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I hurriedly try to trap it within the blizzard using the ice element of my body near it, but the golem simply uses its spatial magic to speed up again straight through the ice and into Sapphire’s startled body. And just like with the last time Sapphire died, I feel an overwhelming rage begin to take over me. However, unlike last time, I stay lucid just enough to notice the lack of any death notification.

Clinging onto the slightest hope that she didn’t die, I focus on the area as the smoke and dust of the Centurion Boss’s attack settles just to feel all of my anger fade away.


Before I can even register the sudden turn of events, a notification appears on my interface.

As if on instinct, I somehow form two large floating eyes out of ice element that make me able to see regularly again so that I can stare at the strange sphere of blue and white energy surrounding Sapphire.

She’s changing as well?

I hope she doesn’t change mentally as well.

But at least she’s safe for the time being, so…

I focus my gaze on the Centurion Boss again, who seems to be testing the barrier by tapping it a few times.


Yeah, sorry you feel that way, but I prefer it this way. After all, I think Sapphire looks fine the way she is. Not as a pancake.

I can’t help but feel a little excited as I gather an enormous chunk of the ice element on the outskirts of the blizzard before forming it into an enormous spear of eternal ice, mixed in just slightly with the new element which makes it take on a very faint white glow. The golem seems to notice my actions though, so I quickly control the ice element around it in an attempt to keep it contained for a few more seconds as I finish up with the spear.

“ELEMENTAL SHIFTER!!!” The creature growls out in clear hatred while straining against my ice and beginning to crack it, but I ignore it.

My floating eyes narrow as a faint, purple ethereal glow begins to surround the golem, but it’s too late by this point. I finish the spear and send it flying straight towards the golem while using the ice element in the blizzard between it and us as a booster to speed it up and empower it even further.

“Come ooooon!!!!!” I shout somehow, my voice echoing throughout the blizzard right before the spear pierces through the golem’s gut, where the cracks from my previous attacks were.

“ENOUGH!!!!” The Centurion Boss’s voice echoes much louder than my own throughout the area as the spear comes to a halt about seventy percent of the way through its body. It’s then sent flying back out of its body, just barely missing where my floating eyes are located.

Seriously?! It’s still hanging on?!

A sudden wave of exhaustion flows through my from the exertion of that attack and I feel myself slowly returning to my body, albeit with some oddities in its form that I ignore for the moment to focus on the boss. I grab another stamina potion from my inventory before downing it and using my wings to fly up into the air while ignoring the notifications that are appearing in the corner of my interface.

Once I reach eye level with the Centurion Boss that at some point during my transformation must have fallen to its knees, I directly meet its eyes, just to cough out a mouthful of blood from overusing stamina potions.

The creature smirks – which I didn’t even realize was possible with it being a golem and all – before muttering in a much quieter tone, “You fought much better than I had expected.”

I glance at Sapphire, who is still in her little sphere before returning my gaze to the creature as it glances behind me and adds, “Who would’ve thought that you’d turn out to be a reaper…”

My eyes widen just ever so slightly at that and I turn to look behind me to find two wings attached to my back. Both of them are flapping as if on instinct, keeping me in the air. And it’s only just now that I realize that I’m even flying.

What’s more is that there are two strange cones floating above my shoulders.

Also, the blizzard around us is completely gone, leaving us both in a completely frozen meadow with snow all over the ground and a large temple far in the distance.

Before I can say anything or even take a moment to look at the notifications for an answer, I cough out another mouthful of blood and can’t help but lower slightly in elevation as the Centurion Boss continues speaking, “At this raaa-a-a-” the golem’s voice stutters out as if it were a broken machine repeating the same tone before continuing again, “-ate, we’ll both finish each other off…”

I glance at Sapphire’s sphere again before narrowing my eyes on the boss.

If I’m going to die right now anyways, then maybe I should go ahead and cut my link with her after finishing the boss… then she’d be able to survive without me.

I take in a deep breath and release it again.

Guess that’s the plan.

I straighten up, ignoring all of the pain in my body that is lacking any eternal ice element, or whatever my element is now at the moment to heal before rushing forwards toward the Centurion Boss’s gut, where the hole in it is. Meanwhile, the boss itself slowly raises its right arm that quickly gets coated in spatial element before pulling it back and punching out at me.

Just need to get inside of its body and I should be able to finish it…

The monster’s fist approaches me, but it does so just barely too slow, and I get my hand inside of its body to control the eternal ice element inside of it to go haywire and tear up its insides.

“I *cough* win…” I mutter with a smile before closing my eyes in anticipation of the fist that’s still approaching me despite the monster’s upcoming demise.

However, not even a second later, a loud shattering sound echoes throughout the otherwise silent meadow. Then, following immediately after that, I hear a grunt, a loud crash, and then… a young voice?

“No one hurts papa!”

Then everything goes dark.


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As long as it’s not one of those kid in love with parent things then this is a fine direction ig


I hate that trope, so don't worry. She thinks of him as her father, which he basically is since he's the one who hatched her with the egg and his element.