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You are now under the effect of the Blue Moon Armaments.
This effect is not of the Void System and therefore any equipment of The Reaper’s System is now unequipped, and you are completely locked out of any System related activities including accessing your status until this effect ends.
While under this effect, all of your physical and magical capabilities are tripled, your voided eternal ice is transformed into eternal ice of the blue moon with its void related properties removed and its eternal ice properties enhanced, your weaknesses are temporarily removed, and your immunity to the void element is enhanced to 50%.

I stare at the fancy looking menu that looks nothing like any of the menus I’ve seen before, only to refocus on myself as the shining light begins to fade, revealing my new attire. Instead of my usual equipment, I’m now wearing a fancy set of sapphire blue armor with some sort of strange, golden crest in the center of my chest. The armor’s shoulder plates are multilayered, and when I turn my head to look at my back, I find my wings looking a bit different than they looked before.

The thing that catches my attention the most, however, is the fact that despite my headphones not being on, I don’t feel any pain in my ears. That and the large glowing blue moon now shining in the sky, lighting up the plane of darkness to reveal a barren land of marble beneath it.

I turn my attention back to the two-dozen-meter-long hydra that is quickly catching up with me before grinning and flapping my wings once to send me flying straight towards it, making a loud noise sound out as I break the sound barrier. And once I reach the hydra, I pull my fist back and slam it straight into one of the creature’s heads while it’s still startled by my sudden change.

The creature’s head goes down and slams into the ground, but it still manages to point its other heads towards me and fire off breaths of ice and poison. I raise my hand and take control of the ice breath myself before directing it to block the poison. Then I raise my sword and begin summoning a large ball of ice above it. But the ice looks different, making me remember that it’s now something different.

Now the ice is shining with an ethereal blue light, similar to the light coming from the moon above. And everything that light reaches is starting to frost over, regardless of if my new eternal ice of the blue moon is actually near it or not.

I blink in surprise at that, only for my grin to grow wider as I lower my sword, slamming the enormous ball of ice into the hydra’s fire head first, turning a large portion of it into a frozen statue that it can’t even lift as the ice literally seems to merge with its head. But right after that, the hydra roars with all of its remaining heads and lifts its tail, swinging it at me with a speed I didn’t realize was possible and slamming it into me, pushing me back several meters before I stabilize myself with my hands wrapped around the tail.

After a couple of seconds, I realize that my new sword is just casually floating at my side, my grip having slipped on it in the collision. So I blink at it a couple of times in confusion before grabbing it and swinging it straight into the hydra’s tail.

The blade goes nearly two entire meters into the hydra’s tail, which isn’t even half of its width before stopping. But despite coming to a halt, the sword begins to flash randomly, freezing the tail more and more until its entirely frozen in ice, making the hydra continuously roar out in pain.

Then Sapphire suddenly jumps out of my shadow and lands on the ground in her spider form, shining with the same light as my ice and the moon and somehow freezing the ground just from touching it. She then literally climbs up the hydra’s massive foot, trailing a path of ice along its body until she reaches one of its heads.

Looks like she’s finally helping. That’s good.

I take my eyes off of her for a moment to yank my sword back out of the tail before grabbing the hilt with both of my hands and infusing massive amounts of my new element into the blade out of curiosity. Just to see what it might do.

Out of nowhere, the moon high in the sky suddenly begins flashing and I find myself forcefully being turned into my hunter form, still with the armaments on. Then I instinctively raise my head to howl before raising my sword to the moon. The moon stops flashing the moment my arm fully outstretches, and the light from it seemingly focuses into a large spear that heads straight for the sword.

A surge of power flows through my body at this, and I give the hydra a wolfish grin right before slashing the sword downwards, sending a powerful arc of azure energy straight towards it. The arc continues growing as it gets further away from me until it reaches the hydra and slices goes straight into its body.

My eyes widen in awe as Sapphire jumps off of the hydra while the entire beast freezes solid into an enormous statue of shimmering ice.

But at the same time, the moon begins to fade and so do my armaments, just for them to be replaced by my usual gear. Then a menu appears in the same text as before.

You have used the remaining energy of the Blue Moon in one blow and therefore the Blue Moon Armaments effect is now over.

And right after reading the menu, I feel all of the massive amounts of power that was infused into me from the effect suddenly vanish without a trace, leaving me falling to the ground in exhaustion. But Sapphire manages to catch me on her back in enlarged spider form before I hit the ground.

“Good… job…” I mutter, only for an overwhelming sense of drowsiness to pervade through my body, making me drift off to sleep. But right before everything goes dark, a red menu appears.

You have used the element of Radiance while within the bounds of the System.
Access to certain areas of the System is now restricted.
These areas include but are not limited to using System Stores, accessing the Player Auction, access to Viewing Rooms, access to the Call and Message features,
 access to the System Terminal, acce---
User has System Favor.
All of the restrictions have been lifted excluding the use of Player Auctions and selling items through the System Stores.


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So we're the fay trying to fuck him over with the sword or not or not cause I feel like they were


They're trying to distance Wolf from The Reaper. And from the Void. Which giving him some powers using the Radiance element will do just that.