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After several minutes pass by since last sensing the fire dragon, I relax my grip on my bracelet, following which Sapphire jumps out of my shadow with a frightened look on her face.

“That… was too close,” I mutter while staring at the bracelet that saved my life.

That wave of flame from the dragon would’ve killed me. The only reason I’m still alive is because of this bracelet.

I identify it before grimacing.

Molten Aegis of the Wyrm
This item is not attainable outside of a boss chest from the boss: Lava Wyrm of the Molten World.
This bracelet will protect the user from one life-threatening, fire-based attack every month via summoning a barrier around the user.

That was my only chance. I can’t use it again on the floor, unless I somehow end up on this floor for over a month.

Sapphire curls up next to me and just sits in the narrow crevasse for a few minutes before we both eventually get up.

I have to level up. Fast.

I can’t be caught by another fire dragon while still below its level, otherwise I will be dead.

At that thought, I open up my status.

Name: Wolf Adler
Class: Harbinger of Eternal Winter
Privileges: Competitor
Soul-bound Ability: Ice Reaper
Species: Reaper of the Blue Moon
Level: 1972
EXP: 4/197200
System Points: 1324.20
Viewing Room Profits: 11829
Skills List
System Communications
Administrator Dungeon
Administrator Dungeon Competitor
System Terminal
Player Auctions
System Map
System GUI

Yeah, it’s gonna take me almost a day to reach level 2000. But at least this isn’t a centurion boss. Because if it was one, then I’d be dead meat.

I stare at my status for a second as both Sapphire and I leave the crevasse before I open up my System GUI to remove the Player Auctions and Skills List from my status. Since having them there is nothing more than useless clutter, seeing as I can’t use them.

After doing that, I close out of my status, look around the area, then focus on Sapphire as I say, “Get in my shadow and stay there for this floor. Or at least until we’re a higher level than the dragon.”

Sapphire looks reluctant with plenty of worry, but she eventually nods her head and does as I say.

I let out a sigh at seeing that before looking off in the direction that the dragon went.

The bright side is that I should hopefully be able to avoid another run-in like that as long as I pay attention to my life senses and use this cloak.

“Wearing a cloak over a coat is rather uncomfortable though…” I mutter while flapping my wings and flying into the air and changing to my hunter form.

Normally I wouldn’t be in my hunter form on a hot floor like this due to the coating of fur it gives me. Mostly because it tends to make me have to waste stamina to cool myself off and is just a pain in general. But this floor is different.

I’ll just have to suck it up and deal with it.

I quickly begin flying through the floor, sending spears of ice out at every monster I see along the way and piercing them through in an instant. Most of which include things like drakes or abyssal demons.


                                                          The Realm of the Fae

Over a dozen radiant faeries can be seen floating around in a large, circular chamber, with fifty-five humans in the center of the chamber. Each of the humans are wearing a fancy set of clothing – the women wearing dresses that seem to sparkle in the rays of light shining through the skylight, and the men all wearing black tuxedos that seem to radiate starlight. Meanwhile all of the fae can be seen watching them with various expressions on their faces ranging from indifference to arrogance, and even some curiosity.

“Congratulations, young ones,” a beautiful voice resonates throughout the chamber as Titania begins descending through the open skylight into the chamber itself. “Out of the millions of mixed bloods, thou are the sole ones whose blood has awakened.”

The fifty-five humans – of which Wolf’s sister Katie is a part of – all look up with a hint of pride on their faces. But that pride is quickly replaced with awe when they see Titania begin to glow with a beautiful golden glow that spreads out through the entire room.

The glow fills the room for several seconds before focusing solely on the humans.

“Take this Radiance and rejoice, for you all shall become fae,” Titania’s voice echoes amidst the light.

All fifty-five humans have slightly different reactions to the Radiance as it visibly enters through their pores. Some of them grow faery wings, others gain a slight glow to their skin, and some even grow claws. But one thing that is consistent with them all is that they all begin to unconsciously emit small amounts of Radiance.

Amongst the fifty-five humans, one of them has a vastly different reaction than the others though.

Katie Adler begins releasing a dark light through her eyes while two wings seemingly made out of stars grow out of her back. The wings have the shape of a butterfly, and constantly emit a special type of Radiance that attracts the eyes of all of the watching fae.

By the time Titania’s Radiance begins to return to her, all of the humans have fully awakened as fae. But despite this, all of them and the fae themselves can’t help but stare at Katie, who is examining her own body’s changes.

All of the older fae nobles remain silent while the newly awakened fae can’t help but whisper amongst themselves for a few seconds, only to eventually begin focusing on their own changes. But after several minutes of this, whispers begin to go around through the surrounding fae nobles.

Katie looks up with a confused expression on her face as she finally realizes that she has the attention of all of the fae nobles.

“It is as I thought,” Titania says while lowering herself down to eye level with Katie, ignoring the other newly awakened fae and causing them all to go silent. “The brother aligns more with the void, taking after the Reaper’s powers. And the sister aligns with the Fae, taking after Radiance.”

The whispering of the fae continue after her words, and Katie finally focuses on what it is they are saying.

“The bringer of eternal night has been born. May the night reign while the sun sleeps, and may it protect us from the Void.”


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Hayden Leech

*tiamat begins to glow* Is the chromatic dragon matriarch a part of faerie? I think that was supposed to be Titania but idk.

Danielle Warvel

It seems like the siblings are being set up to fight in a war against each other.