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I feel Sapphire trying to squirm out of Diane’s arms without much success, but right as I’m about to do the same, Diane lets go. She then looks me in the eyes before I can say anything and says, “I know how serious I sound when I say try not to die, but I really mean it. Do not die.”

My mouth drops open again not too long after I managed to close it. Meanwhile, I feel Sapphire hiding behind me while glaring at Diane.

What the… huh? What just happened? Did she seriously…

Diane suddenly starts laughing directly at my face before saying in between laughs, “You should see the look on your face right now!”

I simply stare at her.

Eventually, she stops laughing and grows serious again, not bothering to answer the massive amount of questions I have showing on my face.

“Those Administrators are all the ones currently supporting you, each for their own reasons,” Diane says, explaining the purpose of the introductions from earlier and getting my mind back on track. Although I won’t be forgetting that little incident.

And judging by Sapphire’s clear avoidance of Diane, I doubt she will be either.

“Why are they supporting me?” I ask, wanting to know each of their exact reasons.

Diane tilts her head before walking over to the couch and sitting down to answer, “You already know about Talroth’s connection to the void, and Cyrene seems to be helping you because of your friend Crystal. But the others each have personal reasons to help you. Argus for one only decided to help you after seeing you get that bit of Scenturion Metal in the dungeon. Because basically every smith’s dream is to make something with some of that. And the idiot with him is only helping you because of Argus.”

Huh. Interesting.

Guess it makes sense that a smith would want to work with the best materials possible.

“Titania was a bit of a surprise, since she and the fae don’t tend to interact with the mortal plane very much,” Diane adds with a frown, only to notice my look of confusion. “Oh, that’s right. The System Forums don’t allow talk of the fae, so I doubt you’d know about them.”

Diane pauses for a second to look at Sapphire before her frown gains a sad tint to it.

Guess she only just now realized that she probably ruined her chances to get close to her after that little stunt.

“The realm of the fae is on its own plane of reality, just like the mortal plane and the void. And generally, only those who are fae themselves or have an invitation from a fae are able to enter it through a mirror,” she explains while still frowning. “The fae are bound by many laws, but the System is not one of them. In fact, the fae are the complete opposite of the void in some ways.”

Diane then brings up some sort of picture in front of her through her menu, showing a beautiful lake with some glittery lights twinkling in the open air.

“This is a picture of fae from the last time I visited,” she says, her frown finally fading as she takes in the beauty of the place. “The fae are generally a peaceful people, and that’s allowed to stay that way thanks to the laws of their plane which force people to act on their word. Meaning that the fae can’t lie and have to keep their promises.”

My eyebrows raise slightly at that.

This is sounding more and more like some of the mythologies back on Earth.

I glance down at Sapphire before moving over to sit down on a chair perpendicular to the one Diane’s sitting in, and Sapphire immediately follows me to sit next to me.

Diane’s eyes follow Sapphire for a moment only to lock onto mine again as she continues, “The System itself can’t reach the realm of the fae, and each and every resident of the realm is born with the power to control an element called radiance – which most people on the mortal plane don’t even know what does. Outside of the fact that it directly opposes the void element.”

Radiance? That’s odd.

Doesn’t sound like something that would be the opposite of the void. Isn’t the void nothing? Emptiness? Why would radiance, or light be its opposite?

I don’t get the answer to my question as Diane continues, “None of us are even sure of how Titania became an administrator for the System in the first place, much less where the fae realm originated. It just kind of popped up out of nowhere one day, not too long after The Reaper made his appearance, showing us the existence of the void.”



“Why would Titania have any interest in me?” I ask her with a frown, only to glance down at Sapphire as she begins to fall asleep with her head resting on my arm. “After all, I’m a descendant of The Reaper. So doesn’t that make me part void creature? Especially since I can use some slight amount of the void element.”

“That’s what I don’t understand,” Diane says, bringing my eyes back to her just to see her shrugging. “I wasn’t even going to ask her is she would help you. She just offered it out of nowhere, and since she said that she would back you up without payment, there was no reason to distrust her.”

Right. Since the fae can’t lie.

But that just makes things even more confusing.

I wonder just what the fae could have in mind for me…

“Right, well, we are running out of time,” Diane suddenly says, drawing me out of my thoughts rather quickly to look at the timer, which is as she said, almost about to run out. “So I’ll give you a quick rundown on the other Administrators.”

Her eyes turn serious again at this point before she says, “You’ve already met your allies, but aside from the Abyssal Ruler, you also have to worry about the Sovereign of the Devil Clans, Dafid Vanelli, the leviathan underlord of the ocean world of Arc, Norvant Blanc, and lastly, The Friar. He is the pope of the anti-Reaper religion, and the ruler of the Holy Empire.”

Seriously? The Holy Empire?


I would’ve been much happier never having to deal with them and their fanaticism.


“Oh, and you have your little cultists to help you out if you need,” Diane adds with a grin, making me groan loud enough to wake up Sapphire right before the notification for us being kicked out of the room appears and I find myself alone with Sapphire on the spaceship again.


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