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Year 1396 After Chaos
Month 7
Chaotic Plane

The fortress itself isn’t very well defended, only having some one and a half to two meter tall wooden walls on each side of it. Meanwhile the entrance to the fort is facing the cliffs, leaving the lookout posts on the other sides of it. Which in hindsight is probably a decent defensive setup, but who am I to know that? The man didn’t spend much time on infrastructure and security, for obvious reasons.

I slowly make my way across the ice and snow coated fauna between me and the fort until I reach the wall, slowly sensing the scents getting stronger and stronger as I go. Then I close my eyes and focus purely on my sense of smell to get a general location for the creatures, which I’m guessing are probably also frost raiders.

After I lock onto them, I realize that they’re both at the far side of the fortress from the entrance, so I look around once before simply walking straight through the entrance into the fortress. But the inside doesn’t look much prettier than the outside, as all I find are more totems, another wall directly in front of the entrance that spans several meters in length without connecting to the surrounding walls, and some huts that I can see between the surrounding walls and the center wall.

I continue inside, going around the wall before finding even more huts. Ten in total.

Interesting that they don’t seem to have as many huts as they have scents. Does that mean some of them share buildings?

Putting thought aside for the moment, I quickly make my way through the fort towards the two scents in an attempt to not waste any time – after all I don’t want to be here when the others get back. But by the time I make it within one hut’s distance from the scents, I realize that while one of them is inside of a hut, the other seems to be somewhere on top of the walls.

When I raise my head to look in the direction of the one on the wall though, I can’t see them from here. Which makes sense considering the wall’s height only being around the same as the hut’s.

Certainly not designed to watch over the inside of the fortress.

Ignoring the one on the wall for now, I continue making my way towards the on in the hut before peeking in through a window to find another frost raider.

<-| Guruk | Frost Raider | PHYS - 52 | MAGIC - 35 |->

This one isn’t as strong as the other one that I saw by a decent enough amount. And while its physical abilities are still quite a bit stronger than mine, its magic is at the same level as my own. About.

I narrow my eyes before trying to feel for that same sensation I felt earlier. The blazing heat at the center of my chest. And just like when I got mad before, a bit of smoke begins to leak from my mouth.

Only, it’s nowhere near as much as it was before.

My forehead crinkles in confusion, but I don’t let it stop me from opening my mouth and pushing on that heat in my chest.

And it actually begins to work!

The heat rises up slowly from my chest to my throat, and then…

Several drops of magma fall onto the ground below me, making a sizzling noise that has me ducking my head back outside of the hut. Following which I hear a sound of confusion coming from the frost raider in the hut.

As soon as I hear footsteps begin to sound from within the hut, I quickly make my way out of sight, around the corner of another hut. Then I just wait for what feels like forever until finally, the footsteps that had stopped continue again, slowly sounding further away before stopping.

I sniff the air, making sure that the scent is back to where it originally was before slowly leaving where I’m hiding and going to a different window this time. When I peek my head through it, I find the frost raider sitting back where they were originally at, seemingly not paying any more mind to the obvious spot on the floor that was burnt by magma.


Guess they’re not very smart.

But then again, I really should’ve figured out how to use my magma shooting power before coming here.

My forehead furrows at that, only for me to shake my head a second later.

Remember. Stand for eternity.

What was different before when I used my power?

I glare hard at the frost raider as if doing so will somehow help me figure this out. And I glare. And I glare some more.

But nothing is coming to me. Until I begin to feel frustrated and feel the heat in my chest growing stronger.

That’s it!!! Anger!

I narrow my eyes on the frost raider as the heat continues building, barely noticing some sort of energy leaving the rest of my body to fuel it in the process before my mouth feels like it’s being forced open. Then my thoughts turn back to all of the painful experiments that were done to me by him and the heat in my chest practically explodes, along with a ball of magma over a foot in diameter that leaves my mouth and shoots straight at the unsuspecting frost raider.

The frost raider is practically covered from head to toe in magma, making it let out an incredibly loud shriek of pain that likely warns the other frost raider here of what’s happening. So I quickly jump through the window into the room while its rolling on the ground in agony, its skin slowly being melted away, along with the large burn on its side where it was hit slowly growing deeper.

After landing, I notice that the creature’s eyes were also burned by the magma, albeit only a bit. But that bit is still enough to blind it to my entrance. So I rush up to it, not letting it recover before chomping straight at its throat, my fangs only managing to pierce about half an inch deep.

I growl in frustration before forcing myself to relive the memories of the experiments to enhance my anger, making another sensation of heat begin surfacing in my chest. And while this one isn’t as strong for some reason – likely due to whatever energy that’s feeding it from my body not being as saturated throughout my body anymore – it does still manage to melt the creature’s neck enough for me to finish chomping through it, killing the creature.

Then, not one to waste time considering the horn that I now hear blowing from the direction of the other scent, I devour the corpse, making the black mist bring it into my stomach again before I break into a sprint running towards the exit.

And as I run, I feel a small amount of pain from my stats going up again. Nowhere near as much as when I devoured teacher, but still some.

Fortunately I manage to make it out of the fort without running into the other scent, mostly due to my avoiding that scent entirely in my escape. But after I make it to the trees close to the cliff and pause for a breath, I notice the scents of some of the others from the fort returning.


Jalil Hayes

Let's get it another one