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My apologies for the lack of chapters recently. My Spring semester is starting up again next week, so I've been wanting a bit more time to myself recently to relax. So some of my chapters have been being canceled.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!


                                                                       Year 2849 | Month 10 | Day 23

After opening the door, I quickly confirm my conclusion that it’s some sort of lab. Just like with the skeleton’s lab when I first arrived, various vials of liquid are stashed all over the place. But unlike his lab, this one also has devices that seem to have been abandoned mid production. Meaning that the magician who worked here probably dabbled in magi-tech work as well as alchemy.

I step into the room, just to look down at the sound of a click.

That can’t be good.

Something suddenly drips on the back of my neck as I’m looking down at the floor before a burning sensation radiates from it, making me look up just to find a bunch of what looks like poison splashing down from the ceiling on me. I let out a scream that goes silent when some of it gets into my mouth and throat and ruins my vocal cords, only for me to continue screaming for a few more seconds after they heal.

“Fucking hell!” I shout, making my voice echo down the tunnel. But after that I take a deep breath to calm down and continue stepping further into the room.

I get the feeling that I might just be more emotional or at least quick to anger than I was before turning into this.

Putting that aside for the moment though, my eyes narrow in on a terminal sitting free for use on a desk in the corner of the lab.

Guess it was worth it to come in here after all.

I walk up to it and grab it before turning it on and finding it to be an older model. It doesn’t have the magi-tech connection that the other terminals have, allowing them to connect to the web from anywhere. Meaning that I won’t be able to research how things are doing or contact people. Not that I was really planning on contacting anyone anyways, considering how skilled the doctor is at cyberwarfare.

He’d probably be able to find me rather quickly if I did. Which is also why I can’t access my accounts online either.

What I can do, however, is use the device’s programming and simulation software. So I can go back to efficiently making new spells.

Although I’m still curious as to whose laboratory this is.

I continue looking around the lab for a little bit longer until I stumble upon a hidden door that, instead of finding the switch to open, I simply rip open myself with my newfound strength. Just to end up finding several cages inside of it, each filled with a dead monster.

Did they die through starvation?

Even for a monster, that’s not a pretty way to go out.

Turning my attention away from the monsters for a moment, I find even more vials lined up with a notebook next to them sitting on a desk near the cages. So I walk over to it and pick up the notebook before opening it to find that plenty of pages are ripped out. Despite that, I begin to read the first pages of it that aren’t ripped out.

Fifth Trial
With the assistance of the Nature and Life magicians, I have made a breakthrough.
The trial began as a simple monster creation experiment, trying to see what would happen when a monster who is normally created with a mixture of science and magic is instead created through the combination of three types of magic without the help of science to back it.
None of us had any real expectations for the experiment, as we all thought it to be impossible.
But we were wrong.
So very wrong.

Well, that doesn’t bode well.

And the next page describing what exactly they did is ripped out, along with the remaining parts of the fifth trial pages. The next page available to read is on the sixth trial.

Sixth Trial
The monster is still holding the Life magician hostage to this day, half a month past the original date of the fifth trial.
Nothing we have been able to do has worked against it. And I’m beginning to suspect that a fire magician may be necessary to deal with the monstrosity.
But fire magicians are a rarity nowadays, and that is not a feasible solution within our given timeframe.
Here begins the sixth trial.
A trial to create a monster of the fire element.

The trial begins through co-

Once again, the words are cut off as the tiny notebook’s pages are ripped out.

Despite that though, my eyes can’t help but narrow on the mention of fire magicians being a rarity.

How… what? Why would we be a rarity?

I narrow my eyes at the notebook before raising my head to find another door on the other side of the small room full of cages. But I don’t check it out just yet and instead lower my head again to continue reading the next page still in the notebook, which is about the tenth Trial.

And it’s clear that something went wrong just from the little that’s there.

Tenth Trial
On account of the Nature magician’s death, and our continued inability to save the Life magician, I have decided to try one last trial.
Should this trial fail, then I will abandon this lab and escape before the monstrosity can grow any stronger.
The trial itself is a repeat of the fifth trial, but with various changes to account for the failures of that trial.
Instead o-

Outside of the fact that everything they’re doing seems to be failing – and will likely keep failing, which is clear considering the fact that the magician did in fact abandon this lab by the looks of it – this trial doesn’t exactly tell me much. And there aren’t any more pages left after it, so I close the notebook and stash it in my spatial storage spell before walking up to the door and wrenching it open. Just to close it again in a hurry.

A slamming sound follows from the door, but the monster on the other side doesn’t manage to budge the door outside of a minor tremor.

I think I found the monstrosity the journal was talking about. And the life magician for that matter.


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