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My apologies for the lack of chapters recently. My Spring semester is starting up again next week, so I've been wanting a bit more time to myself recently to relax. So some of my chapters have been being canceled.

I hope you enjoy the chapter!


                                                                               Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 18

The golem – whose size is about three-fourths of my own – begins moving towards me at a speed much faster than I’m currently capable of before raising one of its fists and punching straight at me. I let out a roar of surprise as it strikes me in the forehead at a speed too fast for me to deal with, but despite that it doesn’t actually hurt that much. And the golem’s master seems to notice as well, making the golem back up immediately before I can retaliate.

Looks like the golem isn’t all that physically strong. Or at least not compared to me in this form.

But its speed…

I begin to pull Wrath from everything in the surrounding area, just to find that the golems don’t actually have any Wrath in them. And I sent all of the soldiers back to the camp, leaving the golem’s master as the only being with Wrath in the area outside of a few animals.

Well, that’s not good.

Despite that, I infuse what Wrath I can without taking from my transformation time to make myself stronger and faster before I begin moving forwards to attack the large golem. But the golem’s master seems to have other ideas and has his golem go constantly on the move, attacking me from various different angles without any break in between them.

I wince at the pain building up from the dozens of attacks before raising my front half and letting out a roar while stomping both legs on the ground, sending a shockwave out around me that knocks the large golem off its feet. And out of the corner of my eye as I’m charging over towards the large golem, I notice its master also being sent flying several dozen meters away. But I focus on the large golem while creating Wrath lightning around my feet and then stomping them direction onto the large golem’s massive body, chipping away more of it in the process while pushing it into the ground.

Without lifting my feet from the golem’s body, I open my mouth at the sensation of more Wrath lightning building up in it.

“Embodiment of Wrath!” I hear a deep voice rumble throughout the valley, catching my attention right before I feel a powerful force smash into my side, sending me flying several dozen meters away from the golem and making my Wrath lightning shoot out of my mouth not fully charged straight in the direction of the golem’s master.

I grunt while trying to get back up and watching the Wrath lightning turn the golem’s master to ash without much issue, surprising me a little by how easy it was. But when I turn to look at whoever interrupted us, I find another creature floating in the air with a literal blizzard blowing around him, and the ground far beneath him freezing just from his mere presence.

Before I identify the new creature, I glance at the large golem to find it having gone still – likely at the death of its master.

Was kind of wanting to kill that thing myself for the extra EXP instead of just killing the master and stopping it that way, but I guess either way works.

I turn to look at the other golems, only to find them all still moving. Which likely means that the master doesn’t control them directly like he did that large one.

Anyways, I can deal with the golems after dealing with this guy.

I refocus on the new interloper, just for my mouth to drop open in shock at the sight of its identification result.

Name: Sigfastr
Species: Frost Lord
Level: ??(30)

What the fuck is a guardian doing here?!

Wait. I blink in surprise at seeing its level restricted.

So even the guardians are restricted in level when coming here?

I narrow my eyes at the creature. It has a similar appearance to the frost giants, but without the tusks, with a larger size overall, and with some sort of cuffs made out of pale blue flames shooting out of its wrists down its arms. And its eyes are glowing a pale blue.

Without taking my eyes off of the frost lord, I swipe my claws through dozens of golems on the outskirts of our battle to heal myself back up. Which seems to irritate the frost lord a little, considering the twitch I notice in his eyebrow. His pale blue eyebrow.

“You are to come with me, Wrath,” the frost lord states after a few seconds of silence as if it were already decided, making me want to raise an eyebrow. But unfortunately, I don’t have any of those in this form. So instead, I settle on opening my mouth and shooting out a bolt of Wrath lightning at him that had been charging up for the duration of our stare down.

The guardian looks shocked for a split second before raising his hand to block the enormous bolt of lightning. And right when I think he’s trying to do it barehanded, a large shield of ice forms in front of him that the bolt of lightning strikes, shattering into thousands of pieces and surprising him even more in the process. But the surprise doesn’t stop there are he soon notices me sending my tail flying at him and raises his hands to block it.

My eyes widen in shock as he manages to catch it and stop it despite being pushed back several meters in the process. He then narrows his eyes and says, “If that’s the case, we can play a little first.”

This isn’t good.

Not good at all.

The frost lord suddenly lets out a grunt before swinging my tail and therefore me around in slow circles, generating more and more speed with each revolution until he finally lets go, sending me flying straight at a mountain where I crush who knows how many golems in the process of landing.

I cough out a mouthful of blood that ends up flooding down the side of the mountain and washing away more golems. But thanks to my size, the damage seems to be limited and I climb back to my feet to stare at the frost lord who is quickly approaching me again.

Now that’s just unfair.

Let’s see if this’ll help any.

I complete the mission to get all of the extra EXP, seeing as the majority of the golems are dead by now along with their master, giving me over 150 thousand EXP that added together with the EXP I’ve gotten from killing them is enough for two entire levels. So I immediately put it all into leveling up to level 27.

Now lets see if I’m strong enough to take him on.


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