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“The mayor of Rockfall, the Drezar town closest to the border between us and their nation, has arrived to negotiate a trade deal to further on our last agreement with them,” Aidan states with an undertone that clearly shows his opinion on said mayor.

Which isn’t very high.

Then again, I don’t think anyone here got a good impression of the man the last time he visited. Especially considering how he tried to strongarm our trade routes with the kingdom. Which obviously didn’t work out very well for him.

And why the hell did a Knight think he could strongarm a Lord’s trade anyways?

I shake my head at the thought before glancing at the city from my place on the edge of the balcony of my manor.

At least he wasn’t stupid enough to try strongarming the King.

“Let Rose deal with him,” I state with a sigh, deciding to just push the job onto her.

Aidan winces at that before letting out a relieved sigh of his own.

Is he happy with that arrangement or upset?

I narrow my eyes at the thought before shrugging.

Probably happy that he doesn’t have to deal with him but feels bad for Rose. Or something like that.

“On to the next matter of-” Aidan continues, just to be cut off by the sound of the alarm being set off from the direction of the port.

Shit. What is it?

I jump down from the balcony, ignoring the stunned looking Aidan behind me to rush over towards the gate before jumping onto it and looking out towards the North. The first thing I find is the sight of two groups of soldiers rushing over here from the direction of the port city that’s still in construction.

“Vampires!” I barely make out one of the soldiers shouting towards the other soldiers manning the gate both on the ground and on the walls.

Vampires? The hell?

I jump down from the gate and rush over to them, startling them for a moment before one of the soldiers – an Orc that I actually recognize as being one of Lord Xurek’s men – shouts towards me, “There are five battleships armed by Vampires attempting to dock at the port!!!”

My eyes widen in shock, but I quickly ask, “Did you find out what they want?”

“No.” Another soldier from their group – a Human this time – shakes his head and answers, “We were ordered to rush here and inform you and the city of their arrival first.”

Hmm, if that’s the case…

The Vampires as a species are generally the most withdrawn of the Demonic Races. But at the same time, they are one of the stronger Demonic Races. The species is also one of the few sapient species who feed solely on the blood of other creatures – both sapient and non-sapient.

“I doubt they’re here to fight,” I mutter before looking in the direction of the unfinished port city.

Not only have they not declared war, but plenty of Vampires have already visited Wolfdenn over the years. Not to mention the two I know have been standing guard at the dungeon for some reason.

Although I wouldn’t have realized they were there if it wasn’t for them showing themselves to me once to deliver a message from Fenrir.

“Sir?” one of the soldiers asks, but I just shake my head and order them, “Warn the men at the gate before returning to the port city. I’m going to go meet with the Vampires now.”

The soldiers give me a salute meant for Knights and rush off towards Wolfdenn. Meanwhile, I begin sprinting towards the unfinished port city where I end up finding the five ships just sitting off the side of the port, undocked. Each of the ships is at least one hundred and fifty meters, which is actually a tad small for a battleship, but one of them is about two hundred and fifty meters in length – signifying it as the flagship.

I rush through the still-wall-less city, ignoring the soldiers running about until I reach the end of the port, where I find several dozen soldiers armed with crossbows looking out at a small ship docked at the port with several Vampires standing on the dock next to it.

“Declare your business,” I hear the captain of the soldiers shout at the Vampires, so I stop running for a moment to listen.

One of the Vampires – who I quickly realize is a higher Tier than myself – answers with a shout of his own, “We’re here to meet with Sir Vetra! Please allow us entry into the nation to speak with him!”

The Vampire in question has short pale white hair with equally pale skin, two sharp fangs sticking out of his mouth and a rather sharp looking face – one similar to elves. He’s wearing a set of black and white metal armor, with a sword strapped to his waist.

“You want us to let-” the captain begins but I cut him off before the Human can say anything discriminating against the Vampires by shouting, “I’m here. What do you want?”

The captain turns to me with surprise, only to quickly give me a salute and shout, “Sir Vetra!”

I wave him off without taking my eyes off of the Vampires who also seem surprised at my being here.

If I’m right, then this Vampire must be Tier 4 or 5. Either the higher end of Tier 4 or early Tier 5. And if he’s the one acting as a delegate for those forces, then I wouldn’t be surprised if the leader of their party were Tier 6.

But why are they here? Is it for the dungeon?

If that’s the case, then why are these Vampires so interested in a particular dungeon? Could it be the dungeon’s strange element?

The Vampire leading the delegation gives me a short bow before answering my question, “Greetings, Sir Vetra. I am a delegate from the forces behind me, who belong to the Dark Prince of the Empire of Eternal Night, Adalbern Everhart.”

My eyes widen at the force behind these people.

And that just adds on even more questions to my already lengthy list…


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