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“Fenrir!” Leon shouts before reaching us a few seconds later. “Congratulations on getting an avatar!”

I raise an eyebrow, just like I’ve seen many other intruders do in my dungeon. Particularly the one standing in front of me.

It’s interesting that he isn’t immediately asking about it. But also quite polite.

“Your well wishes are appreciated, City Lord,” I respond with a nod of my head before glancing at the Vampire, then at the crowd. “Perhaps we should talk in a less public area?”

Leon quickly agrees with a brief glance towards the Vampire, who simply nods his head and vanishes from sight. We both then begin to make our way to the manor on the hill where the City Lord had come from. But not even ten steps later, I hear a warping sound coming from behind me, making me turn back to find all of the spectators having vanished.

I blink in confusion before deciding to ignore it and continue walking.

Not my problem.

The City Lord doesn’t seem to share that opinion, judging by the confused and frustrated look on his face, but something seems to change as the look vanishes and he nods his head.

Did the Vampire tell him what he did to them? If I had to guess, then I’d say the Vampire Emperor probably just teleported them all away. But who knows.

Leon continues walking without looking back again and soon enough, we find ourselves inside of his manor, passing through the halls and by the occasional servant or maid. Which seems to startle them for some reason. Probably my appearance.

We continue walking through the building for a little bit with me taking the time to look around as we go, just to study the interior design on Dawn’s behalf, before we eventually end up at a door. Leon quickly opens the door and welcomes me inside what I’m assuming is the thing Dawn called an ‘office’.

“So I’m guessing there’s a reason you left your dungeon instead of just contacting me the usual way?” he asks while walking around his desk and sitting down on the chair.

I answer while looking around and examining the room, including the many things in it that I am not familiar with, “I’d like to have land above ground to place a tower.” Right after mentioning that though, I still for a second before glancing at the man and nodding my head towards something hanging from the ceiling with lots of candles and stuff on it lit and asking, “What’s that?”

Leon frowns, only to look up and answer in a slightly confused tone of voice, “It’s a chandelier.”

Oh. Interesting.

Guess that’s for decoration as well? Maybe I can copy that in my dungeon.

“Seeing as it’s standard for the owners of the land holding a dungeon to give out land to the dungeon once they gain an avatar, you may have your land,” Leon states before adding, “you’ll have to discuss it with my assistant. Or send someone to do that for you.”

I nod my head, not bothering to thank him since it’s standard. Just like Dawn had told me.

It’s unfortunate that I won’t really be able to connect my dungeon with it though, not considering that I can’t reach the surface yet. Not until I reach Tier 4. Which won’t be for a very long time.

I step further into the room before standing directly at the center of it, about a meter in front of the desk.

Some of the objects scattered throughout this manor were described to me by Dawn, but others, such as that ‘chandelier’ thing, weren’t. So it’s a rather interesting room to look around at.

Actually, everything in this building is interesting to look at.

“I would also like a tour of the city,” I mention, not necessarily asking or telling him.

Leon just nods his head and says, “Sure. I’ll have my assistant give you a tour, and you can talk to him about the land at the same time.”

I nod my head in thanks without saying a word.

Several seconds pass in silence as I continue looking around the room until Leon eventually asks, “How do you like having an Avatar so far?”

When I turn to look at him, I find him with a genuinely interested look on his face.

“It’s taken me a little bit to adjust to the form, but overall I’d say it’s very useful,” I answer honestly. Because the form allows me to test my monsters personally, leave my own dungeon to get a better perspective on the situation outside it, make connections, and find new patterns on my own, and it lets me get a perspective of my own dungeon that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. All of which are incredibly useful for me in expanding my dungeon.

But probably the most important thing that my avatar gives me is defense. I’m actually able to fight personally. To defend my core and my dungeon.

The City Lord looks a little disappointed with my answer, but satisfied enough to move on to ask, “Is it safe to assume that the reason the dungeon has been closed is because you were adjusting to your new form?”

I nod my head at that, finally having gotten my fill of the room to fully focus on the man as I answer, “That’s correct.”

He once again nods his head, which seems to be happening a lot in our conversation between the both of us, making me realize that I’ve actually defaulted to copying the base reactions of the man in front of me in my new form since he’s the intruder I’ve interacted with the most.

Ignoring that fact, I begin to walk around his desk to leave the room into the little extension of the room that I believe is called a balcony, where I then peek my head over the railing to look around the city.

“This place was built in about two to three years, right?” I ask out of curiosity without taking my gaze away from the city and noticing a few gazes locked onto me from the city below in the process.

“Yeah,” Leon answers while stepping up next to me and showing a hint of pride on his face.

That long just to build this?

That’s… slow.

I can’t help but think this, but then again, I might also be a little biased since I’m a dungeon core.


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Hahaha, 3yrs to build a city? Bah I could if done it in an afternoon. Mortals are so slow. Haha love his reaction

Nicholas Wheeler

Hey quick question, are your books connected? Like are they set in the same universe or maybe something that connects them together?