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Random Sapphire for you.


                     Inside of a spaceship, at the very edge of System Territory
One day later

A man can be seen sitting in a high tech chair at the bridge of the flagship of the Technocrat’s forces. The bridge itself have five different levels, each with dozens of Technocrat soldiers working on the terminals in front of them while wearing their high tech, element resistant armor.

Time passes in silence for several minutes with the only sound being that of typing keys and the occasional call until the doors to the bridge open up, revealing a soldier who quickly rushes in and – with a short salute – begins speaking, “Grand Commander! We have a problem!”

The man sitting in the chair at the center of the bridge, on the topmost of the five levels raises one of his hands in a fist, silencing the man immediately before he lowers it again to finish typing on the terminal in front of him. Then, after three entire minutes pass, he turns around his chair and looks directly at the soldier and states, “Speak,” with a raspy voice, as if his throat had been burned by a fire.

“Yes, sir!” the soldier shouts before pulling up a holographic terminal in front of him from a small device. On the device is an image of Wolf taken directly from a livestream, along with a large slime monster, “The creature failed to uphold one of the terms of the agreement and sent a monster easily avoidable by the target through the-”

Before the soldier can finish speaking, the grand commander of the Technocrats raises a fist again, making him stop speaking. He then turns around to face his terminal as he says, “Inconsequential. The goal of our agreement is to find the Void and therefore the heretic. Nothing more, nothing less.”

The soldier pops off another salute while shouting, “Understood,” before turning around and rushing out of the bridge again. Meanwhile the grand commander raises his head to look out the grandiose window of the bridge at the enormous portal in front of the ship.

“Commander Rodrigues, how is the portal’s charging proceeding?” the grand commander asks without taking his gaze away from the portal, which has various streams of energy being fed directly towards it from several surrounding ships.

“It’s proceeding smoothly,” the commander answers from one level down, directly beneath the grand commander. The man has on a much more fancy suit of armor than the other soldiers in the room, but still more modest than the grand commander, whose own armor is a combination of reds, blues, and blacks, along with a gold half-cape that goes down one of his shoulders. “If things continue as they are going, we should be ready to pass through the moment the plan is to occur.”

“Very well,” the grand commander states before slowly closing his eyes and resting his head on the back of his command seat. “There can be no problems. We won’t be getting another chance at this, so do everything you can to see it through to the end.”

A chorus of yes-sirs echo throughout the bridge as all of the officers and soldiers respond to his words, even those who they weren’t directed towards.



I wipe my hands while walking away from the cracked core that used to be the Special Boss. As it turned out, the thing really was quite easy to deal with after leveling up past its own level.

My gaze doesn’t waver for even a second off of the beautiful mythical chest in front of me. And the moment I touch it and see the item description above it, I immediately feel happy that I spent the time hunting the stupid slime down again after leveling.

Item | The Horn of Niflheim | Tier 8
This item is not attainable outside of a Mythic Loot Box.
Blowing this horn will summon five guardians of ice whose species and powers are specifically geared towards helping the user of the item.
This item can only be used twice a day. The first use will summon the guardians, while the second use will dismiss them.

Holy shit.

“Holy shit,” I hear Sapphire mutter from next to me as she also stares at the description.

We both just stand in place staring until the horn appears and the words go away. Then I turn to look at her, just to find her giving me a look. One that says, ‘You better use that item right now or I’ll use it for you,’ making me immediately reach for and then blow the horn.

A deep sound echoes throughout the area, following which a blizzard suddenly picks up around us and several howls resonate from within it, giving me all the information I need to know on what creatures I’ll be summoning.

The blizzard goes on for several seconds before dying down, revealing five enormous wolves spanning nearly three meters in height, each with a beautiful coat of fur. They all have snow-white colored fur, with streaks of a lovely pale blue running through it, and eyes of the same color as the streaks. But what catches my attention the most about them is the sight of my crest – the same one imprinted on my coat – on their foreheads. One of a werewolf’s head.

Each of the wolves approaches me and Sapphire before bowing their heads towards me. As if by instinct, I reach out and place my hand on one of their foreheads, and immediately after that a bright blue light shines from the crest.

A flood of information begins to enter my mind, and soon I blink away the spots in my eyes from the light while stepping back from the wolves again.

Interesting. Very interesting.

It would seem as if these creatures believe me to be their alpha. And not only that, but they’re also pseudo lycanthropes. Meaning that, while they don’t have a human form now, they will likely eventually get one in the future.

But more important than that, they’re all absolutely loyal to me.

Which reminds me.

I still need to do some more testing on my venom, seeing as I haven’t really turned anything for a while.

But I’ll likely have to wait for the next floor theme to do that, since I’m not gonna go biting a bunch of undead. Especially since I know that other creatures turned by infection might just die from being infected by another virus while already being a turned species.

I table that thought for now before telling the wolves and Sapphire, “Let’s go to the next floor.”


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He got his own royal guard…damn

Corwin Amber

'itself have five' have -> has

Some BS Deity

Sapphire you can't be cute and cool at the same time. Its not allowed