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                                                               Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 4


Congratulations! You have unlocked Tier 3!

At any point in time, you may select the + in your status and raise your level to 21, officially becoming Tier 3.

Doing so will instantly transform your body, increasing all of your stats by 50% of their current value and bringing you to your top physical form.

Additionally, all stat increases from leveling up here on out will now be double what they were at Tier 2.


I quickly dismiss the note with a wave of my hand before opening my status.


Name: Cassandra de Luna

Species: Embodiment of Wrath +

Level: 20

Class: Bringer of Wrath

EXP: 49259

Talent/s: True Body, Attuned(46%)

PHYS: STR – 22.05, DEX – 14.1, RES – 13.5

MENTAL: INT – 9.75, WIS – 12.75, MP – 120



Without a hint of hesitation, I click on the plus, following which all of the feeling in my body vanishes and I fall flat on my face as another note appears in my vision.


You are now Tier 3.

STR – 22.05 -> 33.075

DEX – 14.1 -> 21.15

RES – 13.5 -> 20.25

INT – 9.75 -> 14.625

WIS – 12.75 -> 19.125

MP – 120 -> 180

From now on, all level-ups will increase your stats twice as much as they did in Tier 2.

Congratulations on ascending the ladder of life.


Oh. I forgot about this part.

Good thing there aren’t any monsters anywhere near me. Unless there’s some monster in the tunnels that I for some reason can’t sense with my aura, which I highly doubt.

As I’m lying face-first in the dirt, I begin to hear crackling noises, similar to lightning before I notice some red and black lightning burning the ground under my masked face.

Huh. I don’t remember that happening during the last advancement.

But then again, I was kind of dying when I advanced last time. It’s a bigger increase in strength for me than the last one. So it makes sense that it would be different.

What feels like several minutes pass with the only noises being that of the Wrath lightning crackling around me and the other noises of unnatural cracking noises coming from my body seemingly shifting for some reason until eventually the sound begins to fade away. Then, after the noises finally cease, I fully regain my feeling again and slowly push myself back to a sitting position.

Just for another System note to appear in my vision. A red one with very strange letters this time.


As a Tier 3 Embodiment of Wrath, you now begin to unconsciously emit Wrath energy generated within your body.

This Wrath energy can be saved inside of your heart without affecting your mindset, however it takes training to learn how to keep it within your body instead of just leaking out to affect those around you.


I stare at the note as the contents of it register in my mind.

That’s… both good and bad, I guess?

Good because that’ll help improve my combat abilities.

Bad because until I can control…

I look down after the note vanishes to see a very faint mist of Wrath energy leaving my skin. One so thin that I can just barely see it.

Which likely means that no one else can see it. Not without some sort of energy vision that lets them see pure energy at this small a concentration at least.

…this is going to be a problem.

I really don’t want to go everywhere driving everyone around me mad just because I’m, well, there.

Several seconds pass in silence before I shake my head and climb to my feet. I then look around before raising my fist in front of my face and clenching it and unclenching it a few times.

Let’s see just how big a boost this advancement really was…

I turn my gaze to the wall of the tunnel – one that I could only punch through up till my elbow before – and punch straight at it, literally causing cracks to form all over the wall around it. The cracks then begin to grow more and more before the wall shatters and reveals another tunnel right behind it.

My eyebrows raise in surprise at the sight of it, but I get over it quickly and make my way through the hole in the wall.

Is this another tunnel? Because if that’s the case, then it might be a good idea to search through it for another Tier 3 monster.

One that I should be able to fight without anywhere near as much trouble now.

But first, I should level up a couple of my skills. Because I need some higher leveled skills right now, considering that I can’t level up for a while.

A grimace spreads across my face as I think about the atrocious amount of EXP that is required to reach level 21.

I really miss back when it took just like 100 or so EXP to level up. That was so much nicer than a single level costing over ninety thousand EXP.

But at the same time, the EXP to level up in a Tier is meant more for people who are fighting with creatures of their own Tier. And I’ve only ever killed one Tier 3 monster before, so…

Although even then, it’d take me killing several hundred Tier 3 monsters just for a single level’s worth of EXP. Considering that one level 21 monster would give me 126 EXP if I were to kill it right now.

I slump slightly at the thought.

Now I finally truly understand why Leo mentioned that Tier 4s and above are so rare in the other planes.

Getting stronger just gets exponentially harder as I climb the ‘ladder of life’ as the System calls it.

I shake my head again before opening my skills note.


Racial Skills:

The Calling of Wrath: Expand Level 2/5 +

Claws of Wrath: Expand Level 2/10 +

Fangs of Wrath: Expand Level 2/10 +

Class Skills:

Siphon: Expand Level 9/30 +

Wrath Infusion: Expand Level 9/30 +

Wrath Shock: Expand Level 9/30 +

Wrathful Aura: Expand Level 9/30 +

Temporary Skills:



I stare at the note for several seconds, just contemplating which skills to level up if I should level any before eventually deciding on both Fangs and Claws of Wrath. Mostly because they’ve lagged behind a little bit.

And because The Calling of Wrath costs 500,000 EXP to level up to level 3. Which is a bit much.

All the two skills got when they reached level 2 was a slight improvement in their efficiency, so I’m hoping that they’ll get something better when reaching level 3.

And if they don’t?

Then I will at least have an improvement to those skills. Which is always a plus.

With that thought in mind, I quickly allocate my EXP to Claws of Wrath.


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Good chappy, hopefully Cass can spend a couple days/ weeks in the dungeon to control the mist