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                                                                                       Alexander North

I continue backing away as slowly and quietly as possible until out of nowhere, a brute begins charging out from an alleyway into the large open clearing that the planet hall is in. Right behind me.

It lets out a loud roar at the sight of me and charges straight at me, alerting hundreds of frozen ones within the clearing to my presence. But as I’m rushing out of the brute’s way, I notice that the frozen ones all glance at the strange and very powerful new frozen one. As if they’re searching for permission.

My eyes widen at that, and I immediately make a run for the very alley that the brute came out of. Only to hear a sinister voice echo from behind me, “Capture it alive.”

The voice almost makes me stumble as I hurriedly glance behind me, just to find the powerful frozen one staring straight at me for a few seconds while about a dozen other frozen ones begin chasing after me. It has two arching horns on the sides of its armored head, glowing blue eyes, and two mouths one within the other. But what catches my eye the most about the creature are its two abominations it has in the place of hands. They just look like masses of metal and bone instead of flesh, and they have a lot of spikes. One of them is even releasing some sort of pale blue mist as the creature just stands there.

This one is intelligent?!?

I don’t get the chance to think any more about it as I see the frozen ones beginning to gain ground on me, so I face where I’m going and begin climbing the sides of the buildings to get away. But even after going three stories up and looking back, I find several of the frozen ones mostly including wraiths and some strange sort of floating fish chasing after me.


I glance back at the planet hall plaza to find the intelligent frozen one having already turned its attention back to the door again, as if sure that I’ll be captured.

Arrogant much?

I narrow my eyes at that before stopping in my climb, pulling my fist back, and slamming it into the window of the building I’m hanging off of.

Let’s see if these things can still chase me inside of this building.

After climbing through the now-shattered window, I find myself in some sort of storage room. So I glance back out the window to find the wraiths climbing up the wall by using their blade-like arms to stab into the wall over and over again while the fish simply floats up here rather slowly, then I turn back to the room and begin walking to the door. But when I try to open it, the door doesn’t want to budge.

Frozen shut?

I put my foot on the wall next to the door before tightening my grip on the handle and pulling has hard as I can. Which ends up with me yanking the entire door off of its hinges instead of simply opening it.


I turn back to the window past the ice-coated boxes filling the storage room to find the fish trying to fit through it. Then I glance at the door again, then the fish.

Why not.

I toss the door at the window and the fish, sending it barreling through both of them and knocking the fish back down into the alley with a shower of glass as I turn back to the door and enter a narrow hallway.

A loud crash echoes from behind me – likely from the fish hitting the ground – but I continue running through the hall despite it. And I don’t stop running until I reach a staircase in the building which I am guessing is probably some sort of company building. Considering the many offices I’ve passed by on the way.

After stopping, I turn around to look behind me, only for the wraiths to begin turning the corner just a few seconds later.

My eyes narrow and I ask, “Terminal, show me their Energy Levels.”

The terminal does just that and shows all of them to be at about the same energy level as me, which is a little surprising considering that they look like regular wraiths. But despite that, I rush forwards, dodging just under a blade before swinging my clawed hand straight up from the wraith’s navel through to their neck. I then slam a punch straight into the wraith’s face, sending it flying into the wraiths behind it.

I smile as I take a step back through the narrow hallway. One that isn’t wide enough for two people to stand side by side in fighting.

This won’t be a problem.

The first wraith behind the two who are toppled over on the ground leaps over them with its blade swinging through the air, only for it to cut into the ceiling and pin it there. So I simply grab its leg and rip it down, slamming it straight on top of the two who are currently trying to get up.

Not a problem at all.


                                                                     Back at the Planet Hall Plaza

The intelligent frozen one stands in place watching the other frozen ones continue trying to figure out a way into the building for several minutes before eventually turning to look back at the alley and narrowing its eyes. Meanwhile all of the other frozen ones near it, as if sensing its current emotions, begin to back away from the creature.

Silence fills the plaza for another three minutes until a savage voice resonates throughout the area, seemingly bouncing off of each and every shard nearby.

“Two dozen hunter class minions and a capture class flyer weren’t enough to capture a single anomaly of that level?”

The frozen ones all begin to tremble from fear, only for a sudden wave of ice to pulse out of the intelligent frozen one’s body, passing straight through and bisecting over two dozen frozen ones who happened to be too close to it during its show of anger.

“Unacceptable.” It then turns its head and narrows its eyes on a large frozen one similar to those designated wraith by Alexander, yet with a size nearly three times that of the other wraiths. “Go. Bring me the anomaly. Alive.”

As if set free from invisible shackles, the frozen one bursts into action, only to fade from sight a few seconds later.

The intelligent frozen one watches the now-cloaked creature while it rushes through the plaza into the alley before refocusing its attention on the door in front of it.


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