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The next chapter is the epilogue of book 4.



The Reaper quickly answers that one as well but through a roundabout method of asking a return question, which reminds me that he seems to be able to read my mind, “What do you think System Points are? And EXP as well?”

I frown at that before answering, “Isn’t System Points just a currency made by the System? And EXP is a person’s life force?”

The Reaper shakes his head and says, “Yes and no. System Points are really something known as Voided Karma, and they’re the reason the System is able to use the EXP of a being to fuel that being’s life force.” He pauses for a second to make sure I’m understanding before continuing. “But in reality, SP, or Voided Karma, is really just strengthening the Voided Karmic bond between the System and each user. Which, by proxy, also strengthens their Voided Karmic bond to me, making them all owe me a favor. One that grows bigger the stronger their Voided Karmic bond is.”

My eyes widen in shock.

I didn’t put in too much research into Karma, but I did do some research. It’s not what a lot of people from Earth thought of it as, what with good and bad deeds being a thing that influences it. Instead, it’s the ties between people, and is often why people feel like they owe someone who does them a favor.

But that’s just one single example. A lot of feelings are due to Karmic buildup, such as feelings of revenge and hatred, or even love.

When someone does something terrible to someone else, a Karmic tie grows between them, and that Karmic tie influences their thinking by a strong amount.

The Reaper actually nods his head to my thoughts and responds, “That’s a correct analysis of Karma. But Voided Karma is a more forced tie. It was something I personally created, and can be used to force someone into paying back all of the ‘favors’ until all of their Voided Karma is paid back.”

My eyes widen even further in shock.

That’s… holy shit. That’s going to pull every last being within the System into The Reaper’s war!

Actually, what about me? Do I have-

“All of your Voided Karma was extinguished the moment you disconnected with the System and awakened as one of my own,” The Reaper explains on his own, once again reading my thoughts. “And don’t bother trying to warn anyone. The war will be starting tomorrow, making it too late to stop anything that’s coming.”

I narrow my eyes at the being in front of me, but he doesn’t seem to care.

“Ask your final question.”

Damnit. Even if I wanted to ask if there were a way to clear the Voided Karma without them paying it back, he wouldn’t answer, therefore wasting a question. Outside of disconnecting with the System that is, which isn’t likely to be possible without extenuating circumstances. And even if it were, what’re the chances that all of the inhabitants of the System will even want to do that? After all, they’ll likely be getting EXP from killing the fae, rewarding them for joining the war even if they were forced into it.

Meaning all I can do now is ask my last, burning question.

“Assuming that I am not eligible to become an Administrator anymore since I’m not even connected to the System, will it still be possible for me to bring someone back from the dead?” I ask with hope still burning in my eyes.

This thought has been a major issue that’s been eating at me for a very long time now. Whether my becoming a reaper has ruined my chances of saving her or not.

The Reaper actually looks surprised by this before he nods his head and answers, “Yes, you can. While you won’t be becoming an Administrator, I will still be giving you rewards suitable for the danger you will be experiencing within the beta dungeon. And if you wish, I can make bringing your friend back to life one of those rewards.”

I let out an audible sigh of relief at his answer.


Maybe entering this beta dungeon of his isn’t all that bad, if it lets me bring Alexis back from the dead. Which actually makes me wonder just how The Reaper is even bringing people back from the dead in the first place. Because I have sort of used void energy already, and there’s nothing particularly rejuvenating or even remotely lifelike about it. Just an element bent on destruction and returning to nothingness.

I watch The Reaper for a few seconds, hoping to see him answer my question for me, but he doesn’t. Instead, he simply waves his hand, creating a portal next to him. But unlike the other portal, this one isn’t see through. So I have no idea what is on the other side.

“The Beta Administrator Dungeon is just as long as the other Administrator Dungeon, but since you were already on the 200th floor, I’ll send you straight to the 201st floor of the beta dungeon,” The Reaper explains before glancing to the side once more. And without any warning, he raises his hand, making a large amount of void energy wrap around me. Then he simply tosses me into the portal without another word.

The last thing I see before passing through the pitch black portal is the sight of an enormous wolf seemingly made out of ice with glowing blue eyes charging straight towards us. Then everything goes dark, following which I find myself in the middle of what looks like a large dungeon corridor. One very similar to the first floor theme of the Administrator Dungeon. But with small amounts of miasma flowing through the narrow cracks between the stone bricks making up the walls.

Sapphire finally jumps out of my shadow and assumes her bipedal form next to me while shaking slightly out of fear. Whether that’s fear of where we are or fear of having been so close to The Reaper, I don’t know.

But what I do know is that we’ve arrived at the beta dungeon. That much is obvious just from the notification in front of me and Sapphire.


Throwback notification to the beginning of the story :)

Albeit with a tiny change to the name of the notification.

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For those of you who can't view the image:

Beta Administrator Dungeon Notification

Welcome, Competitor, to the 4th Beta Administrator Dungeon Run.

You will be starting the run on the 201st floor.

Fight to survive.

Survive to grow.

Grow to win.

Because, if you don’t, then someone else will.


Corwin Amber

I just wonder if the 'forced' get together events that all the competitors have will still include him since he is technically in a different dungeon now.