoing from the door over and over, with the door even splintering in parts of it.

This can’t be good.

The shrieking persists for who knows how long, with me struggling to keep the damned door from simply breaking inwards by pushing up against it until eventually, it ceases all at once. As if nothing had ever happened.

I blink in surprise.

That… is not something I want to deal with again.

I know I put in some research on the watcher, but man, that thing was… a bit much. From what the lovely new dictionary given to me by the System stated, it is an incredibly powerful creature that will instantly attack anything that looks at it. But it can only remain aggressive for ten seconds after it’s not being looked at anymore.

It’s a good thing they’re berserk when looked at, otherwise it probably could’ve just grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. Not much I could’ve done to stop it if it had tried.

Silence reigns for several seconds as my heart pounds away like crazy until I hear footsteps slowly echoing from the hallway. The footsteps continue for a little bit, slowly getting quieter and quieter until they become too far away for me to hear them anymore.

I let out a sigh of relief.

This room sucks.


                                                        Beta Stream

Cheers echo throughout the viewing room as Mikaela shouts, “And The Winter Wolf shall live to see another day!”

Meanwhile the screen floating high above the stadium shows multiple perspectives of the same scene. One directly showing Wolf from above, while another showing the watcher as it slowly walks down the hall. The creature has the body of a human with no face, and several strange, peach colored tentacles sticking out of its back. It’s wearing the outfit someone would believe to be suitable for a butler but has no fingernails to speak of on its hands. Simply five fingers with completely smooth and round shapes.

“Now, will our beloved reaper find his way to the exit?” Mikaela states, one of the screens changing to show the exit of the mansion, which is in the main hall, directly in front of a grand staircase on the floor below Wolf. “Or will he be caught by the watcher on his way out?”

Shouts ranging all the way from support to excited praise and even a few insults echo throughout the stadium at his words. But he doesn’t stop there and continues, “Judging by the current situation in the mansion,” he pauses as another screen appears to show the full layout of the mansion with each monster’s location displayed with a tag designating which monster it is, along with Wolf’s location, “his path to the exit is relatively clear. All there is, is a single wendigo, and that should be dealt with through his… ahem… orb.” Mikaela scrunches up his nose slightly at the orb, having had experience smelling something like it in the past.

And just as the commentator predicts, Wolf slowly makes his way through the halls of the mansion, towards the main hall, down the stairs, and finally to the door of which he opens. The only issue along the way being the one wendigo that happened to be entering a room as he was getting close enough for it to smell the orb.

“And theeere we have it, folks!!!” Mikaela shouts, his own excitement bleeding into his voice as he watches the world on the screen making up the special room fade to black, following which Wolf finds himself in a plain, square room with one single door of which looks identical to the one he had originally opened to enter the special room. “And it looks like his reward isn’t something to snuff at either!”

Sitting at the center of the room is a Legendary Loot Box, in all of its golden, majestic glory.

Wolf looks surprised at the chest before walking up to it and touching it. Following which a strange menu appears above it. One that neither the viewers Wolf are used to seeing.

Congratulations! You have opened a Special Room Legendary Loot Box!
As a reward, you will receive 3 levels worth of EXP, along with the following secondary reward:
Knowledge Crystal | Elemental Nullification | Tier 8
Use of this knowledge crystal will endow the user with the knowledge on how to nullify the effects of one of their elements.

Loud cheers immediately echo throughout the viewing room from all of the viewers, meanwhile Mikaela floats in the air staring agape at the menu, only snapping out of his stupor a few seconds later to shout, “And we have seen one of the first additions to the Beta Dungeon! An EXP reward for loot boxes!!!”

The cheers rise in volume, dragged along by the man’s enthusiasm.


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Corwin Amber

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