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                                                                                 Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 13


                                                    [Random Item Draw]

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                                                                  o O o

             Congratulations! You have obtained the item ‘Cloak of the Weaver’

This cloak will grant the wearer a 5% boost in DEX and RES when worn and will self-repair itself whenever MP is inserted into it and it will be temporarily stored in your System Item Storage for a period of 72 hours!


Huh. I guess I forgot about the fact that the self-repair on my under armor took MP, so I do in fact have some use for the stuff.

Putting that aside though, this cloak sounds pretty good! It also has a stat boost unlike the under armor, which has its stat boost locked still.

A bright red light flashes around me before I suddenly find myself outside of the dungeon in the middle of a clearing.

After checking my surroundings both visually and with my aura, I bring the new cloak out of my System Item Storage before holding it in front of me. The thing feels extremely smooth to the touch, obviously being made from spider silk – which is a much better material than whatever was used to make the cloak I have on now. It’s also a mixture of black and white in color, with most of it being black, and it covers just as much as the old cloak did. Except with this one being a System Item unlike the other one.

I take the red cloak off and dump it into my storage pouch, which still feels weird to do. Or just plain disconcerting to see a large bundled up cloak disappear into a tiny pouch.

Although it’s also kind of cool.

Anyways, after putting the old cloak away, I quickly put the new one on before feeling a strange rush flow through my body.

Is that how a stat boost from equipment feels?

I take a deep breath before running around to test my new DEX.


                                                      Duchy Seat of the Duchy of Viette, Alltend
                                                                  Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 13

“So the failed High General- no, excuse me, the failed general has arrived at my little abode?” a man with a long beard, thick eyebrows, and a stocky figure says with more than a little contempt in his tone as he watches Robert Fellhart enter the door to the office. The man is wearing the uniform of a General of the New Earth Alliance, and has a large broadsword strapped to his back as he stands in the middle of the room he had claimed as his office, which is now in ruins thanks to his temper tantrums.

“General Orbol,” Robert mutters with a grimace, “what a pleasant surprise to find you here.”

Robert looks around the office with unveiled disgust at the man’s actions, but doesn’t say anymore as Orbol asks, “Oh? So you weren’t told who was stationed at Alltend by the necrotic bastard at the border?”

Robert clenches his fists at the man’s term for his friend, but he stays quiet thanks to his knowledge of how often Orbol picks fights. Not to mention how often he wins them.

Of the three Generals stationed in the Duchy of Viette, General Orbol is by far the strongest – having at least three levels on the other two, which is quite a lot since they’re all at Tier 8. However, thanks to the System’s restrictions, they’re all currently limited to Tier 3 strength. Albeit at the latter end of the Tier.

‘Why did it have to be him?’ Robert thinks to himself before sighing and opening his mouth to speak, just to end up gaping at his pocket. Which doesn’t go unnoticed by the General standing at the other end of the room as he asks, “What is it?”

Robert doesn’t answer him right away and instead reaches into his pocket to pull out a red crystal that has begun to glow just ever so slightly.

“By the Gods…” he mutters before moving it one way and then the next, making General Orbol stare at him with a look that shows exactly how crazy he thinks Robert is clear as day on his face. But once Robert continues his muttering, his face turns serious, “…Wrath is really on Midgard? And likely somewhere in this duchy too…”

The man continues moving the crystal around, and Orbol doesn’t send him any weird look anymore, instead waiting for him to explain further. And after several seconds of this, Robert eventually puts the crystal back in his pocket, grabs the doorknob, and says to the General, “I have an escaped Sin to capture.”

He then bolts out the door before the other General can get in a word, leaving him slack jawed staring at the open door.

Robert continues running through the manor that General Orbol had ‘confiscated’ from a noble to use as his home while on Midgard until he practically bursts from the door and pulls the crystal back out of his pocket. He then ignores the stares being directed at him from both the other invaders and the inhabitants of Midgard as he moves the thing around in an attempt to sniff out the direction Wrath is in.

‘If I remember correctly, this thing reacts to Wrath energy as a whole. So the stronger the Embodiment of Wrath, the more Wrath energy they’ll put off and the further away they can be detected,’ he thinks to himself, trying to remember just how the crystal – which had been found within the cocoon Wrath had come out of after transforming – worked. ‘And since it hasn’t been that long since Wrath entered the world, if this sudden signal is anything to go by, that means they must be pretty close by.’

A smile blooms on Robert’s face at the thought before he rushes off in the direction where he believes the crystal is glowing the strongest, completely unbeknownst to the fact that Wrath is on the opposite side of the Duchy from him.


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Huh pretty short chappy but good none the less