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One day later

I pause mid-step as a notification appears in my vision. One that I’ve been expecting for a while now, and is the reason why I didn’t let Sapphire go off on her own for the floor.

My eyebrows rise at the additional part that wasn’t in the last Special Boss summoning announcement.

Interesting. And very nice at that.

My moment of satisfaction ends rather quickly though, as right after the notification vanishes, I hear a strange plop sound. Kind of like the sound of a slime landing on the ground. Then a rather strong tremor runs through the ground.

And when I turn to look in the direction of the plop sound? I see a giant, pale blue slime. One larger than the street I’m standing on.

“Oh,” I mutter before tilting my head slightly, “Hello?”

I stare at the unmoving slime for a few seconds before we both burst into motion. Or rather, I burst into motion, and it begins sluggishly moving towards me with its bodily fluids rubbing up against everything, and even absorbing the advanced zombies and cars in its way into its body. Which looks rather odd.

_-| Blobby (note | named by the System as it has no name) – Arctic Calamitous Blob – Level 2175 |-_

I blink at the small note in the id.


I’m not sure if I should comment first on the note itself, or the terrible naming sense the System apparently has. Or the fact that it can apparently name a creature itself.

Seconds after those thoughts, my eyes are drawn to the Arctic part of its species name before narrowing.

That doesn’t sound good.

Just to test it out, I fire off several spears of voided eternal ice straight at the enormous slime, but each one immediately dissolves into the creature’s body without doing a single thing the moment they come into contact with it. Then, I repeat the process but with my icy flames instead, and they also don’t do anything. Even when I direct them straight at the creature’s massive core. All that happens is that they fade away before even making it a third of a meter into its massive body.

“Okay, this might be a problem,” I mutter out loud before flapping my wings once to fly up into the air with Sapphire still in my shadow, then doing it again to fly in the opposite direction of the slime. All while opening the System Forums.

Arctic Calamitous Blob… wherefore art thou, Arctic Calamitous Blob…

I continue scrolling through the forums for a little while, furiously trying to find the creature’s details, only to eventually find it and scowl.

Immune to ice.

Of course it’s immune to ice. Why else would people auction for it?

“I swear, whoever placed the bid for this thing is going to pay…” I mutter, only for it to get worse as I continue reading.

It’s immune to physical attacks made by organic beings as well, unless you can manage to whittle away at the slime around it to get at the core with other elements or environmental factors.

I turn my head to look at my shadow where it is flying by along with me on the side of a building as I say to Sapphire, “It looks like this creature was chosen specifically to deal with me. And I bet I can guess who did it.”

Sapphire sticks her head out of my shadow in spider form and bobs it up and down before going back in.

Okay. If that’s how they want to play this…

I stop flying before turning back around. Just to find that the giant slime is missing.

“Oh.” I mutter while blinking a few times in surprise. “Uh…”

A few seconds pass in silence before Sapphire pops her humanoid head out of my shadow and says, “The System Forums also mentions that it’s quite slow. So…”

I stare off in the direction that we came from for nearly half a minute.

“Oh.” I repeat. “Maybe this creature wasn’t supposed to be a bad thing then? Maybe it’s meant to feed me levels once I reach a high enough level to physically damage it without relying on my magic?”

After all, once I’m a high enough level, I should be able to whittle away at its slime to get to its core. Or I could also just use my own ice to protect me as I dive straight into its body.

I look up at where I’m hoping the screen is before nodding and saying, “Sorry for what I said earlier. Thank you for the easy kill!” After that I give them a nice little salute and begin rushing off again to kill more zombies.


                               The Grand Throne Room of the Dread Empire
A few hours later

A loud crashing sound echoes throughout the throne room as an abyssal demon with bat-like wings has its face smashed into the ground by the Abyssal Ruler, the back of his head held in a vicelike grip. The Ruler then raises the demon’s head back up and slams it back down again, cracking the stone making up the ground in the process.

“Please, your majesty!! Please spare me!! I wasn’t thinking when I sponsored that creature!” the demon shouts in a panicked and incredibly pained voice whilst all of the other higher ranked abyssal demons watch from the sides of the hall. “Please!”

The Ruler raises the demon’s badly damaged face to face his own scowl as he says, “You assured me that you would be able to handle the sponsorship while I was outside of the System’s range. You assured me that your choice would be perfect to deal with the reaper spawn. And now you say that you weren’t thinking?”

Once again, the abyssal demon in his hand opens his mouth to plead, but the Ruler’s face turns apathetic once again as he applies more and more pressure on the creature’s skull, making the demon’s eyes go wide, following which he screams in pain. But the screams end in an instant. Right after the creature’s head pops open like a balloon.

The black flames within the Ruler’s eyes flare, and he drops the corpse that is now burning to ashes via a ghastly black flame. He then begins to step up to his throne again before sitting down and closing his eyes.

‘Nothing else can go wrong,’ he thinks, the apathetic look on his face giving way to a frown. ‘Not if I want to get my vengeance.’


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Special Boss Announcement

The Special Boss   will now spawn.

This Special Boss   has been altered to give an item only reward in its chest if killed by a   single Competitor.

Good luck.


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