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Huh. So we did guess it right.

Wait a second. Wouldn’t he be incredibly powerful if he is the god of blood? Since blood is the lifeforce of most living things?

Except for me of course.

The two Vampires bow towards my core again before turning around and making their way out of my dungeon.

“Looks like you were right,” I tell Dawn before focusing on two new beings that enter my dungeon not even five seconds after the Vampires leave. These beings are just like the Vampires in that if I wasn’t looking directly at them the Vampires while they were leaving, I wouldn’t have even noticed them as they entered. But they look completely different from them.

Whereas the Vampires just looked very similar to an Elf, just with very pale skin, fangs, and red eyes, these two beings look like they’d be more at home in the ocean. Not that I’ve ever seen an ocean that is.

They both have the heads of some sort of creature that my instincts is telling me is a shark, with several fins on their arms, legs, neck and one large one on their back. They have talon-like claws at the ends of their fingers, and what must be hundreds of sharp teeth filling their mouths.

And when I identify the pale-blue-skinned creatures, I find out that their species is called Shark-kin.

Wait a second… why do my instincts not include the name of sapient creatures? Why do I only know the names of non-sapient ones?

Certainly a question to ask Dawn later. But for now…

“Greetings, Dungeon Core Fenrir,” both of the two Shark-kin state with a bow, mirroring how the two Vampires were acting. “We come bearing a gift from the God of the Oceans, Leviathan.”

Right after speaking, a large box appears seemingly out of nowhere in front of the two Shark-kin. They both then stop bowing and step forwards before grabbing and opening the chest, revealing a strange creature that immediately jumps out of the box, only to be caught by the neck by one of the Shark-kin.

The creature is obviously of the void element considering its pitch black eyes, but it’s also quite a bit different from any other monster I’ve ever seen. It has the overall shape of something called a tiger, with pitch black fur and strange-looking tentacles growing out of its body. Additionally, the tentacles seem to be letting off sparks of black electricity between the tips of each tentacle.

“This creature is called a Tigral, and it’s one of the rarer species of monsters even within the void,” the male Shark-kin holding onto the panicking creature’s neck says before crushing its neck, making the information of the monster’s pattern enter my mind almost immediately. “And it is the Divine One’s gift to you.”

The two Shark-kin then bow towards me again before vanishing in a splash of water.

I stare at where they were both just standing for several seconds until another visitor just suddenly teleports into the dungeon. Although this one I recognize as the City Lord’s sister. The annoying Princess.

“Did two Shark-kin just enter the dungeon by chance?” she asks in a rush while looking towards the chest that the Shark-kin pulled out, with the corpse of the Tigral already having vanished.

“Yeah, but they’re gone,” I mutter to her, feeling a little… odd… due to the situation.

The Elven Princess swears before vanishing again, leaving my dungeon once again in silence for several minutes. Or at least, that instance of it. Considering how the other instances are still filled with intruders. One of which just died.

Eventually though, the silence is broken by Dawn muttering, “Does no one use the entrance anymore?”

My core flashes slightly in my agreement as I mutter in response, “Apparently not.”

I wonder if there’s anything I can do to stop people from doing that? Because it doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence knowing that there are people strong enough to just teleport into my dungeon’s core room and then teleport out.

Wait, maybe having my core room being in the void would… actually, until the majority of my dungeon is in the void that would be a bad idea. What with all of the monsters roaming the void.

Not a very good idea to just have my core lying around for anything to find.

Either way, I turn my attention back away from the entrance and the topic of these teleporting guests to instead focus on the twelfth floor. Or rather, the end of the eleventh floor where I start making the staircase to the twelfth floor.


The Ancient Underwater Temple beneath the Capital of the Undersea Empire

“Oh, really? So that old vamp has already found and made contact with the wolf’s chosen successor?” Leviathan mutters with a chuckle after hearing the report from the Shark-kin in front of him – the very same Shark-kin that had made contact and met with Fenrir.

“Yes, great Divine One,” the female of the two Shark-kin says with her head bowed in reverence.

“And what of the dungeon?” Leviathan asks narrowing his enormous, serpentine eyes slightly. “How would you compare him to the old Fenrir?”

The male of the two answers this time as whispers run throughout the chamber they’re in, “The Dungeon Core seemed similar to the God of the Void from the very limited interaction we have had with it, however, from what the Vampires have told us about their own interactions, I believe that it is safe to say that the Dungeon Core takes after the previous God of the Void as a son would a father.”

A wave of joyous laughter echoes through the underground chamber from the Tier 10 being before he says, “A Dungeon Core as his son of sorts! Priceless! You really had to go out in just the same explosive manner as you lived, my old friend!”

The enormous serpent then focuses on the two Tier 8 Shark-kin before declaring, “Join Nosferatu’s Vampires in protecting Fenrir. But only protect him from those at a higher tier than himself. More specifically, from the subordinates of other Gods.”

He then looks around at the various different gathered aquatic species and adds with a hint of amusement, “After all, I wouldn’t want to baby the little core.”


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haha, I swear all these gods just want to see what chaos he will create. Also why in every book powerful people always seem to have forgotten how to knock.


Because they don’t need to knock? I mean, knocking is basically just being meaninglessly polite, and when you’re that powerful, you don’t really need to do that.