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                                                                                    Executive Stream

Both Diane – Wolf’s adoptive werewolf mother – and Luke – Wolf’s blood related father – stare at the words above Wolf’s blacked out screen for several tense seconds, not letting their eyes move away from the Species listed on it.


Name: Wolf Adler (Frost)

Title: The Winter Wolf

UNIQUE Species: Reaper of the Blue Moon

Level: 1139

Floor: 100


Time passes and soon entire minutes have gone by without either of them having said a word. Eventually though, the door to Diane’s room within the viewing room bursts open and Leo can be seen walking in with a frown. One that only grows deeper once he notices the two staring in silence.

“Are you two just going to sit there all day and stare?” he asks, a slight growl to his voice showing his own anger at the situation. “There isn’t much you can do for Wolf right now, Diane. So do something else to take your mind off of it.”

He then turns to focus solely on Luke as he adds, “And you should get back to your family, because I highly doubt they’re taking any of this any better than you are.”

His words serve to snap the two out of their trance before Luke gives Leo and Diane a nod and leaves the viewing room. Meanwhile Diane begins to mess with her menus, only to grimace at the rioting going on within the System Forums about the blackened screen.

After a few seconds, she raises her eyes to meet Leo’s and asks, “How are the other Executives taking Helvark Loarn death?”

Leo just shakes his head and answers, “Not very well, as you can probably guess. At least a fourth of them immediately left the viewing room after hearing about it, afraid that the void creature might go after them next. And the rest are constantly debating what to do about Wolf despite knowing that they can’t do anything even if they wanted to. Not with yours and my own protection, along with Arianais’s. And especially not with The Reaper’s interest seemingly having been taken by Wolf.”

Diane frowns at that before glancing at the blackened screen again and asking, “And what do most of them seem to be saying?”

“Not too much has changed since before. Most of them are still either neutral or even supporting your pup, but there are a few Administrators that’ve changed sides to join the Abyssal faction,” Leo answers while also turning his gaze to the screen.

The Werewolf Empress just nods without saying a word to that.



I let out a groan the moment I regain consciousness. My entire body feels off, with a faint amount of pain everywhere. But I snuff that out with a quick round of healing with my eternal i-

My eyes snap open as I remember everything that’s happened strictly from the fact that the element I just used wasn’t my eternal ice element.

And the first thing I see after opening them is a little girl lying down on the floor of some sort of large nest of webbing. The girl has pale white skin, long snow white hair, pointed ears, and some sort of set of clothes that look eerily like my own on her. Honestly, if it weren’t for the little spikes of ice I notice on her neck and poking out of holes in her clothes on her shoulders, then I’d probably think she was my daughter due to just how similar she appears to myself. Which isn’t possible.

I furrow my brows at the sight of her, only for her eyes to snap open the moment I move even just an inch. She then jumps to her feet and exclaims, “Papa! You’re awake!”


Did she just…. Wait…

“Sapphire?” I ask questioningly.

She nods her head with a smile before walking up and hugging me, only to turn into a tiny spider a second later and climb up to my shoulder, which I just now realized doesn’t have that odd cone thingy that it had earlier. Although when I turn my head to look at my back I do find two snow-white wings sticking out of holes in my coat and armor.

I grimace at the hole in the armor, since that won’t likely ever get repaired. But fortunately, it looks like the coat adjusted to the wings on its own and formed those two holes.

Sapphire rubs her head against my neck for several seconds as I sit back down in silence, trying to figure out what the hell happened. But after nearly a minute, she begins to climb back down before turning into an eight year old girl again with the same clothes as prior to turning into a spider on.

“Would you mind explaining…” I wave my hand at her and add, “this new appearance of yours?”

She just nods her head, stands up straight, looks up at me with a very proud look on her adorable face, and says, “Well, the giant box of bolts was about to hurt you, so I froze it before it could!”

I blink at her a few times at her answer before covering my mouth to hold myself back from laughing at her actions.

This just leads to Sapphire tilting her head in confusion.

“What about after that?” I ask. “Also, what does the System consider you now?”

“Oh, that?” Sapphire mutters before frowning. “Apparently I’m a…” She pauses for a moment.

Wait, why am I asking? I can see her status…

“…Ara… Arahkna? Yeah, an Arahknathropeh!” she finishes with a wide grin.

I check her status.

“You mean an Arachneathrope,” I bluntly tell her, only for her to pout at that.

Do. Not. Laugh.

I repeat this in my head a few times before turning to look at my wings again. Then at the little nest we’re sitting in.

Guess she took care of me for however long I’ve been out.

When I turn back to Sapphire, I find her no longer pouting at me and instead looking at me with worry.

“What’s wrong?” I ask with a frown.

“Can…” she starts, only to cut off again a moment later. “Can I call you papa?”

My eyebrows raise in surprise at that question, but I just shrug a second later.

“Call me whatever you want,” I tell her. Then, after a moment of hesitation, I pat her on the head.

I normally hate physical contact, but it feels different with her. Maybe it’s because she’s been lying on my shoulder and in my arms in her spider form for months now?

And as for her calling me papa… I guess I’m fine with that. I am technically her papa, if you consider that my element was linked with her birth, and I hatched her from her egg.

Sapphire just giggles at my patting of her head before saying, “I love you papa!” and turning back into a spider and climbing up to my shoulder again.

I never really expected to have kids in my life, considering my complete lack of interest in romance. So this is certainly an unexpected development. But I might as well roll with it.

“Well, time to check my notifications,” I mutter, to which I hear Sapphire purring on my shoulder.

Because there certainly are a lot of notifications to check.


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Werewolf with wings. Amazing!

Frank Burgos

This is good. Sapphire will help provide character growth for Wolf. Very cute too