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At this point I just decided to stop holding myself back from starting new stories. However, I'll just keep each one on my Patreon and only write for them whenever I feel like it without any specific upload schedules. Meanwhile for the ones I do put on RoyalRoad, I will make a regular upload schedule for those. And those particular ones will be decided on by a vote from you guys and gals, just like The Calling of Wrath was.


Here's the cover image for Dawn of Chaos:


Here is the synopsis for Dawn of Chaos:


Is it the lack of order? Or the existence of freedom?

The criminal world of Leventria.

A place that is avoided by almost every individual in the known Universe with more than one brain cell.

Or at least, that’s how it was before it became a Prime – a world that’s seen and experienced the birth of a progenitor and has changed because of it.

Now it’s even worse.

Now the skies of Leventria are forever covered by sinister clouds that transmute anything that attempts to enter them, blocking out any outsides unprotected by laws themselves from entering the planet.

Brought into a world where he is the only one able to directly control the law of Chaos, where everyone else must obtain a skill crystal in order to even hope to have any power over a law at all, Chaos – otherwise known as Ludric Archeron by his adoptive family – must navigate his way through. He must break through the order and learn how to control and wield his own laws of Chaos. But what happens when his ‘father’, who happens to be the man who adopted him the moment he was born in the man’s city, tries to reign him in? Tries to keep his Chaos in check? At least in the man’s own city.

What happens when the other city lords ruling over the criminal world of Leventria continue to push their way towards his father’s city with the intent of finding him?

Who knows?

Maybe the answer might just surprise you.

Or maybe not.

It’s Chaos after all.


Dawn of Chaos uses a particular system where the individuals in the universe – with the exception of the progenitors of each law – must find items called skill crystals which spawn only in places where a law is especially powerful in order to have any control over the laws. These skill crystals grant them a ‘skill’ which when used will control a law to do a particular action for the user. They will also allow the user to absorb the ‘mana’ residing within the skill crystal until the skill is fully bestowed to the user and the crystal fades away, back into the laws of the universe.

And this mana? This power granted to the inhabitants of the universe by the laws themselves?

It both extends the life of the recipient absorbing the mana and acts as a renewable fuel source for the skills and progenitors to direct the Laws.

However, the progenitors are able to directly and slowly draw the mana out of the Laws themselves and merge it with their own mana pool without having to rely on Skill Crystals.


Here is the prologue of Dawn of Chaos:

It was just a regular morning on the planet known as Leventria. The few traders daring to enter the criminal world flying in and docking at one of the few spaceports on each city, the many streets running borderline empty with the exception of the various criminal gangs controlling each of them, and the vibrant, red sun hanging high in the sky as the crows announce their presence to the world itself.

But on this very morning, a strange occurrence emerges. At first, it’s nothing but a strange red and black energy the size of a small ball no bigger than a child’s fist that constantly changes form between electricity, fire, water, and various other types of natural energy. Soon after though, this energy begins to grow larger and larger until it envelops the entire construction site that it’s located in, including the few workers whose screams are silenced the moment they are forced inside the energy.

At this point, the city lord in charge of Archon – the city containing the strange occurrence – raises his head from his desk in the direction of it before chanting the name of the skill, Shadow Step, under his breath and vanishing in an orb of darkness. The orb then fades away as well just to appear again next to the construction site that has already stopped growing. But as if reacting to his presence somehow, the red and black energy suddenly stops changing forms whilst in the form of a black and red cloud.

“It couldn’t be…” the city lord, otherwise known as Christopher Archeron mutters while narrowing his eyes at the energy. “Or could it?”

The man is wearing the black robes of the Archeron family; ones that have the crest of a dragon’s head on the back with two pairs of horns and blood red scales that look almost as if they were made from blood itself. He has short black hair with a pair of equally black eyes and skin so pale that it was almost as if he had never stepped outside before.

Suddenly, the man is forced to take a step backwards as the cloud of red and black energy bursts upwards into the sky before spreading out near infinitely to cover the entire planet in a dark cloud of black and red. At the same time, the System given to the individuals of the Universe by the Law of Order suddenly sends a notification out to every individual in the Universe.

Christopher’s eyes widen in shock at the message that abruptly disappears before finishing, only to turn his attention to the cloud covering the construction lot as it slowly fades away until eventually leaving nothing but a single entity behind. This entity has the appearance of a thirteen year old boy with black hair, one black eye, and one red eye.

Almost immediately after Christopher’s eyes land on the boy, the boy turns his to meet the city lord’s.

Several seconds pass in silence, meanwhile various different city lords from all over the world rush over to Archon as quickly as they possibly can. And at the same time, various factions and empires along with the other progenitors spread throughout the universe quickly begin to search for the new Prime.

Eventually, the two – city lord and progenitor – are snapped out of their staring match by the appearance of another notification. One that also gets cut short, just like the first one.

The city lord narrows his eyes at the progenitor in front of him before glancing up at the sky, which is still covered in red and black clouds mixed with the occasional bolt of red or black lightning. He then turns to look outside of the city before focusing on the progenitor again and asking, “Do you know what you are?”

The progenitor of Chaos tilts his head and waits for a few seconds, only to straighten it again and answer, “I am who I am.”

Christopher’s eyes narrow even further, but the progenitor continues speaking before he can say anything, “I am Chaos. The progenitor of the Laws of Chaos and my own self.”

This answer makes the city lord raise his eyebrows in surprise. He then purses his lips in thought while occasionally glancing at the directions of the other cities, where the other city lords of the world are currently rushing from.

Eventually, he turns back to the entity and asks, “Would you like to make a deal with me?”

“A deal?” Chaos asks back while furrowing his brows just a little bit. “What sort of deal would that be?”

“I’ll give you protection from the other city lords,” Christopher pauses here slightly as he notices Chaos’s brows furrowing a little bit more at the unfamiliar term, “the people coming here likely to enslave you.”

Chaos raises his head to look at the sky at that before muttering, “Enslave me…?”

‘But why…’ he thinks while closing his heterochromatic eyes, only to shake his head again a second later. ‘No. It’s because I’m a progenitor, isn’t it?’

He then lowers his head again to look at Christopher and asks, “And how are you any different from them?”

Christopher smirks at this question, crosses his arms, and answers, “Because I want a mutually beneficial deal between us. You help me in the future after you’ve grown and learned to control your Law, and I help you by guarding you from the others of this world who would try to enslave you.”

Chaos stares at the man for a few seconds, then raises his head again and reaches for the tiny black and red particles in the air that only he can see. He then frowns as he finds the particles incredibly difficult to even latch on to, much less control before lowering his head again to look at the man in front of him.

‘It could take years to be able to control the Laws enough to defend myself…’ Chaos thinks to himself for a second without blinking. ‘Maybe it would be best to go along with his deal for now?’

Christopher just watches the progenitor stare at him for several seconds with his slightly unnerving eyes, growing ever tenser by every second the ‘boy’ doesn’t respond.

Eventually, the progenitor glances out of the city, where he assumes the other city lords are beginning to approach. He then glances outside of the construction lot where he notices some people beginning to approach their location from other locations within the city itself.

‘Not much choice now, is there?’ he thinks before looking at Christopher again and answering, “We have a deal. But mark my words, I won’t be used as a weapon.”

The city lord’s smirk immediately grows wider as he lets out a laugh and says, “Then in that case, either call me Christopher, or call me father!”


For those of you who can't read the images:


Global Message

The first day of the next age is upon you as a new Law has been born into the Universe! But be wary, as this new age is the age of Chaos.

Welcome with it change, as the Progenitor of the new age will undoubtedly bring it with their coming rise. But also welcome the cruelty that comes with it as nothing comes without a price.

Chaos will-will-will-will-





World-Wide Message

Due to the birth of the Law of Chaos on the planet Leventria, the planet will now transform into a Prime.

The effects of this transformation will be as follows:

Skill Crystals of the Chaos Law will now spawn within the world periodically.

The planet’s atmosphere has changed thanks to the strong presence of the Chaos Laws.

Monsters will now-now-now-now-





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