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She just had to bring up the cultists, didn’t she?

I shake my head at that before glancing at Sapphire to find her looking around in confusion. But that doesn’t last long as she quickly turns back into her spider form and jumps into my shadow while sending through our bond, ‘Papa, wake me up when you find something interesting.’

Yeah, she’s definitely getting my mannerisms.

I climb back to my feet before walking over to the door, making it open again to reveal the frost-coated walls of the hallway on the other side.

Time to clear out this spaceship.


As it turns out, the spaceship is bigger than I thought. But it still only ends up taking me a few hours to make my way through it. Mostly because the droids in it aren’t very powerful. Or at least they don’t seem very powerful considering how much I leveled up to be able to face that Centurion Boss.

I bring Sapphire back out of my shadow after arriving at a very large and fancy looking door that I’m assuming probably leads to the bridge before stepping up to and touching it. This causes the door to open wide, revealing a dozen droids along with one fancier looking one. But surprisingly, there are no mini bosses in the room.

Even the one that I quickly find out is called an elite version of the other droids isn’t one. Just some sort of captain for the vessel.

And I don’t even have to raise a finger to deal with them as Sapphire makes quick work of them herself. So I just look around the bridge for something of use, only to eventually focus on the exterior of the ship through the window. Or rather, at the large spaceship I see in the distance.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I mutter, making Sapphire look at my face then at where I’m looking before adopting a similar look.

Several seconds pass in silence before Sapphire turns to look at me again and says, “I hope you know how to fly a ship, papa.”

My eye twitches.

Why on earth would I know how to fly a spaceship?


                                                                                          Half an hour later

“That was easier than I’d thought,” I mutter as I finish getting the spaceship close enough to the other one before creating a spike of ice to connect this ship with the neighboring one. I then expand that ice to the size of the airlock, only to hollow it out inside to make a makeshift docking port of ice between the two ships.

Since the instruction manual didn’t include a guide on how to dock with another ship.

I’m guessing this floor theme is set up this way to make the combat and interactions between Competitors a bit more… interesting. Since they’ll be flying ships armed with weapons.

Certainly an interesting way of making a theme. Albeit very annoying, and rather pointless beyond wasting time for me.

“Still wanna see if we can breathe in space, papa?” Sapphire asks as we make our way through the makeshift docking port to the other ship.

I glance at her and answer, “I’d rather not test that if we don’t have to.”

Sapphire just tilts her head at me in her bipedal form and asks, “But why not? You can just resurrect me if I died.”

I swat the back of her head while facing forward again and quietly scolding, “You dying isn’t an option. Doesn’t matter if I can bring you back.”

Just because I can doesn’t mean I want to make her suffer through that over and over just to test something.

Not to mention that it’d be expensive on the SP.

After a few seconds, I glance at her again, just to find her looking rather confused as we walk. So I can’t help but pat her on the head, which she seems to like considering how she grabs my hand. But once we reach the other ship’s closed docking port, I just step back as she turns back into a spider and rips the large airlock door off of the ship, startling the droids on the other side.

And then we just go through wiping out all of the droids on the ship, just like with the last ship. All the way till we reach the bridge of this one and find another elite.

Right as I’m about to mutter something about not being able to find the mini boss, Sapphire grabs my sleeve and points out the window while saying, “Papa, look!”

When I follow her finger, I find a ship nearly twice the size of the one we’re on right now just floating in place a little ways away from this ship.

“Nice one,” I compliment her before operating the ship – which was apparently set up purely so that it can be flown by a single person – to fly over to the new one. We then repeat the process as with the last ship, making a bridge to it before smashing in and tearing our way through the ship all the way to the bridge where we find a different scene this time.

This bridge is over twice the size of the other ship’s bridge, with three dozen droids filling it along with three elites and some other droid I hadn’t seen before that’s apparently a different model from the others.

While the others were all Ark0513 Battle Droid, this one is an Ark0514 Armored Droid. And even without making sure that it’s the mini boss, I can tell that it is just by the exit sitting at the back of the bridge in front of the controls.

“Looks like we just have to find the larger ships on the floors to find the mini boss,” I say while raising my hands, turning into my hunter form for the first time since awakening, and drawing on the marks above my shoulders to pull in void element. I then turn said void element into voided ice element before sending it out in a massive blizzard to freeze the entire bridge, including each of the monsters.

A ten second silence ensues after that, only to be broken by Sapphire muttering, “Cool…”

I can’t help but smirk at that as I navigate my way through the bridge to the exit.

At this point I’m hoping to make my own Cocytus attack. One that can easily rival the ability my coat gives me.

Oh, and on that thought. I’m really glad that the skills I get from my items still work fine. Because that would’ve drastically reduced the value of System Items for me.

Although they’re not considered skills anymore, so I still have to figure out how to use them without the help of the System. Which is a tad annoying, but it’s fine.

It’s more like a guiding hand helping me do the skill now instead of it being automated.

“Let’s check out the next floor,” I tell Sapphire, to which she nods her head and turns into her spider form to climb up my shoulder again. “Assuming this can really be considered a floor.”

Considering how it’s open space.


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