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                                                         Year 820 | Month 3 | Day 4

I roll to the side as the spider charges me, just barely missing me in the process. It then tries to turn around but trips a little bit thanks to its missing limbs.

I use this chance to get beneath it and drag my claws across its belly, just for my claws to not even pierce its carapace.

“Seriously?!” I exclaim while quickly rolling out of the way of one of its legs that pierces straight into the ground where I was just at.

The creature lets out what sounds like an annoyed screech before trying over and over again to run me through with its legs, but I continue dodging out of the way until my eyes eventually settle on its burns.

Most of them are located on its front, with two massive areas missing any carapace where its legs used to be.

The question though is how am I going to attack it from the front…

At that thought, I pull all the Wrath I can from the creature to get out from under it before shooting a bolt of Wrath lightning at it as a distraction. The creature lets out a short screech as my lightning turns a very, very small portion of its carapace to ash at the bottom of its abdomen.

Shit, just how strong is this creature anyways?

Then the creature does something rather confusing.

Instead of chasing after me right away, it turns its head back and forth while the fur across its body noticeably vibrates.

Okay, what is it doing?

I narrow my eyes at its body, looking to see if there’s anything I missed about it, just to realize that its eyes look different from when I first saw them. Although it’s kind of difficult to tell, considering that they’re basically pure black beads.

But if I’m not mistaken, the eyes look paler than before.

Could it have been blinded by my breath attack…?

I take a step forwards, and it immediately turns its head towards me and begins rushing in my direction.

Interesting. Guess it is blind now.

I reach down to grab one of the stones that fell down from the wall where the spider hit it before tossing it in the opposite direction, where it hits the ground and brings the spider’s attention towards it. After that, I create another bolt of Wrath lightning and send it flying straight at the spider’s missing right leg, making it burn straight into the leg as the spider lets out an incredibly loud screech.

The grin that had vanished earlier once my claws first struck its carapace reemerges on my face and I send off another bolt of Wrath lightning at it, but it blocks this one with another leg.

If I can just get over to its missing limbs, then I just might be able to dig into its body myself. After all, it’s big enough for me to fit.

However, right as I start planning how to do that, it suddenly starts waving the two limbs next to the missing ones like crazy in front of it, making it extremely difficult to get close to it.

I narrow my eyes at it again before deciding to calm it down a bit by using both Wrath Infusion and Siphon on it to drain all of its Wrath. Just to find that it might take some time before it’s calm enough to stop. And it’s starting to move forwards while sweeping its clawed legs back and forth.

I back up slowly so as to not make any sound while still draining it of as much Wrath as I possibly can.

This isn’t so bad. I just have to keep draining it while-

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear a screeching sound coming from behind me, making me turn around to see two smaller spiders tunneling their way through the wall of the tunnel.


As if on cue, the Tier 3 spider starts speeding up towards the smaller spiders.

Oh come on! I don’t sound like a screeching spider!

I hurry up my pace to run straight past the still-digging spiders, letting the large one tear straight through them, cutting them both in half with its legs. But it doesn’t stop there and continues after me, likely due to the noise I’m making while running.

The spider continues to chase me through the hall for what must be several minutes, all the while I continue draining its Wrath. Eventually – after it manages to tear apart quite a few spider corpses that I tossed at it along the way from the ones I had killed before – it starts to slow down, and I begin to get less and less Wrath energy at a time until it runs completely dry and stops moving.

I slowly turn around to see the creature looking around in confusion.

That took way too long. Why is it that the stronger the monster is, the more Wrath energy it has? It’s just bizarre.

Then again, I’ll probably learn why if given enough time.

With that thought in mind, I slowly make my way over to the creature, who is still looking around in confusion, before abruptly jumping straight into the still-bleeding stump that make up its missing limb. This sets the monster off again and I can feel more Wrath energy building up for me to drain.

I ignore the monster as it starts swinging itself around and slamming into the wall to begin digging through it very slowly.

Good thing I have my mask on… it’d probably smell terrible in here otherwise.

As I’m very slowly digging my way through with my claws, because even the inside of the creature is rather durable, I faintly hear the sounds of panicked screeching coming from the outside of its body.

Sorry bud, but this is a matter of you or me. Well, that and the mission objective I’ll probably end up completing by killing you.

Eventually, I reach the point where I feel a major pain in my chest from the lack of oxygen in here. But I continue to ignore it and somehow manage to not black out. Although if I had to bet, I’d say it was because I am constantly digging through a living creature with my life stealing claws.

Not sure how that works though.

Several dozen more seconds pass with me only making it a foot or so with every dozen or so seconds due to the creature’s inherent strength and its constant movements until I eventually find myself stuck at a wall that I quickly find to be the other side of its carapace. But just like with the carapace on the outside of its body, I can’t pierce through it no matter how hard I try.

I narrow my eyes at it, only for my eyes to widen in surprise as the spider finally stops moving and I see the EXP note going off.

Wait, did it just die from blood loss? I didn’t even reach its heart… wherever that is…


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