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Half a day later

“Okay, soo… what was that about my luck?” I ask Sapphire as we both stare at the lone door in front of us. It is shining with a faint golden light, and honestly looks rather cool. Although the words floating above it kind of take away from its cool factor.

<--| Secret Exit |-->

“Yeah, yeah,” Sapphire mutters with a grin, noticeably ignoring my little jab at her comment from back when we found the Pandora’s Boxes. “Now we don’t have to deal with the stupid dragon!!!”

I can’t help but smile at the sight of her practically skipping back and forth out of happiness.

Guess she was really worried about running into another one before we reached a higher level than it.

Right as I’m about to respond, my eyes widen in shock at the sensation of another life source the size of the fire dragon’s from before enters my life sense range.

“Let’s go. Now,” I tell her while grabbing her hood, lifting her up, and touching the secret exit. A flash of golden light then follows before we both find ourselves appearing in a barren mountain range with the constant sounds of thunder echoing in my ear and giving me a headache that has me wincing.

I frown as I look up at the incredibly dark clouds above us, lit only by the constant flashes of purple and blue lightning that repeatedly strikes the charred rock making up the mountains around us.

“So much lightning,” Sapphire mutters with a look of awe taking over her face.

I can’t help but nod my head in agreement with that before noticing some life sources nearby and turning to look at them. Just to find some lightning elementals nearby, along with one lightning variant salamander.

“Some interesting denizens too,” I mutter out loud while raising my hand and sending a blast of ice shooting out towards them, freezing everything around them and killing them in an instant. Including the elemental, which I wasn’t sure if I could kill or not.

The only elementals I’ve run into up till now were an ice one, which obviously couldn’t be killed by my ice, and a fire one, which melted it before it reached its core. Well, until I out-leveled them.

Guess lightning really doesn’t count as a fire-based power. But I guess that makes sense. It doesn’t have any fire after all.

“Why’d we rush through?” Sapphire suddenly asks, remembering how I literally dragged her through as she sends me a curious look.

“A dragon,” I tell her while walking a few steps forward. Then I ignore her shocked look to ask, “You wanna head off on your own? Or will you be staying with me again?”

She gets over her shock a few seconds later and purses her lips, only to nod her head and answer, “I’ll see you later, dad!”

I then watch her rush off while transforming into an enormous spider, spanning around ten meters in length.

Several seconds pass in silence as I watch before I eventually turn around and begin heading in the other direction.

This floor theme should be a lot nicer and more carefree than the last theme. Well, except for the event boss that should be on the 189th floor that is.

A bolt of lightning strikes the ground directly in front of me.

I grimace as I feel the residual heat from the bolt radiating off of the now-glowing-red ground.

Okay, this might not be as carefree as I thought.


Two days later

I snap my fingers, making several spears of voided eternal ice form around the frozen statue that was the mini boss of the 183rd floor – a large purple panther monster with two tails that release lightning. And just a second later, I send all of the spears pierce straight through the ice freezing it in place and into the mini boss, finishing it off.

After getting the EXP from the mini boss and seeing the mini boss chest pop up, I open the chest, claim the item from it that turns out to be some electricity resistance cloak, and walk up to the exit that’s situated on top of a large mountain.

Just how many cloaks am I going to end up with anyways? My inventory already had a massive number of items in it even before I was blocked from selling things anymore, and now that I can’t get rid of the trash through selling, my only way of getting rid of the garbage is through trading in the conjunctions.

I never realized just how useful those conjunctions would end up being to be honest.

Anyways, now it’s time to head to the next-

My thoughts are interrupted by a System Message.

I blink in surprise at the message.

The Reaper… is helping me?

I stare at the message for a few seconds before closing out of it.

There’s also the fact that he’s changed the way he addressed me. In the last System Messages he set as automatic, he called me and all of the other reapers that get the message simply as ‘Child’. But this time he called me his child.

I’m… not sure how to respond to that.

Technically it can be considered correct, seeing as I’m his descendant. But still.

I don’t think I like the guy.

Doesn’t mean I won’t take his advice though.


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For those of you who can't read the image:

System Message

This is a message   from the System’s creator to the reaper known as Wolf Adler (Frost).


“Hello, my child.

You have caught my   interest.   Therefore I will give you two tips.

You’re gonna need   them in the beta, after all.

Elemental Shifting.

This power is more   than just a simple ability, and you can’t do it well purely from training and   focus. You have to think like the element you’re shifting into. To understand   the element.

You should find it   a lot easier to do after doing this.

My other tip is to   spend a little time to focus on your wings.

They’re for more   than just flying.


The Reaper”




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