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There will be no The Undying Magician chapters or chapters for any other story but Winter Wolf for the next week as I will be focusing solely on The Rise of the Winter Wolf during this time to get all of book 4's chapters on Royal Road for that story.

I decided to do this purely because I have my midterms coming up in the next few weeks, and would very much prefer to have Winter Wolf book 4 finished, edited, and published by then.

Well, except for one Eternal Winter chapter for tomorrow. Then it's purely Winter Wolf chapters for a week. Then chapters will go back to normal, with around 3 or so chapters a week for The Undying Magician. Maybe even more, seeing as TUM book 2 is the next book I'll be publishing on Amazon after Winter Wolf book 4.


                                       Year 2849 | Month 12 | Day 3

Before I even get back home, the smell of a human, or rather, a group of humans reaches my nose. So I jump into the trees, and begin going from tree to tree instead of traveling on the ground. Then, after about twenty seconds of this, I find a group of nine humans standing in front of my fire barrier.

Hmm. That’s a surprise. Guess it’s time to have my first visitors.

I sit in the tree near them but still out of sight as I listen to their conversation from nearly a dozen meters away from the cave entrance. All of them are wearing similar armor to the people I had run into before, albeit with some slightly better equipment. But considering that they’re armed in the first place, I’d rather not approach them and have them shooting at me and therefore ruining my clothes.

Not to mention that I can’t exactly get my armor repaired out here. Would rather make it last as long as I can before it becomes too damaged to use.

“Is this really the home of a vampire?” one of them asks the others. “Because I don’t think I’ve heard of any vampires using magic…”

I tilt my head in confusion.

Vampire? Are they talking about me?

Also, vampires can use magic just as much as a regular human. They’re just regular people with vampirism after all, so if they’re a magician before becoming a vampire, then of course they can use magic.

“What would you know?” another one says in a slightly condescending tone of voice. “Have you ever met a vampire before? For all we know, being one makes you a master magician!”

Okay, seriously.

Master magician?

My impression of these people continues to lower as I listen to their conversation, and after just about a minute of listening, I reach the decision that they will not be of any help to me. Unless I want them to put wholes in my clothes and armor, which I don’t.

Only thing I can see them being of use for…

A faint smile stretches across my face.

Okay, that could work.

I continue sitting in the tree, just waiting for them to give up on my cave so that I can follow them back to their city, which I still haven’t found yet. Although that has more to do with a lack of trying than any actual ability to search for it. But with these idiots guiding me there…

“Do you think those flames are real?” one of them asks, the lone woman amongst the group. “I’ve heard some magicians might use illusions instead of actual flames just to ward off people.”

This has me raising an eyebrow at her naivete, but another one of them retorts just seconds later, “You’re free to try it if you’d like. But don’t blame us if your hand is burnt to a crisp.”

That has the woman backing up from my barrier rather quickly.

The corner of my mouth quirks up in amusement.

At least they’re amusing.

One of the other men in the group – this one having stayed quiet until now – reaches out and grabs a stick before poking the barrier, making the stick explode into flames as they quickly back away. Then, amidst the silence that has suddenly popped up around them, he mutters, “Definitely not an illusion.”

The woman nods her head rather rapidly at that.

“Do you think we could, ya know, just dig around the barrier?” another one asks with a frown on his face before reaching out to touch the wall next to the barrier, just to yank his hand back with a shout as his hand is burnt. “Shit, that fucking hurt!”

Yeah, I’m not stupid, thank you very much. Why would I leave such an obvious loophole?

Along with my barrier itself, my spell drastically heats up the stone walls, ceiling, and floor around the entrance to make it incredibly uncomfortable for anyone to just dig their way through. Although it should still be possible if someone is determined enough, or is using magic themselves.

But at that point I’ll likely already be there to stop them. Unless I’m not home that is. Not that there’s anything inside to really steal, considering that I store everything in my storage spell.

The wind suddenly changes direction, blowing their scents towards me. Fortunately, I manage to retain my control, even if my eyes likely shifted colors to red.

My training in that regard really did work wonders. Even if it made me eat far more than I would’ve ever done so otherwise.

I’m not particularly a fan of eating, to be honest. Unless it’s mint ice cream.

Which, now that I think about it…

I narrow my eyes at the people – who I’m guessing are hunters? Or maybe soldiers? – before smiling slightly.

Maybe they’ll have mint ice cream in their little city?

Because it’s been way too long since I had any.

“It doesn’t look like we’ll be able to get inside without a magician’s help, or at the very least some equipment,” the man who appears to be leader of the group says. He’s wearing some sort of badge on his chest that the others aren’t and is also more disciplined than them as well. “And I doubt the magician inside-” he pauses here for a second, giving a pointed look to the ones who called me a vampire, which honestly wouldn’t be too far from the truth in some ways “-is likely to come out and greet us. So we should start heading back.”

Ah, someone with manners. That’s nice.

Also, looks like I will be able to follow them.

The others all begin to follow him after he turns around to leave directly south of my cave, which is in the opposite direction of where I am right now. So I quickly begin to hop from tree to tree following after them.

Time to check out this city of theirs.

I needed a break from training and research anyways.


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Mental training and a change from routine 👍 Thank you