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“I’ll allow your flagship and your flagship alone to dock,” I tell the Vampires before glancing behind them at the ships. “Your other ships must wait offshore. But I will allow you to send smaller vessels from them to stock up on supplies if needed. Other than those individuals though, the only people I’ll allow on shore are your leader and your chosen delegates.”

The Tier 4 or 5 Vampire doesn’t seem surprised and nods his head while saying, “Thank you for your permission, prince Leon.”

My eyebrows furrow slightly at their chosen title.

Weren’t they just calling me Sir a minute ago? Why switch to my untitled prince rank from the Raizel Empire?

I watch them as they talk telepathically with someone – likely their Prince – before glancing at the captain.

Maybe they aren’t sure what to call me by? Or it could also just be that they care more about my status in the Raizel Empire than my status here.

Several seconds pass as they converse with whoever they’re conversing with before the Tier 4 or 5 turns back to me again and says, “The admiral will be bringing in the Eternal in a minute, Sir Leon.”

My eye twitches at the different title.

Guess that settles it. They just don’t know what to call me.

“Just call me either Sir Leon or Sir Vetra,” I tell the man, sick of being called something different with each sentence.

The man bows at that before turning back and reentering his small skiff with the other Vampires next to him.

But just what are the Vampires here for anyways?

I frown at that and turn to the captain to say, “Make sure you treat them the same you would a delegate of an Angelic Race’s Empire.”

The man seems rather irritated with my order but salutes me and answers, “Yes, sir!” anyways. He then walks away and starts furiously shouting orders to the soldiers.

My frown deepens even further as I hear the clear as day anger in his voice, but I ignore it to focus on the Vampires again.

The Angelic Race’s discrimination against the Demonic Races is really getting both old and annoying at this point. I wish they would just cut it out. Because all it’s causing is more and more problems for me.

I hope the captain doesn’t try anything behind my back.

My thoughts are interrupted by a pulse of energy coming from the direction of the dungeon. But when I turn around to look at it, I find it already fading away again.

What now?



“Huh…” I mutter while staring at the hybrid of a snake and a wolf that’s walking around the territory I have in the void with its forked tongue hanging out of its mouth as if it hadn’t just released a powerful pulse of void energy that somehow went into Midgard and out of the dungeon. “Who would’ve guessed that I just had to use more mana to fix the problem.”

Although that took way too much mana. I mean, what monster takes up almost my entire mana reserve just to spawn one of them?

“Well, pure quantity does seem to solve a lot of problems,” Dawn suddenly interjects, apparently having turned her attention to the creature that the System has yet to name.

Wait a second. I almost forgot that the void seems to be a little unlinked with the System.

While the System does have an influence in it, it doesn’t have even half the influence it has on Midgard.

Then again, most of the time I end up naming the monsters anyways.

But what to call this thing…

Looking over its scale-covered canine body, its forked tongue, and the black mist coating its scales, I eventually settle on a name for the species.

“Let’s call it a Sernine,” I state, causing the notification of the creature being named to appear right afterwards.

After that, I sense Dawn glancing at me with a feeling of confusion flowing through our bond. So I answer her unasked question, “I just combined serpent and canine and that’s what I got.”

She just stares at me.

Yeah, so I could’ve done better on naming this one. So what?


“Do you think the creature’s mana cost has something to do with it being a pure mana creature?” I ask Dawn out of curiosity while staring at the creature that’s still wandering around the void territory I currently have in my dungeon.

I also noticed that the creature didn’t take up a mana infused monster slot, so that means that I can have as many of them on any floor as I want. Or at least, as many as I can afford mana wise. Considering their enormous mana price.

Dawn seems to snap out of her judgmental stare as she answers, “Yeah. After all, aside from the problem itself that needed mana to solve it, a pure mana creature is made of mana whereas a mana infused monster only has certain parts of it that are made of mana. So it makes sense that it would cost a lot more mana to make one.”

Yeah, I guess that makes sense. It’ll be a pain to get more of them though. Just spawning one costs the same amount of mana as making an entire instance of the dungeon.

Which feels a little extreme, but whatever.

Anyways, based on my pattern design, the creature should have the magical powers of the void serpents – which usually have powerful magic but a weak body – and the physical capabilities of a regular direwolf. But at the same time, I should spend some time testing it out.

First though…

“How am I going to deal with that pulse of energy…?” I mutter to myself before glancing at the entrance of my dungeon where I notice some intruders entering with confusion clearly shown on their body language.

Because I would really rather not have a pulse of energy leaving my dungeon every time I spawn one.

Dawn answers my question despite me not actually asking it to her, “I don’t think there’s much you can do about that right now.”

Hmm. Well, I probably won’t be spawning many of them anyways.

Not considering their enormous mana price.

Well, time to test it out.


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