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Mount Olympus
The plane of Olympus
Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 22
Ten hours ago

“The Frost Lord stationed on the plane of Midgard has been defeated, my king,” a being with the appearance of a human, but with small wings on the sides of his feet that stick out through his golden shoes. “It was done by Wrath.”

A hushed murmur spreads out throughout the mountain from the various demigods and gods who rank as the Guardians of the plane of Olympus. Each one of these demigods and gods vary, some of them appearing almost human, others having hybrid forms of humans and other creatures, and some even not even appearing human at all. But one thing they all share is their clear deference to the man sitting on the grand, golden throne situated at the very top of the grandiose Mountain of the Gods.

Mount Olympus.

The king of the gods, also known as the Protector of the plane, Zeus, has a thick, white beard with a grand crown on his head and several bolts of golden lightning floating in circles around him and the throne. One of which is even floating around his fingers as he toys with it.

Zeus allows the chatter to continue for some time before he eventually stops messing with the bolt of lightning and snaps his fingers, causing lightning to crash down around them, silencing everyone with the thunder. He then focuses directly on the god who had spoken to him before stating, “Send general Kyrios to Midgard and have him make contact with Wrath. We need to have her on our side for the war that is to come.”

All of the gods and demigods immediately bow low to the ground in silent acknowledgement of his orders, only to look up again when he adds, almost as if as an afterthought, “And since Earth and Niflheim are so fine with breaking the rules, let’s so as well.” He then turns to look at one god in particular. This god has a humanoid appearance, with sparks of fire flickering from his eyes and a large hammer held in one hand. “Hephaestus, you will go with the general. But don’t let yourself be seen. I don’t want our approach to be interpreted as a threat.”

Hephaestus immediately bows his head down further as he answers, “Your will is mine, king of the gods.”

Zeus nods his head at that before snapping his fingers again, causing more lightning to crash down, following which a large storm cloud appears around him, blocking him from sight. And within the cloud, Zeus goes back to toying with a bolt of lightning as he thinks, ‘She’s progressing faster than expected. Turns out it was a good idea to stay behind and watch instead of directly acting. Now I’ll be the only one on good terms with the embodiment when the time comes.”


Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 22
A few hours after Cassandra’s dinner with the king

I stand next to the king with his two sons standing behind us as we stare at the small army of soldiers standing at the other end of the snow-covered field in front of us. The soldiers are all armed with large, round, metal shields and spears, only a small percentage of them having any swords. They each have skirts for some reason, including the guys, and seem to love the color gold.

Their odd fashion sense aside, I can’t help but notice a gaze focused on my with my aura. I can’t tell where it’s originating from, but I can tell that it’s there.

“Do you sense it too?” I ask the king with a sideways glance, only to find him nodding his head without a word.

I focus on the invaders again as a small group begins approaching us, leaving behind all of the other soldiers to nervously stand at attention. Which is a bit contradictory in and of itself, but I can tell despite their stern outward appearance that they’re nervous. Mostly because of my aura.

The king, the princes, and I all begin to walk forward as well to meet them halfway.

Of the group approaching us, I can see two invaders restricted to Tier 3, along with three more restricted to the top of Tier 2. But none of them appear to be Guardians from what I can tell.

Then again, my experience with Guardians tends to make them all out to be rather arrogant and prideful. Even the sacred beasts.

The gaze I’m feeling though… that one I wouldn’t be surprised if it were a Guardian. Even if it is a little weird that they are hiding and not straight up showing their face.

We slowly continue approaching each other before eventually stopping with no more than four meters between the groups, where we each begin to size up the others in a more obvious manner.

Out of the invaders, it’s a little obvious which one is the leader. Considering the fancy red cape draped over the shoulders of the one in the front. But even the others seem to be more important than the soldiers behind them, since they all have half a cape there as well. Just a strip of cloth no wider than a third of a meter draped down one of their shoulders towards their back.

I can’t help but notice how cold all of these soldiers must be, considering their rather exposed armor. In the middle of a freezing cold continent. Nearing the end of the winter.

I can sort of understand the skirts, since they make for more easy movement, but why are some of the soldiers not even wearing armor over their arms, outside of some small gauntlets?

Although, on the topic of men wearing skirts, I think that actually was a thing in Ardene in the past.

I’ve never been a fan of skirts or dresses though. So my current equipment suits me fine.

After a few seconds, I begin to notice the confused glances being sent my way by three of the invaders, making me realize that I have my mask on. So I take it off and clip it onto my waist, revealing my face and getting rid of the identity concealment effect it has.

Silence stretches for several seconds. And only after a loud breeze passes through the area does the leader of the invaders begin speaking.

“We would like to work with you to drive out the other invaders from your plane.”

I raise both of my eyebrows in surprise.

They what?


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