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Loud chatter can be heard throughout the entire main hall of the Executive Stream viewing room as every single Executive within the System talks at once in response to the recent events in the System, including the disappearance of the current forerunner and the interruption of the Administrator Dungeon by a fellow Executive. Meanwhile, in one corner of the hall, Diane and the other allies of Wolf can be seen standing together without saying a word.

The chatter continues uninterrupted for several minutes until a loud shattering sound echoes throughout the Executive Stream, following which the entire structure of the viewing room shatters, dropping all of the Executives into the void. But before they can so much as react to the sudden change, they all find themselves falling through the ceiling of Arcadian Live.

At the same time, throughout Arcadian Live, various other holes in the ceiling of the viewing room can be seen opening up, each dropping their own group of viewers from other viewing rooms.

All of the Executives stop falling mid-flight before looking around their new surroundings while flying in the air through various different means. Some of them can be seen flapping their wings, others are using cushions of wind element, others are simply floating without anything seemingly keeping them up in the air. But not a single one of them continues falling.

The majority of the other viewers falling from the sky don’t have the same ability though and end up hitting the ground hard, leaving them feeling major pain even if the actual damage is nullified by the System.

“What’s going on?” “What’s happening!” “Are the viewing rooms falling apart?!” “It’s the Executives!!!” “I see her majesty!” “I see the Emperor!” “It’s the end of the world!”

A seemingly endless number of shouts can be heard throughout the massive viewing room as billions of people all try to regain their bearings. But every last one of them is silenced when void energy begins to leak out of the ground before muffling every last person in the room. Even the Executives find themselves unable to speak after the void energy quickly reaches them from the ground and wraps around their body, restraining them. Then, one last part of the sky in the viewing room vanishes to reveal the void behind it, from which The Reaper slowly descends into the viewing room.

After flying down several meters in height, The Reaper stops moving and simply begins floating in place. Then, nearly a dozen void creatures follow him through the rift into the viewing room to all float around him as if they were bodyguards.

“I am-” The Reaper begins, his voice resonating throughout all of the System and not just the viewing room, only to be cut off almost immediately when a bright pillar of light shines down from the sky, following which a beautiful fairy with rainbow colored hair appears.

Titania immediately locks eyes with The Reaper while various other pillars of light appear around her, each of which fades away a few seconds later to reveal various other faeries, all of which are high ranking members of the Fae Court.

“You’re a little early, Titania,” The Reaper states without any emotion in his tone. But the progenitor of radiance doesn’t seem to care as she responds, “No, I believe I am right on time, Grim.”

The two progenitors stare at each other for several seconds while the fae and void creatures around them glare at each other before The Reaper – other wise known by the name Grim – turns his gaze to the Executives and goes back to addressing the players of the System as if she weren’t there, “People of my System. I have given you power. Given you wealth. And given you freedom from the bounds of your worlds. But now is the time to pay me back.”

Titania grimaces and immediately tries to rush over to him, but she is too late.

“I call upon the Voided Karma between us and order you to join my cause against the Fae until your Karma is paid back in full.”

Every last person within the bounds of the System that has ever used SP immediately feels a strange burning sensation appear upon their chest, and when they look to see what it is, they all find a black symbol now engraved upon their skin at the center of their chest. One with the appearance of a black scythe.

The Reaper then turns to face Titania, a scythe just like the one imprinted on the Players’ chests appearing in his hand with a blade seemingly made out of black flames. A faint grin stretches across his face for just a split second before he raises the scythe into the air and declares, “From this day forward, the Void and the realm of the Fae are at war! May this war be sanctioned by the council of progenitors and stretch until either I, the Progenitor of Void, or Titania, the Progenitor of Radiance, are killed!”

As if responding to his words, bolts of lightning strike down from the sky of the viewing room, each of different colors and made up of different elemental energies, signifying the approval of the council of progenitors.

Titania looks around at the bolts of lightning with no small amount of surprise before turning to face The Reaper again and grabbing her wand that was floating around her. She then raises her wand into the air and recites nearly the exact same lines as The Reaper just did. And right after she finishes, a bolt of golden light bursts out of Titania’s body at the same time as a bolt of black light leaves The Reapers before the two bolts meet in the middle, following which a deep, masculine voice echoes throughout the viewing room.

“The Council has recognized this war and agrees to the terms of the treaty. Should any Progenitor enter this war without good reason, they will be disciplined with the combined might of the Council. Should any Progenitor participating in this war cause unnecessary damage to the mortal planes, they will be disciplined with the combined might of the Council. Should any Progenitor cause harm to large numbers of mortals who are not participating in the war during the process of a battle, they will be disciplined with the combined might of the Council. The main battleground of the war shall take place upon a secondary plane created for the purpose of this war. Both Progenitors will be required to stay on this planet during the duration of the war, leaving only for brief periods of time where they have no choice. The rules for combat within the war shall be decided upon via a group vote made by the Council in three days’ time.”

The voice continues to echo throughout the viewing room, making its way through the entire bounds of the System afterwards before fading away.

The Reaper then turns his focus back to the people in the viewing room, all of whom are shocked at the turn of events before he states, “I command every Player and Executive of the System to enter the portal on your planet to the main battleground once it opens up in three days. During this time, enjoy the new viewing room set up exclusively for the Beta Administrator Dungeon.”

Grim releases his restraint over the people without another word and turns to focus on Titania where he simply gives her a smirk before reentering the void with the fairy glaring at his back the entire way. She then turns to look at the people beneath her, only to leave in another flashy pillar of golden light.

All of the subordinates of the two progenitors quickly follow after them, leaving the Players and Executives alone in the massive viewing room.

Leo can’t help but mutter, “Well, shit,” while glancing down at the black scythe imprinted on his chest. And Diane quickly nods her head in agreement.


Throwback notification to the beginning of the story :)

Albeit with a tiny change to the name of the notification.

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Kevin McKinney

Well … that happened …