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                                                                     Year 2849 | Month 9 | Day 9

I glare at the zombie and skeleton corpses in various states of disarray before taking my stuff and walking towards the opposite direction of the creepy forest. Because it’s pretty damn obvious there isn’t any water there, at least if those dead trees are anything to go by.

Then again, I could be wrong. But the undead also seemed to have come from it, so that’s not a good sign either.

As I’m walking, I take a moment to glance at the remote in my pocket. The device is probably the only magi-tech device that I’ve ever seen blatantly show the exact program used in the spell it activates. Which is obviously for me to study to make my own spell from it.

I look up again without stopping in my trek across the dead meadow.

It would be nice if I could just straight up copy the entire spell to use, but it wouldn’t work since that’s a spell used by a device and not a human. So all I can really take from it is the base design and the coordinates that I’ll need for the spatial storage.

Time begins to pass as I walk with only the rare few undead showing up to die on the end of my sword, but I still don’t find anything. Outside of the dead forest that seems to be running along the edge of the entire seemingly endless meadow and is where all of the undead appear to be coming from.

Eventually, I feel discomfort begin to grow in my body from hunger and thirst. One that repeatedly goes away before appearing again, making it even more disconcerting.

I grimace at the feeling but attempt to ignore it for as long as possible. But eventually, I just give up on walking across the meadow after not finding a single thing for hours.

Just how damn large is this meadow?!

I look out over the dead meadow – which looks even creepier since it’s almost midnight right now – before glancing at the dead forest.

Well, I don’t know if I’d be able to get any sleep while feeling this discomfort, so I might as well try the forest. It’s not like I really need any sleep anyways.

And who knows. Maybe there is food and water in there?


                                                                     The Arcane Council Chambers
                                                                     Year 2849 | Month 9 | Day 10

An intense silence fills the chamber as what was once ten individuals lining the seats of the council now only have eight seats filled, with both Blake Winters and Victor Umbra having abandoned them for their family’s Class S magicians despite Umbra’s original support of going after them. Now, the Class S anti-magic magician can be seen glaring at the two empty chairs while deep in thought.

After several minutes of silence pass, he eventually begins rather slowly, “We have to do something about the doctor.”

Lilith Marshall and Alexis Luna both just glare at the man, clearly unhappy with what happened to Amelia and her team after having been forced to join the hellhole of a battle. Meanwhile Lucas begins to open his mouth, but is cut off before he can say anything by Marcus Ashford as he says, “And how are we supposed to do that? Unless you know how to capture a space magician?”

“One that doesn’t include putting my daughter in danger or sacrificing her best friend again,” Lilith says, still glaring at the Chairman without letting up in the slightest.

Marcus glances at her with a frown before closing his eyes and thinking, ‘Right. Leo’s student was killed in that battle.’ He then opens his eyes again and joins the two women in their glaring at the Chairman.

“On that note,” Marcus adds, “did you know that interns were stationed at the base when you gave the order for every able body to join the battle?”

Artorius glances at Marcus and narrows his eyes at the man’s tone before shaking his head and stating, “No. I did not.”

The current head of the Ashford family opens his mouth to retort, but Artorius continues while glaring at the screen in the center of the room, “In fact, I rather explicitly stated for none of the interns to be sent to the main base on the Grand Warzone. But it would appear someone interfered with my orders before they could arrive.”

This revelation sends shock reeling through all of the gathered council members.

“Then… who interfered with it?” Alexander Griffin mutters, only to add, “Was it the doctor? But why?”

“Why else but to get rid of our future generation?” Artorius growls out with a frown before glancing at Marcus and raising a brow as he asks, “Though I’m a little surprised you were the one to bring up the interns. I would’ve expected you to disregard them entirely.”

Marcus doesn’t appear fazed by this. But Alexis answers the Chairman’s question in his place, “I think that’s likely because his son’s apprentice was one of the casualties in the disaster.”

A grimace makes its way on Marcus’s face at this.

“Oh?” Artorius prods while raising his brow even further.

After a few seconds, Marcus answers, “From what I’ve been led to believe, the boy – Nathan Fox – was talented at creating and working with new spells. And my own son worked on a spell that used the boy’s own genetic disease to heal him from most wounds in an instant.”

Artorius leans forward in his seat slightly at that.

“The boy was my daughter’s best friend all throughout middle school and high school,” Lilith adds with another glare sent towards Artorius.

The man simply ignores it as Alexis looks at Marcus and adds, “He’d built up a bit of a reputation at the academy thanks to that spell. Although I didn’t know how it worked. What genetic disease did he have?”

Marcus glances at her with an indifferent look but answers anyways, “The disease is so rare that it hasn’t been designated a name yet, but it basically slows down a person’s aging.”

This surprises most of the people in the room before they all glance at each other.

‘That’s right…’ Lilith thinks to herself while furrowing her brows, ‘I do remember Amelia mentioning that he had that back when they were in middle school.’

The other council members begin muttering amongst each other, startled by the fact that the first magician to have been found with the disease also died before he could grow as a magician.

“It’s unfortunate,” Artorius says before standing up from his seat and walking over to the map of the Barren Pass, where the Class S magicians are currently known to be, “but we have bigger issues to deal with at the moment.”

Everyone but Lilith, Alexis, and Marcus nod their heads in agreement with him, but the man continues speaking despite their obvious discontent.


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