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Of course, it turned out that the item that I thought would be useful ended up not actually being something I can use. Or to be more specific, not something I’d ever want to use. Not with the price of using it.

I shiver at the thought before putting it out of my mind and looking around at the gathered Competitors, only for my gaze to focus on a four of them in particular. Ones that I sense emitting a very small amount of ice element from their bodies.


When I identify them, I find that each of them are arctic lycanthropes. But not a single one of them looks unhappy with their species, so I guess I might as well not bother them.

I am a little surprised that so many of them survived up till now, but then again, the change does come with a lot of perks. It’s just that the main downside is that I can order them to do whatever I want, and they can’t say no.

But at the same time, I don’t really like the idea of taking away someone’s free will. Unless they’re someone who actually deserves it that is.

Like that fire ability use that got me turned into a lycanthrope in the first place whose name I can’t actually remember.

I furrow my brows at that thought

What was his name again?

After staring at the ground for a few seconds while trying to remember it, I shake my head and look up again.

It doesn’t really matter.

Anyways, now would be a good time to warn these people.

I stand up from my throne while letting it fade away in the process before clapping my hands once, making a loud noise akin to an explosion echo throughout the square, catching each and every Competitor’s attention.

“Hello everyone! As many of you know, my name is Wolf and I go by the title The Winter Wolf.” I state while crossing my arms and looking around as the many conversations come to a halt. “I thought that it would only be fair to warn you all so that we could avoid cases like theirs,” I pause at this to nod towards one of the four arctic lycanthropes who seems to cower slightly at my attention, “but I will be…”

My words trail off as I notice the immortal chick slowly floating down from the sky and landing in front of me.

I almost immediately look down, just to find Sapphire already chasing having jumped down from my lap to chase after the chick.

Several seconds pass during which we all watch this happen, with several of the Competitors laughing in the process, before I eventually look up again and continue speaking as if nothing was happening, “I will be creating an army of arctic lycanthropes to fight off a centurion boss with me.”

This statement breaks their attention back away from the spider and chicken drama towards me again as many whispered conversations begin to break out through the square.

“I will of course be ordering the arctic lycanthropes to leave you alone as long as you don’t attack or threaten them first, and to not turn other creatures while I am still on the floor, but I thought it would only be fair to warn you all of this,” I finish my declaration with a nod before I begin to walk towards Sapphire.

“Just what is it about that chick that has you-” I begin muttering to Sapphire, only to cut off as the stupid chick begins rapidly flapping its wings while floating up towards me – obviously not due to its flapping, considering the unnaturalness of the floating – before landing on my head. And making Sapphire climb up my side after it. “Damnit, Sapphire! How many times do I have to tell you not to do this!”

It’s gotten to the point that there are freaking clips out on the forums just of different times this happened!

I can’t help but hear a few of the Competitors chuckle around us, making me instantly turn to look at each of them while turning into my hunter form in the hopes that it’ll intimidate them.

And it works rather well considering how the ones that I glare at immediately turn tail and run out of the square.

Which is rather amusing to see in and of itself.

At least, until the chick lands on my muzzle and begins blocking my eyes.

“Get off!” I growl out at the stupid chick while reaching for it again, just for my hands to go through it. The creature then turns around and looks directly into my eyes and lets out a chirp. It then jumps off and begins floating away out of the square.

I quickly catch Sapphire as she tries to chase after it before pulling her to my face and growling out, “Behave.”

Sapphire finally begins to calm down with a slightly sulky look on her spider-like face – which does indicate more towards her still-growing intelligence, not including the moments the chick appears – while she moves over to the pocket of my coat and crawls in just like she usually does while sulking.

Is this what it’s like to raise a kid?

Just one with eight legs, eight eyes, and eats monsters for all three meals every day?

Another laugh catches my attention and I jerk my head up to find Crystal giggling while pointing at me. And when I narrow my eyes at her, it just for some reason makes her laugh even harder.

I swear, I’m going to give The Reaper a piece of my mind for creatine these immortal mascots…

Right as I’m about to start walking towards the edge of the square, a thought comes to mind, and my eyes widen in horror.

What if someone else opens a Pandora’s Box and gets another one of these horrible creatures?!

Just for me to realize that even if that does happen, the creature will still be about a dozen or so floors beneath me. Most likely.

So it won’t be likely for me to run into it. And that’s even assuming it would happen in the first place.

With that thought in mind, I nod to myself before leaving the square, and the Competitors who seem both amused and afraid of me at the same time.


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This chapter didn't even end on a cliffhanger and I'm still hungry for more

Frank Burgos

Did Wolf ever trade that bow he got?