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                 Somewhere else on the 200th floor of the Administrator Dungeon
Just moments ago

High in the sky, above a large coliseum where a small zombie stands inert with a pool of miasma all around it, a strange phenomenon can be seen. Unlike the sky in other locations on the floor, this particular location shows a strange corridor as if on the other side of a windowpane. The corridor is pitch black and runs for several dozen meters before opening up into outer space. But within this corridor is one singular entity, who is repeatedly smashing his fists that are coated in black flames into the windowpane like inner membrane of the floor’s dimensional holding.

Resounding with every strike he makes, loud shattering sounds echo throughout the floor, accompanied by the sight of shards of what appear to be glass falling down from the sky. But after drilling away at the barrier for what’s been several hours now, the Ruler finally finishes it off in one last punch, causing the entire sky in the area to fall down, revealing a much more massive corridor of black opening up into outer space. Along with this opening, various monsters down within the floor begin to get sucked into space, including one of the Centurion Bosses of the floor that had been lying in the pool of miasma down within the stadium.

Meanwhile the Ruler can be seen ignoring all of the monsters as he slowly floats down several dozen meters, ignoring gravity in the process and constantly turning his head with his eyes narrowed. Then, after several seconds pass, he focuses his gaze in the direction that Wolf is located several thousand kilometers away and grins.

“Little reaper, the time has finally arrived! Prepare for-”

A sudden wave of void energy floods out of a rift to the void that appears out of nowhere directly in front of the Ruler. The wave immediately envelops him before dragging him into the void, following which a void creature with draconic features exits the rift, raises his hands, and uses a large amount of void energy directly from the rift to fix the hole in the floor. He then goes back into the rift without a word, closing the thing behind him in the process.

The void creature then proceeds to stare at the Ruler for a few seconds before deciding to remove the void energy from the abyssal demon’s face out of curiosity, revealing a look of fear. One that hasn’t been seen on the Administrator’s face in several centuries.

“Stop this! This is going against the rules of the System!”

Completely unfazed by the Ruler’s shouts, the void creature just tilts his head and retorts, “And why should we care about the rules of such a vague concept as the System?”

The Ruler’s eyes grow wider in shock, but he doesn’t manage to say anything before the void creature continues, “The Reaper makes those rules, so of course he doesn’t have to follow them.” He then snaps his fingers once while saying, “Activate the Alpha Protocol on Administrator Wilhelm Aust.”

A brief look of confusion fills the Ruler’s eyes for a second, only for an eerie black door to appear behind him, promptly swallowing him up.

The last words he hears before everything goes black is one last word from the void creature. A word that will haunt the man for the remaining days of his life, along with the notification in his vision.


Loud screams echo through the doorway before fading away along with the door. Meanwhile the void creature simply turns to look at where the rift to the dungeon was.

‘Interesting. Looks like this is still considered the 200th floor of the dungeon.’ He thinks to himself with a frown, only to shrug and begin making his way back to the center of the void. ‘Doesn’t matter. His Excellency should be meeting with him soon anyways.’



Nearly an hour passes in silence as I lie on the ground within the void all alone. And during this time, I’ve come to a few conclusions.

First. Whoever decided to dispel the summoning of my wolves and lock Sapphire in my shadow is quite rude. After all, who locks someone in the void all alone for nearly an hour? It’s just plain rude.

Second. I’m bored.

Third. Considering that I’m in the void, it’s probably The Reaper’s doing. Or at least has something to do with him. And that Alpha Protocol thing, for that matter.

Fourth. I’m still bored.

And that about sums it up.

“It’s generally considered impolite to call people rude,” I hear a rather ominous voice echo through the area as I continue lying on the ground with my eyes staring up at the nothingness of the void.

“Yeah? Well, too bad.” I respond as if on instinct. Only to blink in surprise before sitting up and looking around for a few seconds.

There’s nothing here. Where did that voice come from?

As if answering my question – which I’m not entirely sure the being in front of me didn’t do just that considering how he was responding to my thoughts earlier – a being appears in front of me. One with very familiar marks floating above his shoulders, and two pitch black wings made out of what is obviously condensed void energy, along with two pitch black orbs in the place of eyes. Both of which are also releasing some rather intense void energy themselves.

Surprisingly, The Reaper – which is who I’m assuming this guy is – looks slightly amused as he stares at me with an emotionless look on his face. How that's possible, I’ll probably never know. But that’s not the problem right now.

“Would you mind telling me what I’m doing here, sir?” I ask in a polite tone of voice, acting as if I hadn’t just called the creator of the System and my own ancestor rude just a moment ago.


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For those of you who can't view the image:

The alpha protocol has been activated with you set as the target. All privileges as an administrator have been thus taken away.

All system rights have been thus taken away.

User has been designated the ‘dungeon boss’ for the first dungeon: The Beta Administrator Dungeon



The red text on a grey background kill my eyes