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“Now, some of these folks you already know, such as Leo and Arianais,” she says while pointing to the shark-man and the undead standing to either side of her. “But of those you don’t recognize…” she pauses here while glancing at the five or six other people in the room next to them. “Well, they can introduce themselves.”

My eyes widen at that blatant rudeness, only to narrow again as one of them steps forward and lightly tips his head towards me. The man has scarlet eyes similar to that of Mikaela’s, just with a much more bloodlike tone to them, along with dirty blonde hair and a very untrustworthy smirk on his face. One that makes me immediately think of someone who’s about to pull a prank or something.

“Hello, Prince Wolf,” he says, making my eye twitch at the way he refers to me, “you may call me Alastaraic, for I am known as Alastaraic Heath – the purest vampire in the universe!”

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Sapphire’s eye twitching as well with irritation.

‘You should stay away from people like him,’ I tell her through our bond. To which she sends a mental nod of affirmation back to me.

Another of the Administrators yanks the vampire’s shoulder, pulling him back as the man steps forward. This one is rather large, with him standing at nearly eight feet tall – over a foot taller than myself – along with a single eye on his forehead, marking him as likely some sort of cyclops. Which is confirmed when I identify him to find that he’s an astral cyclops. Whatever that is.

Probably has something to do with why his eye looks like it has stars twinkling in it.

“Prince, you may call me Argus,” he says in a rather gruff tone that goes against how beautiful his eye is. “And if you ever need something crafted and have the means to afford me, then give me a call.”

He then steps back again while still holding onto the vampire’s shoulder and dragging him back with him.

Good to see that there’s someone keeping that vampire under control.

If I remember correctly, the cyclops – whose actual species outside of that fact is unknown to most people – is the leader of the Astral Forge. Which is one of the most famous nations of forgers in the universe. Meanwhile the vampire is one of the Ascendents and doesn’t really do much outside of fighting. And making trouble for people.

The next one to step forward is a woman wearing full black and gray leather armor, with a bow draped over her shoulder, and long black hair running over it. She is also a human surprisingly enough, according to the identify.

“Hello there, your highness,” she says in a sharp tone of voice before adding, “my name is Cyrene Hunter, but you may call me Cyrene.”

Oh, that’s right. They’re the one who has been sponsoring Crystal all this time.

“I appreciate the sponsorship,” I tell her with a faint nod of my head.

She smiles at that before the next Administrator steps up. This one is probably the shortest sapient creature I’ve ever seen aside from those leprechauns in the Lucky Days viewing room. They have hair glowing every single color of the rainbow, with equally shiny eyes, and some sort of dress flowing over their foot-tall-form. And some sort of stick floating next to them?

When I identify them, the stick makes sense.

A radiant fairy.

“Hello, young one!” the fairy says while flying in circles around me, making me feel weird in the process. I also notice Sapphire looking a little disoriented, which makes me notice that the fairy didn’t actually speak out loud but instead into my mind directly. “I am Titania, queen of the fae, and bringer of the endless day. If you wish to seek aid from me or my folk, then travel to fae and help you shall receive.”

I blink in confusion at their manner of speaking, only for her name to click in my head.

Titania? Isn’t that the queen of the fairies from Earth mythology?

I give her a nod of respect, which prompts her to smile at me before vanishing in a flash of light, leaving Sapphire to let out a sigh of relief before grabbing onto my coat sleeve. After patting her head for a moment, I focus on the last one, who I don’t actually recognize.

The man has a humanoid body, just like the others, but he is covered in blackish-gray scales, with black hair running down to his shoulder and pure gray eyes. But that changes entirely just a second later as I see a flash of void energy leave his body, turning him into something entirely different.

My eyes widen at the sight, only for his body to return to the form it previously was a second later.

The man seems to nod his head in approval at my reaction, meanwhile none of the other Administrators in the room appear to have even noticed anything and are looking between us with expectation in their gazes.

This guy… is he a devourer?

I’ve never seen one, but during that brief instant his form changed, he definitely looked like the description Diane gave before. His eyes had turned pure black, along with everything else on him, and his head had completely changed forms to give him the mouth of a lamprey.

Which was rather creepy looking on a humanoid form with a human-shaped face.

The only difference I can directly tell form her description is obviously his size.

“Talroth,” the man says, his voice clearly resonating throughout the room for a moment before going quiet again.

I blink in surprise.

That’s all?

As if answering my question, Talroth vanishes from the room, followed by each of the others one by one until I’m left alone with Sapphire, Leo, and Diane. Only for Leo to give me a nod and leave as well after surprisingly kissing Diane on the cheek.

My mouth gapes at that, which leaves me too surprised to dodge Diane when she rushes in and pulls me and Sapphire into a hug.

“What the…” I mutter while Sapphire lets out a squeak of surprise.

What the hell is going on?


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