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                                            Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 22

The Guardian glances down at the people below before looking up at me again and asking a question of his own, “Do you know why so many of the visitors want to capture you?”

I frown at that.

Wasn’t it just because I’m Wrath?

A nagging feeling at the back of my mind prevents me from answering with that answer. One that grows stronger when I remember the last Guardian I ran into who mentioned something about me having only one job or something. Something about a Fafnir?

“Isn’t it because I’m Wrath?” I answer with a frown.

The man just chuckles at that and answers his own question, “You’re not wrong. But the reason people want Wrath is because you’re the only creature in all of the planes right now who is immune to the effects of Wrath and will be able to fight Fafnir.”

“Fafnir?” I ask, my frown growing deeper.

That’s the same name that the other Guardian mentioned.

“Yes. Fafnir was sealed away by the System and turned into the World Tree,” the Guardian explains, making my eyes widen with shock. “It’s the strongest being in existence, and one of the three creatures who is above Tier 10 in power. Outside of the bounds of the System itself.”

Holy shit.

After a few seconds though, I narrow my eyes.

The Guardian notices this and adds, “If you don’t believe me on account of my status as a visitor, you can go ahead and ask the king down there. He should’ve already been told most of this by the Protector of this plane.”

That’s… okay. It’s believable. After all, there was a Conjunction not too long ago.

And – as he said – I can ask the king afterwards.

“You likely know by now that all of the Embodiments of Sins are completely immune to the effects of their own Sin, but what you might not know is that you’re also resistant towards the effects of the other Sins as well,” the Guardian continues after seeing my face relax a little. “So even if you are affected by the other Sins or certain monsters, it wouldn’t be as badly as it is for those who aren’t Sins themselves.”


But if I’m the only one who can fight Fafnir despite the fact that the other Sins should also have some resistance towards Wrath…

“Does Fafnir use Wrath Sin energy?” I ask after a few seconds of silence.

Hephaestus nods his head and says, “He does. But before I explain Fafnir’s origins, I should explain how monsters originated.”

The Guardian waves his hand, sending a wave of fiery particles outwards that forms an image in the air in front of us that shows some sort of war. And amidst that war are several little particles rising into the air.

“Sin energy is created by the people at all times, but it’s at its worst when conflict is around,” Hephaestus says while we both watch what I’m guessing is a representation of Sin energy rises up into the sky. After that, time seems to pass in the image and the war ends with a large amount of Sin energy in the sky. “Over time, the Sin energy began to act in irregular ways thanks to a certain incident, causing it to form entities known by the masses as monsters.” To illustrate this, the image shows small amounts of Sin energy converging to create various different types of monsters. “But most of these monsters are all made from only one type of Sin energy each which is mixed with various natural elements upon their creation, and they do not have the powers over the Sin energy outside of an exclusive few.”

“What’s different about the ones that can control Sin energy?” I ask, understanding the point of his last words.

I notice the Guardian’s lips twitch upwards in the start of a smile before he continues, “There are three monsters that are able to control the energy of Sins. These ones are born from multiple different Sins mixed with the elements. But unlike the normal monsters, one of each of these monsters Sins were not mixed with the elements during their creation. This leaves them as beings with control over that one Sin greater than any other being, with the sole exception being the Embodiments, such as yourself.”

My eyes narrow at that before I cross my arms and look down at the others, who are still in the middle of negotiations.

And if Fafnir can control Wrath while being at a higher Tier than Tier 10… I can see why they’d want someone who is immune to Wrath to fight it. But…

“What about the other two monsters above Tier 10?” I ask with a frown.

Hephaestus’s lips twitch again, making me feel more and more like he’s judging me somehow, but in a positive way, before he answers, “Jormungandr is sealed within the Grand Ocean, while Fenrir is sealed inside of a dimensional space, similar to a dungeon. But neither of them are anywhere near as powerful as Fafnir.”

My frown grows larger.

I have a bad feeling about this.

“And why is Fafnir so much stronger?”

This time the Guardian full blown grins as he says, “That’s because while the other two just have two Sins in their body, Fafnir has three. Fafnir is also strong enough to be considered an entire Tier higher than the other two.”

I stare at the man for several silent seconds.

“And you expect me to kill it,” I ask him with a blank tone of voice. And after the man doesn’t say anything for several seconds, I continue, “If you don’t want to say anything to that, then at least answer me this.”

“What Tier is Fafnir at?”

Hephaestus actually breaks into a laugh before he answers, “Fenrir and Jormungandr are both at a hypothetical Tier 11, while Fafnir could be considered somewhere in between Tier 12 and Tier 13. In theory, at least. There isn’t really a real way of gauging strength beyond Tier 10.”

And there it is.


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