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                                                                        The Void

The Reaper stares at a screen made up of his own void element in front of him displaying Wolf as he travels along the meadows killing monster after monster for hours. Eventually, he takes his eyes off of the screen and seemingly looks in a random direction before reaching out and clenching his fist. At the same time as his fist clenches, a scream echoes through the void from nearby his cave. He then turns back to the screen again, putting the rapidly vanishing void creature out of his mind as he continues watching Wolf.

‘A harbinger and a reaper; one whose gotten much further in much shorter a time than any of my other descendants,’ The Reaper thinks to himself while alternatively tapping his fingers on his makeshift throne. ‘He might just be the one…’

On the screen, Wolf can be seen talking to Sapphire as she suddenly starts chasing after a small chicken.

The instant The Reaper sees the immortal chicken, he raises an eyebrow and mutters, “Just what did my System do while I was asleep…?” He then shakes his head and begins opening strange menus never-seen-before in the known universe. These menus are black with a flaming border around them, and the content they have include various lines of a language unknown to the universe.

‘Let’s see if I can’t change things up a bit to see if he really is the one…’ The Reaper thinks while the edge of his lip curves just ever so slightly upwards. ‘And if he is, then maybe I can push him towards being ready for Awakening.’

After those thoughts pass through the Ruler of the Void’s mind, he begins to change the strange letters shown on the screen.



Why do I keep running into this chicken? Like, seriously! This has to be the twenty-fifth time I’ve run into it!

I glare at Sapphire while holding her in my arms rather tightly to make sure she doesn’t jump out at the chick.

It’s getting annoying.

However, out of nowhere, the immortal chick suddenly raises its head and lets out… is that a terrified series of chirps? What could possibly…

My thoughts trail off as I turn around to find a large black orb floating in the sky.

That doesn’t look friendly.

As if on cue, a large black notification appears in my vision with some rather terrifying news.

I stare at the notification for several seconds before muttering, “Well, shit.”

Did The Reaper just get bored or something? Or maybe he doesn’t like one of the Competitors?

Actually, no. That can’t be it.

There are beneficial things in those new rules along with the hellish additions.

Right after the notification disappears, a bright green light flashes around me before I find myself standing in the middle of some sort of town square with dozens of other people around me.

I blink in confusion before looking around and recognizing quite a few of the people as fellow Competitors.

Guess this is the conjunction.

Before any of the Competitors can even begin speaking to one another, a large black orb appears at the center of the ‘town square’, above a large water fountain. Not even a second after that, a strange creature exits the orb. It has four black, bat-like wings and three eyes, two of which are red with the center one on its forehead being pitch black.

Aside from that, it also seems to have a layer of thin black scales covering its body and is for some reason wearing a tuxedo.

A certain vampire from Arcadian Live comes to mind.

What is it with these races from other worlds wearing tuxedos?

“Welcome residents of the universal plane,” the creature says while looking down at us as if we were ants. “The Reaper has decided to make some changes to the Administrator Dungeon. However, this will be a one-time thing as he has declared that he will never meddle with the Administrator Dungeon again.”

Whispers quickly begin to break out amongst the Competitors, and as they’re talking amongst themselves, I take the time to look for Crystal or Ariana.

“If you have any questions about the new changes or this conjunction, then you may ask the System out right,” the creature continues, attracting my attention back to it again before it begins looking around and seemingly starts staring directly at me. “Remember. The Reaper is watching.”

It then vanishes without a trace along with the black orb.

I stare blankly at where it was just floating.

Did it… did it mean that The Reaper is watching everyone, or did it mean that The Reaper is watching me?

I continue to stare for several more seconds before I realize that a lot of the Competitors around me are staring directly at me.

Uh. This is awkward.


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Table of Contents

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1) Every seven days, a conjuncture will occur, bringing all of the   Competitors of the dungeon to a common area where they may stay for three   hours before being automatically teleported back to the location they were   before arriving at the conjunction.

1a) Combat is banned within the   conjuncture unless an official duel is sanctioned. The System will   automatically protect anyone who is on the verge of death in the conjunction   and punish those who attempt to kill.

1b) Trading is allowed within the conjuncture,   and Competitors with crafting classes can set up shops in their Portable   Expanded System Store which they can bring with them to the conjuncture to   sell their wares to the other Competitors.

1c) One change to the rules may or may not   occur during every conjuncture that will last until either the end of the   dungeon or when another change removes it.

1d) The livestream may only view the   conjunction square and nowhere else in the conjunction.

2) Event Boss spawns are now more common throughout the Administrator   Dungeon.

3) Pandora’s Boxes are now more common throughout the Administrator   Dungeon.

4) There is now a secret exit hidden within every floor except for   Boss and Special Boss floors where the Competitor may leave the floor without   fighting or navigating around a Mini Boss.

5) Event Bosses may now attack and kill Mini Bosses and Bosses.

5a) If an Event Boss kills a Boss, then a single Competitor may   use that Boss’s guarded exit before it seals itself.

6) Centurion Boss floors now have a time limit in the floor. If the   time limit were to expire, then the large black orb located above the floor   will begin to show the closest Centurion Boss to you your location where it   will then begin to hunt you down.

7) New Special Floors have been added to the Administrator Dungeon.



I feel like a crack addict... Can't get enough of this story... Lol


Mettle -> Meddle; unless I'm missing something anyway.