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I changed part of the description/synopsis. This is the new one, with the new changes to it being underlined:


Is it the lack of order? Or the existence of freedom?

The criminal world of Leventria.

A place that is avoided by almost every individual in the known Universe with more than one brain cell.

Or at least, that’s how it was before it became a Prime – a world that’s seen and experienced the birth of a progenitor and has changed because of it.

Now it’s even worse.

Now the skies of Leventria are forever covered by sinister clouds that transmute anything that attempts to enter them, blocking out any outsides unprotected by laws themselves from entering the planet.

Brought into a world where he is the only one able to directly control the law of Chaos, where everyone else must obtain a skill crystal in order to even hope to have any power over a law at all, Chaos – otherwise known as Ludric Archeron by his adoptive family – must navigate his way through. He must break through the order and learn how to control and wield his own laws of Chaos. But what happens when his ‘father’, who happens to be the man who adopted him the moment he was born in the man’s city, tries to reign him in? Tries to keep his Chaos in check? At least in the man’s own city.

What happens when the other city lords ruling over the criminal world of Leventria continue to push their way towards his father’s city with the intent of finding him?

Who knows?

Maybe the answer might just surprise you.

Or maybe not.

It’s Chaos after all.


Dawn of Chaos uses a particular system where the individuals in the universe – with the exception of the progenitors of each law – must find items called skill crystals which spawn only in places where a law is especially powerful in order to have any control over the laws. These skill crystals grant them a ‘skill’ which when used will control a law to do a particular action for the user. They will also allow the user to absorb the ‘mana’ residing within the skill crystal until the skill is fully bestowed to the user and the crystal fades away, back into the laws of the universe.

And this mana? This power granted to the inhabitants of the universe by the laws themselves?

It both extends the life of the recipient absorbing the mana and acts as a renewable fuel source for the skills and progenitors to direct the Laws.

However, the progenitors are able to directly and slowly draw the mana out of the Laws themselves and merge it with their own mana pool without having to rely on Skill Crystals.



The first thing I see when I wake up again is, of course, father’s frowning face.

“Hello!” I tell him with a smile, as if that would make him let me off without any punishment.

He just sighs.

Yep. That’s to be expected.

Aaannnyyyways, I wonder if there are any ways out of this room that I can make with Chaos? Because it’s always at times like these that I end up figuring out new and lovely uses for my little Law.

Although figuring out and learning how to do it are two different things entirely. But at least it gives me something new to work on every time.

I glance at the mirror near where we’re sitting in father’s bedroom. The reflection of which shows me sitting on a comfortable chair across a table from him with my natural face, meaning that my transmutation wore off.

Just like when I first met father, I have one black eye and one red eye. But unlike then, ever since I really started practicing and using my Law of Chaos, my eyes have changed ever so slightly. The black eye started growing darker and darker, as if the light around it were being sucked into the eye itself whereas my red eye is doing the opposite. It’s been slowly beginning to shine with a radiant, blood red light that seems to creep some people out even more than my black eye does.

Someone also seems to have changed my clothes, since I’m now wearing the Archeron family’s black robe. Which I never particularly enjoy wearing since the sleeves area are a tad long, going a little bit past my hands to show that it’s meant for someone a little bigger than myself. Because apparently I am ‘small for my age’. Which isn’t really an accurate statement, considering that I’m technically only around five years old, despite my maturity.

“How many times are you going to pull these stunts?” father asks after the silence has dragged on for long enough. “Do you enjoy causing me trouble and making me send your sister – the only damn person in the city with the skill, Sense Chaos – to drag you back?”

I wince at the skill’s name.

It’s such an annoying skill. Letting people sense active Chaos spells that are a lower level than the user’s skill.

“You know how progenitors are, father,” I tell him with a frown while casually looking around the room. “It’s not like I can go against my nature.”

The nature of progenitors is the same as their Law itself.

A Law is born when an element has grown so dense in one planet that a small fraction of it condenses into a Law, which then multiplies in mass to fill the entire universe. But the progenitor themself that is born from the Law takes on its very same properties, along with the form of whatever creature is the most common place on the planet of its birth. Which in my case, are humans.

But just because I have the form of a human doesn’t make me human.

Father rubs his temples at my answer while leaning back in his chair and muttering, “Yes, but…”

“If you’d only just let me out of the city, then I could cause problems for someone else,” I tell him while pasting my award winning smile back onto my face. Although I guess it isn’t as award winning when you take my eyes into consideration, but still.

As I’m expecting him to immediately blow off the suggestion like he usually does, he actually stays silent for a few seconds, startling me enough to wipe the smile off of my face.

Wait, is he actually considering it?

“As you well know,” he begins, shocking me even more, “I’ve never let you leave the city because of those who wish to capture and enslave you. But now is a little different.”

My eyes widen further in shock.

“Now, two different city lords appear to be making moves on us,” he declares with a frown. “So it might not be such a bad thing to have you leave now. Not only could it actually be safer right now to leave the city, but it would also calm things down in the city so that I can focus on the opposing forces.”

This time I find myself gaping at him, which seems to amuse him as his frown lessens just a tiny bit.

“But make sure you come back here within two years, and to keep your Chaos to a minimum so that you don’t get caught,” he says as a slight smile begins to grow on his face. Whether that’s from him kicking me out of the city for the time being or from my look of utter shock, I don’t know.

Either way, I close my mouth again and nod my head.

This is practically a dream come true! And not only because I can stop suppressing my instinct! But because from what I’ve learned over the last five years, using your Law is the best way to train in it further as a progenitor.

“But remember,” father says after noticing how happy I’m getting. “You’re no use to me dead. So come back alive.”

I nod at that before immediately getting up from my seat and heading for the door.

Sometimes I’m not really sure if he actually cares about me or if he just wants the usefulness of having a progenitor ‘in the family’. But either way, he’s never really treated me badly. And he offers me protection while I learn. So outside of his constant attempts so far to stifle my Chaos – which he seems to be calming down on if this recent development is taken into consideration – he hasn’t done anything that’d warrant me breaking our agreement and leaving.

But right as I’m about to leave, father adds, “And make sure to be careful of the monsters outside of the city. They’ve been especially bad recently.”

I wave my hand at him to signify that I heard him before stepping out of the door and immediately bolting towards my own room further down the hall of the large Palace located at the center of Archon city. On the way there, I pass by Kat – my sister’s nickname – with a wave in her direction, surprising her likely due to the fact that I’m already out and about again instead of being punished like I usually am.

“See ya later, sis!” I shout back before turning the corner and bolting it down the empty corridor to my room at the end of it, where I enter and quickly get my things together.

Since progenitors don’t actually need sleep or water, I simply grab my stash of snacks and stuff it into my bag before reaching for my Chaos attuned sword – which was forged through the use of a Chaos Skill by some random forger guy whose name I have already forgotten – and strapping it to my waist underneath my robe. I then change out of the robe and into a different one that actually fits. This robe is also mostly black in color, but the hood is lined with blood red as is the band around the waist of the robe. But most importantly, the sleeves don’t go past my hands. So unlike when I wear the other robe, I don’t look like a teenager trying to wear their father’s clothing anymore.

I smile at the robe before turning to the mirror and nodding my head.

Good thing I had this robe made at some point behind father’s back.

With that thought in mind, I close my eyes, quickly grab my mana, and use it directly to control the Chaos Law around me, making the black and red particles merge into my body whilst ignoring my clothes. I then focus even more on the tiny particles to direct them into forcefully altering my DNA at random.

Once the process is complete, I open my eyes again to find myself staring into an unknown boy’s eyes.

I let out a sigh of relief at ending up as a guy still before looking over my appearance. This time around, I have brown hair to match this set of eyes, along with a softer face and a thinner frame.

Not bad.

It’s not the end of the world or anything if I do end up as a girl, which actually has only happened like twice in the three years I’ve been able to transmute myself. Maybe because it’s more difficult to change one’s gender entirely? Not really sure. But the times I did end up as a girl, it kind of screwed with my head a little bit.

I always feel a little disconnected whenever I’m transmuted like this, but it’s just a lot worse when I’m in a female form. Probably because it’s changing what body parts I have in their entirety instead of just changing the parts I already have’s shape and form. Not to mention that the hormones are different between the sexes and all, which is annoying.

Although I have to admit, it was hilarious to see Kat’s reaction the one time she saw me in a female form.

Pure gold.

Anyways, I turn away from the mirror and look through my room.

I then glance at the door with a smirk and point my hand towards the window, where I control the Chaos Law to transmute a small portion of the wall. Which ends up turning it into water surprisingly. Water that ends up just pouring down the side of the building and causing a shout of surprise from down below.

Huh. I wonder if it went into the balcony on the floor beneath my room?

With a shrug at the thought, I look through my room one last time before jumping out of the hole in the wall. Just to find a servant on the balcony below glaring up at me, soaked with water.


Yeah, let’s act as if that didn’t happen.

I whistle a tune while landing on the edge of the balcony before jumping off again with my own mana-enhanced strength to a building nearly a story beneath the balcony, several meters away.

It’ll also be interesting to see a monster for the first time in my life. Especially because, from what I can remember, they originated from the Law of Chaos. Or rather, they used to be originated from the loose elements of Chaos that were scattered through the universe, but they drastically shot up in number after my birth.

Which a lot of people are obviously not happy about.

But it doesn’t change the fact that they sound rather interesting. I’m really curious as to the Chaos element inside of them especially.


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